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Clamping And Heat


Clamping And Heat

Anyone have anything positive or negative to say about clamping and using FIR heat? If there is no blood flow with the clamp, maybe it is not worth it.



12/31/17 BPEL= 6.25 MEG = 5.00 , 08/24/22 BPEL= 6.875 MEG = 5.125, 01/16/23 BPEL= 7.0 MEG = 5.25, 01/08/24 BPEL= 7.125 MEG = 5.25

06/12/24 BPEL= 7.25 Meg = 5.50 <---- Goals Reached

Next Goal ---> BPEL = 7.5 Meg = 5.75

I tried heated clamp for a period, probably about nine months in total. I use FIR heating pad. Got about 3mm of gain but that gradually went away when I stopped. Would need to look back at my notes for accuracy but I think that is roughly right.

I do most of my PE while working from home and prefer methods that need less attention. I gradually got put off clamping for this reason so I stopped it.

Is there any reason you would not use the NIR + RED pad?

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Originally Posted by scienceguy
I tried heated clamp for a period, probably about nine months in total. I use FIR heating pad. Got about 3mm of gain but that gradually went away when I stopped. Would need to look back at my notes for accuracy but I think that is roughly right.

I do most of my PE while working from home and prefer methods that need less attention. I gradually got put off clamping for this reason so I stopped it.

You did 9 months of clamping without any lasting girth gain? That sounds demoralizing.
Did you find anything else that got you girth gains?

I did it for 5 or 6 weeks. 3x10 mins with heat, then 1x10 mins without heat. Did this 4 times a week from memory. Added 4-5mm. It went down but back to 1-2mm bigger than before.

Same as SG, I just couldn’t be bothered with it long term. Clamping is active PE and it takes a lot of time, effort, and attention. It does feel great tho and the gains are fun while they last. I just don’t have the time to focus on it that long so went back to hanging where I can pretty much not think about it while I do other stuff

Originally Posted by dukeduki
You did 9 months of clamping without any lasting girth gain? That sounds demoralizing.
Did you find anything else that got you girth gains?

Not yet. I struggle to gain girth. I have started pumping now, will see what this brings. I like it better as the stretch can be held for longer and it isn’t as active as clamping, like beefwormer said. I work from home so have plenty of time to do PE

Something else I just remembered that is worth mentioning….

While my MEG only went up a little and went nearly all the way back down eventually, my BEG absolutely skyrocketed while heated clamping and not only didn’t go down after but continued to grow slowly but surely

I’ve tried soft clamping with heat and I definitely felt less soreness. Not sure about effectiveness though.

Originally Posted by Jojo84
I’ve tried soft clamping with heat and I definitely felt less soreness. Not sure about effectiveness though.

I’m trying soft clamping with NIR right now. Seen a small gain (1/8" / 3.2mm), but I’m not sure if it’s permanent.

Okay, what is "soft clamping," and I guess the corollary, then "hard" clamping?

12/31/17 BPEL= 6.25 MEG = 5.00 , 08/24/22 BPEL= 6.875 MEG = 5.125, 01/16/23 BPEL= 7.0 MEG = 5.25, 01/08/24 BPEL= 7.125 MEG = 5.25

06/12/24 BPEL= 7.25 Meg = 5.50 <---- Goals Reached

Next Goal ---> BPEL = 7.5 Meg = 5.75

Originally Posted by Vintage
I’m trying soft clamping with NIR right now. Seen a small gain (1/8" / 3.2mm), but I’m not sure if it’s permanent.

I’ve tried soft clamping by itself and gained .2" in girth over a month.

Originally Posted by Wantmore12
Okay, what is "soft clamping," and I guess the corollary, then "hard" clamping?

Soft clamping is using something like silicone or cock rings and stacking them up while you get hard. Over time, you add more and more over time which adds more pressure.

So it’s like adding stretchable pressure over time as opposed to regular clamping which cuts off a lot of blood flow. Soft clamping maintains most of the blood flow.

Interesting …. do you know of a video that exists … seems kind of counter intuitive (to me). But that’s probably because I’m not visualizing something. lol

12/31/17 BPEL= 6.25 MEG = 5.00 , 08/24/22 BPEL= 6.875 MEG = 5.125, 01/16/23 BPEL= 7.0 MEG = 5.25, 01/08/24 BPEL= 7.125 MEG = 5.25

06/12/24 BPEL= 7.25 Meg = 5.50 <---- Goals Reached

Next Goal ---> BPEL = 7.5 Meg = 5.75


Did you schedule in consistent rest periods during that 9 months of training

Originally Posted by Dracula8

Did you schedule in consistent rest periods during that 9 months of training

Yes. I was doing 5 days on and 2 off. Also every couple of months I would have a 2 or 3 week break.

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