Thunder's Place

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Co-signers of the Anti Clamping movement


Co-signers of the Anti Clamping movement

If you are anti-clamping or would say don’t even consider clamping unless you are a true PE vet. Co-sign here with a +1.

This is not a thread to defend clamping, only for those that don’t recommend it to others. This is a thread to let others know that clamping is not the only way to get girth.

My own experience: When I came here a year ago I thought clamping was the only way to gain girth, there is so much more out there, and much safer but I did not know about it and I have read approximately 200 hrs of posts about everything PE. I will admit that I did ULI#3 (just hands) for months and had no issues. I still recommend it for those after 6 months of PE to try out. I won’t get into how to gain girth as there are many posts on that. I just wanted to make a thread of members who are anti-clamping and recommend other PE exercises.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

I’m not defending clamping, but it’s broken new ground for me. It’s been an amazing addition to my routine.

I definitely Do Not recommend it to newbies or anyone that hasn’t explored other ways of expansion.

It’s on the hardcore, risky end of the spectrum and it feels great.

Originally Posted by Brawndo

I’m not defending clamping, but it’s broken new ground for me. It’s been an amazing addition to my routine.

I definitely Do Not recommend it to newbies or anyone that hasn’t explored other ways of expansion.

It’s on the hardcore, risky end of the spectrum and it feels great.

Yeah - same here. It’s the quickest, easiest (and cheapest) way of gaining girth, imo… I’d tried jelquing, pumping, water-pumping, the 5x5x3 method etc. - none gave anywhere near the results that clamping has though. I don’t think you need to have had years of PE experience either… I started after 2 years and have had no problems at all. 🤷‍♂️💪

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.6" MSEG 5.7"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Not a cosigner. I use clamps, I recently broke a couple in the past couple weeks (the end tooth just pops and worthless). There is not a more satisfying fullness than a clamp, and I do bends during. Don’t recommend for newbs.

Start of serious PE (2/7/21): NBPEL 6.25", MSEG 5.75"

(4/4/21): NBPEL 6.5", MESG 5.8"

PE methods: Extender, hanging, jelq, clamping, pumping

Originally Posted by athmetalman

Not a cosigner. I use clamps, I recently broke a couple in the past couple weeks (the end tooth just pops and worthless). There is not a more satisfying fullness than a clamp, and I do bends during. Don’t recommend for newbs.

Amen… clamping brothers unite!! 💪

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.6" MSEG 5.7"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

The issue I see (more prevalently at the GettingBigger sub-reddit) is that younger folk & newbies are not acquainted with the realization that Clamping is in-fact an advanced technique, best explored by seasoned veterans who have a penis conditioned after many months (if not years) to undergo this level of "stress." As to its effectiveness, I’m sure that varies person to person but that’s not the point of this thread.

Since the question put forward by the OP makes an exception for "true PE vets," then I would agree that this exercise ought to be regarded high-risk for most casuals & newcomers, and would not recommend it generally speaking.


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Originally Posted by Determined2Gain
The issue I see (more prevalently at the GettingBigger sub-reddit) is that younger folk & newbies are not acquainted with the realization that Clamping is in-fact an advanced technique, best explored by seasoned veterans who have a penis conditioned after many months (if not years) to undergo this level of "stress." As to its effectiveness, I’m sure that varies person to person but that’s not the point of this thread.

Since the question put forward by the OP makes an exception for "true PE vets," then I would agree that this exercise ought to be regarded high-risk for most casuals & newcomers, and would not recommend it generally speaking.


I think the OP said (in other threads) that you should have at least 5 years of PE experience though (before trying clamping). Which I strongly disagree with… I think 18 months to 2 years is plenty.

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.6" MSEG 5.7"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Originally Posted by SD85
I think the OP said (in other threads) that you should have at least 5 years of PE experience though (before trying clamping). Which I strongly disagree with… I think 18 months to 2 years is plenty.

I believe 18-24 months is sufficient provided the individual has been regularly engaged with and/or learning (and reading) up on this methodology. This is based on my readings on clamping over the years, although I’m no expert in manual PE. Even then, however, it’s wise to start light and focus on PI’s before making it a core part of one’s routine.

People forget that the penis isn’t an actual muscle (like the pecs or biceps), and is susceptible to injury. Advanced methods require prolonged conditioning.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

I stopped using cable clamps because they would break during sessions and I would get nervous. I also started using metal rings and noticed that I get a much tighter and overall better grip than I would with the cable clamps, mostly because I would always wrap bandages beneath clamps and I would never get to squeeze it as much. But I quit using the smallest 4,5 metal ring because of recent gains and being scared.

I think it’s for those hardcore individuals who are not scared of death and pain, like kingespadas and steventhomasmississipi pumper(this guy has the most insane ways of using them, can be seen on twitter). The first time I tried a metal hose clamp wich you have to untighten using a screwdriver, I wasn’t experienced enough and got very hard quick and scared to death at the same time. I quickly unscrewed the thing off and never used it again. The determination to start clamping came from seeing others, but I never could use them like some guys around seen in pics, especially without any wrap or even worse, behind the balls.

But now I mostly pump and wear a tight, strong and elastic ring for 5-20 min after pumping and it feels like I’m doing the best job I can with no risks involved except ocasional blisters and other similar pumping problems. Girth gains took a lot of time but now after 2 weeks with no PE I can finally measure the mseg I used to measure during the last clamping sets of the session 3-4 years ago.

My last 2 clamps had some cut rectangles of mouse-pad on both sides, I was very happy until both broke during sessions during the last few weeks. I’m currently in a break from extending for a month, but I still clamp and pump 1-2 times a week on alternating days with a day between. Popping the tooth while pushing blood in was a surprise. Its all risky, be smart.

Start of serious PE (2/7/21): NBPEL 6.25", MSEG 5.75"

(4/4/21): NBPEL 6.5", MESG 5.8"

PE methods: Extender, hanging, jelq, clamping, pumping

I am not anti clamping though because I wish I would use them more but I can’t find the motivation.

Looking back at Aristocane’s old thread, I can’t figure out why people were bashing him so much, especially about discoloration. His discoloration wasn’t bad, it actually looked kind of cool. And stillwantmore, drilla9 were both doing the same thing and had great results from it.

What is this nonsense? This is going to ruin people’s gains if it catches. I started clamping after a couple weeks of PE years ago. I started out 4.75" girth and am now over 5.75" approaching 6" and that’s with a long hiatus. OP is no longer a member. This thread should be removed

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

Originally Posted by Deepwrath31

What is this nonsense? This is going to ruin people’s gains if it catches. I started clamping after a couple weeks of PE years ago. I started out 4.75" girth and am now over 5.75" approaching 6" and that’s with a long hiatus. OP is no longer a member. This thread should be removed

Agreed. Not to mention, the OP is a member of that awful site - and they all HATE clamping there (…probably because they can’t sell you an expensive device for it! 🤣). Honestly though, some of the stuff they come out with about clamping is just fear-mongering BS.

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.6" MSEG 5.7"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Originally Posted by train spot
I am not anti clamping though because I wish I would use them more but I can’t find the motivation.
Looking back at Aristocane’s old thread, I can’t figure out why people were bashing him so much, especially about discoloration. His discoloration wasn’t bad, it actually looked kind of cool. And stillwantmore, drilla9 were both doing the same thing and had great results from it.

The discoloration largely goes away after a Week of no exercise. But I personally don’t mind the look, my gf don’t really even notice it or mention anything.

Start of serious PE (2/7/21): NBPEL 6.25", MSEG 5.75"

(4/4/21): NBPEL 6.5", MESG 5.8"

PE methods: Extender, hanging, jelq, clamping, pumping

Here is why I think using a cable clamp is relatively safe.

1. Quick release

2. Pressure gets too intense or color or feeling starts change simply unclick 1 or 2 teeth. Let it subside a bit then retighten some.

3. As long as you release the clamp every ten minutes to regain some fresh blood I can surf the ebbs and lows for 30 min easy.

4. Most unsafe clamping is overtightening the clamp by using stupid force versus a comfortable yet snug setting. Allowing a super tight clamp to remain on for an extended time duration.

I use a simple 1 inch wide silicone sleeve and clamp over it. Super simple.

Is clamping dangerous, can be. But so can any other activity on planet earth.

Ive been hanging over a year and literally just gotton a suberb wrap and hanger strategy. Trial and error guys. Also, PE is not for the faint of heart. You will not add inches by not doing the work.

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG

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