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Clamping and Jelqing, no discoloration

Clamping and Jelqing, no discoloration

Last night I experimented with jelqing while clamping. Usually after a normal clamping session I will have some dark discoloration right about where the clamp was. I believe this was because the blood stopped right there and the cells started to die from lack of oxygen. Usually while just clamping I will also fell some tingling, coldness, and numbness even if I only clamp for 10 minutes or less. Last night I clamped and then started to wet jelq during the clamping session. I started my o.k. grip as close to the clamp as possible and then jelqed like normal. It felt great, like it was causing some great growth. My cock looked great as well, even better than it does when just clamped. The best thing was that there was NO discoloration at all!!! I think this is because the jelq did not allow the blood to settle at the base of my cock where the clamp is. I kept moving the blood up the shaft and it had no time to settle. I kept the blood moving the whole time. After each ten minute clamp and jelq session I did a few jelqs until I was ready for my next set. I did 3 sets of 10 minutes with no discoloration. Afterwards, my schlong looked and felt great. I’m going to keep doing this everyday with 2 days off. I will keep you posted about gains and if there is any discoloration. Guys, try it out and let me know about your results. But, do it only under the disclaimer that you could possiblely hurt yourself. Have fun.

Last edited by siouxfallssd : 07-23-2006 at .

I think you’re asking for trouble, but it’s your dick.

The whole point of both jelqing and clamping is to put the corpora cavernosa under higher than normal pressure. Either one alone will do that. Combining them could lead to a blow out - popped just like a balloon - then where will you be?

I know nothing about this, but this exercise sounds VERY scary, stick with the normal ones to be on the safe side :)

For our demands most moderate are,

We only want the earth.

James Connolly

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