Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing or Clamping

Jelqing or Clamping

I was just wondering:

Don’t you think Jelqing and Clamping are the same thing? I mean, both techniques seem to have the same effect of enlarging the girth of the penis, as well as threshold capacity of blood. Except one makes your hands really sore sometimes. I guess I can say I wonder this because I’ve been getting lazy with the jelqs, and have switched over to clamping instead. Maybe there is a tremendous difference, you can tell me!


I think the trick is to jelq till you get an expanded penis (by say 1/4 inch in circumfrence) and then one your dick is expanded beyond normal dimensions you clamp is for extended periods of time to make that blood which as expanded your wang already continually stretch your wang for longer than if you just jelq and then stop.

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

There is a difference, no doubt between jelqing and clamping but they are close to the same thing. Jelqing is something that I have come to believe is great for all around penile health and can give you length or girth gains depending on how you do it (i.e. wet jelqing, dry jelqing, slow strokes vs fast strokes, erection level, angle of strokes, overhand grip or underhand ok grip, BTB jelqing, etc, etc). Clamping on the other hand is a more advanced excersize that should only really be tried after you have jelqed for a while (a couple months (2-3 IMO)) because you must condition you dick to this stuff first. Believe me in PE there is such a thing as overtraining, just like anything else in life. You need to find the perfect balance between excersize and rest for optimal quickest gains. Clamping is much much more intense if you do it right then jelqing and the veterens here I believe will tell you is the only way for big girth gains, something you can’t do with just jelqing alone. I believe what we call clamping orginionally came from BIB himself when he described the ULI thing and how he did extreme ULI’s. That was the beginning of clamping for Thunder’s Place at least and I have seen many places like Matters Of Size forums influenced by us by mentioning topics that came from here origionally and vise versa actually, although I much prefer the people and talk here. ;)

Hope this helps some…

Originally Posted by jackhumble

I was just wondering:

Don’t you think Jelqing and Clamping are the same thing? I mean, both techniques seem to have the same effect of enlarging the girth of the penis, as well as threshold capacity of blood. Except one makes your hands really sore sometimes. I guess I can say I wonder this because I’ve been getting lazy with the jelqs, and have switched over to clamping instead. Maybe there is a tremendous difference, you can tell me!


There’s no easy way out of jelqing. The techniques are different and one, clamping, is not for new guys (obligatory warning, not necessarily for you jack).

Clamping is trapping blood in a fully erect or nearly erect penis and then getting fully erect with continued stimulation with some added pressure from Kegels. This puts some amount of pressure on the entire tunica and does seem to mostly create girth gains. But it’s mainly a passive exercise.

Jelqing is moving an amount of blood under pressure of your hand toward the end of a partially erect penis stretching out the tunica mainly at the end, but some on the sides as the stroke moves out. This tends to create length and girth gains. As an active exercise it also is the best method of conditioning the penis for advanced moves such as clamping. Newbies should not start out clamping. Jelqing is also a much safer exercise because fresh blood is constantly flowing into the penis.

(In other words, what LoveMachine said. :) )

Jelking - Blood flows, Clamping - blood stagnant.
Jelking - Creates pressure in penis, clamping - creates greater pressure in penis
Jelking - some tension force applied to long axis of penis for possible length benefit, clamping - no.

(in other words, what Westla said).

Horny Bastard

Jelking - some tension force applied to long axis of penis for possible length benefit, clamping - no.

I’ve always wondered if there could be length gains benfits if one were to slowly move the clamp up the shaft like a quarter inch and then hold it there somehow with the same unique pressure that is being felt when you do that. Maybe with another clamp not clamped all the way just to hold the upper clamp in place or maybe just a plain old wrapping material to keep the clamp in place? This would create a different kind of pressure internally inside the outer shaft that would be pushing out both latterly and longitunally for length and girth over time. Hmm.

Originally Posted by LoveMachine
I’ve always wondered if there could be length gains benfits if one were to slowly move the clamp up the shaft like a quarter inch and then hold it there somehow with the same unique pressure that is being felt when you do that. Maybe with another clamp not clamped all the way just to hold the upper clamp in place or maybe just a plain old wrapping material to keep the clamp in place? This would create a different kind of pressure internally inside the outer shaft that would be pushing out both latterly and longitunally for length and girth over time. Hmm.

I believe that there can be made length gains with clamping too. There is pressure at the entire penis, which gives pressure at both the length and circumference, which also means that both length and girth gains could be made. No movement is necessary for this expansion.

Good point Bird2. I still think there might be something to holding that pressure from slowly moving the clamp up the shaft though. ;)

Hmm very interesting. I appreciate all the intelligent responses! So how about what happens to a balloon when you blow it up. We all know that if you blow enough air into a “cylinder” shaped balloon it has no choice but to extend outward until it reaches maximum capacity… But on the other hand say, take a round shaped balloon and blow it up. It expands like a puffer fish until its maximum threshold, which is round. Good thing our dicks arent shaped like blow fish! Or are they? Don’t you wish you could just blow on your thumb and watch your dick grow?

Originally Posted by jackhumble

We all know that if you blow enough air into a “cylinder” shaped balloon it has no choice but to extend outward until it reaches maximum capacity…

Or it explodes. A ruptured tunica is not impossible. Caution is advised when doing anything to an already clamped dick.

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