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Clamping work or illusion

Clamping work or illusion

I read a something that clamping is all illusion that people think it increases size because it just traps blood, I was thinking no Sh! T of course when you take the clamp off it will return to normal size as it was just trapped blood, but clamping stretches the blood chambers correct? Also can clamping and extender be used together, not at same time obviously but will they conflict growth of one another

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They can be used together. Clamping does inflate the CC chambers beyond their current capacity. It is a powerful, but potentially dangerous form of PE. Whether the size increase of the penis is a result of the temporary inflation of the penile chambers, or growth is a result of cellular mitosis in tissue adjacent to the clamps themselves is up for debate. Maybe a little of both? I can’t say. I just know it works. Results are indeed permanent after time.

Originally Posted by raybbaby

They can be used together. Clamping does inflate the CC chambers beyond their current capacity. It is a powerful, but potentially dangerous form of PE. Whether the size increase of the penis is a result of the temporary inflation of the penile chambers, or growth is a result of cellular mitosis in tissue adjacent to the clamps themselves is up for debate. Maybe a little of both? I can’t say. I just know it works. Results are indeed permanent after time.


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