Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Design The Ultimate Fast Gains Routine

Originally Posted by Razzle Dazzle
I used Mem’s routine for about 6 months and saw a net 0 change - I did everything right and that I’m sure of, I think it may be me not being able to gain or something to just ruin it for me, but either way, it didn’t work.

Just from that post I can tell you did it wrong. Seriously who follows a routine for 6 months that isn’t working. If it isn’t doing anything after the first month or two, change routine.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


Most of the time, it’s not so much the routine, it’s actually doing it.

It's working! I'm gaining fast.

Well so far my routine is working for fast gains - I will have gained 10mm in 2 months or just under 1/4” per month (5mm to be precise), that’s twice as fast as I have ever gained before!!
I am only just noticing an improvement in girth, the slow gaining rate is fine, I only want to gain 1-1.5” (40mm) in girth but 2.5” (65mm) in length in total so in a year, I think that my girth goals are possible.

I am curious to see whether ADS will add a few more millimetres per month. I currently do PE and extender wearing for a total of 4 hours per day. The Phallosan study mentioned earlier in the thread, showed an average gain of 8mm per month from 8-10 hours stretching with one guy and Dr Eduardo Gomez de Diego’s study using the Jes extender had one guy who grew 7.5mm per month, which is the basis for the new size calculator on their website.
I think that anything above 1/4” (6mm) gains per month is the Holy grail of PE, so far I have only seen that ADS has produced such results, does anyone know of something else?

I have invented my own ADS system and hopefully within a few weeks I’ll be able to start wearing it to see what difference it makes.

So what is your routine then?

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
So what is your routine then?

Here is my routine thread.
DONGALONG-er than before!

I am experimenting with my vacads system today, seems to be OK so far, quite comfortable.
It is attached around my waste so the only problem is the bulge the cylinder makes through my clothes, I suppose this becomes less of a problem in winter.

Last edited by dongalong : 09-27-2008 at .

I gained 1/8” in just one week and at that time I was still adjusting because I always get erect whenver I do manual stretching but now I’m getting the hang of it.. IMO.. The secret is to precisely follow the newbie routine as consistently as you can. That’s all I do and I don’t try to expect too much because too much expectations can leave you disappointed sometimes. Never stress your unit too much as rest is very important in PE I believe. Well.. That’s pretty much it. Hope this helps in some way. Good luck to us all!

Originally Posted by onelastthing15

I gained 1/8” in just one week and at that time I was still adjusting because I always get erect whenver I do manual stretching but now I’m getting the hang of it.. IMO.. The secret is to precisely follow the newbie routine as consistently as you can. That’s all I do and I don’t try to expect too much because too much expectations can leave you disappointed sometimes. Never stress your unit too much as rest is very important in PE I believe. Well.. That’s pretty much it. Hope this helps in some way. Good luck to us all!

Good gains, it’s very encouraging to see such fast results however unless you are a lucky fast gainer, you can expect the reults to slow down after a few months.

Once the “newbie gains” have been achieved, be very happy with anything close to 1/4” per month.

Originally Posted by dongalong
I have gained 2 inches in 8 months .. and still going!


focusing on jelquing only for 6 months then stretching only to gain 2" in 8 months.

This thread got me thinking, to achieve consistent gains in the long run, keeping the tension as low as possible for as long as possible is desired.

Starting with an unconditioned penis, a possible routine could be:

10-30 minutes warm up (with rice sock or far infra red)
15-30 minutes jelquing only (50-80% erect)
3-23 hours low tension ADS (with far infra red heating if possible).

I think that toughening up wouldn’t be an issue with this routine and fast gains by those two methods have been proven by several members.

Has anyone seen any other evidence where big gains were achieved without manual stretches or heavy weights?

My quick gains

I’m up to 7.8” from 6.8” BPEL since starting in April. Length was measured yesterday: no cialis or porn involved (cialis can make it a bit longer). Frankly, the growth has been insane. I can hardly believe it myself, and it’s all I can do to resist pulling it out and saying to the world, “can you believe the size of this damn thing!”

What I do: manual stretches, focusing on upward direction + standard jelq + “head jelq” (tourniquet grip at base, work the fluid into the head). I try to keep it hot before, during and after. I go for around an hour (at least 1/2 hour), to as long as 2 hours a day, 4-5 days a week. A good fraction of this time is taken up by heating. Take 2-3 week de-conditioning breaks when I feel like I need it (done 3 of these so far). Deconditioning is, no kind of PE at all. Leave the damn thing alone!

Other factors: I’m quite fit, I lift weights and run and eat around 200-300g’s of protein a day, antioxidants, fish oil, vitamins; the whole lot of health things. I’m late 30s.

I think deconditioning is key. So is heat, which very rapidly cures red spot type injuries. For me, long sessions seem to work very well, as long as they’re matched up with a day or two off afterwords.

Trying going without masturbation now; restricting myself to once a week, or every two weeks. Does it help? I dunno. The mental effect is really interesting though (and not what you’d expect), and I recommend all bros try it at least once in their lives. Most traditional cultures forbid jerking off -who knows: maybe there is a real reason? You’d think it makes ugly chicks hotter, but it has the opposite effect; it’s like turning up the contrast on your TV. Hotties are SUPER hot, ooglies or plain janes might as well be dudes. It also aids in concentration, oddly enough. If it makes my dong longer as well, bonus. I recall a survey here which had results which implied it might have an effect, so, what the heck? Saves me money on tissue paper.


Good input, I think.
There still aren’t any serious guideline to fast (length) gains. From what I’ve read here, pretty much just only one sure point can be made:
1) Heat.
Heat is your friend. Good heating before and after jelqing is a must. Heating during exercise is also very good. It is harder to apply during jelq, due to jelq’s very nature, but an IR lamp would go, I guess. With stretching, clamping, etc - with pretty much any exercise that doesn’t involve stroking the cock, you can use “heat accumulator” gel packs. Get a couple, so one is heating up by hot water while you’re applying another.

All other points seem to be controversial to some extent. Though I’ll try to consolidate them in some form - the one that I will most probably be using.

2) Cold
Cold can be your friend as well. Cooldown after stretching is supported by theoretical research in other threads. Gel Packs can be used for that. On, cold-assisted clamping is being evaluated, but it’s too early to tell.

3) Focus
This is about focusing on one exercise, and only one, then switching to another completely. It is rarely done, but it seems that some people which seem to do so, gain quick.

4) Very gradual loading
This is what seem to be the core of “Less is More” conception. Every bit of gain is squeezed out of a given load level, before moving to next one. Plus, it avoids conditioning. My guess is that it’s better to reduce load during each workout, but have less days off - though not too little.
Girth-effecting exercises, such as jelq, clamp, etc. Should have days off - at about 2:1 to 2.5:1 proportion.
Length-only exercises require much less days off, but once in a week would be good, I’d guess.

5) Deconditioning
A very good thing, but from other point of view - it’s the time you lose, while you could’ve been gaining. So it’s better just to not get conditioned. Still, once in a while, they are recommended. Sadly, we don’t seem to know the optimum between hard load, big gain, long decon, and less load, less gain, no decon.

6) Reaching plastic deformation
This is a broad thing, and quite elusive. It supports use of low-load ADS to take all the elastic deformation, and prepare the tissue + manual stretch to plastic deform, or at least longer low-load manual stretches, followed by shorter high-load ones.
With girth, it is more problematic. It seems that girth gains take more time to heal + different people have different tunica types. But still, I guess that the same principle can be applied here - say, do some low-level clamping (there is a thread on it somewhere), then do classic high-load clamping.
With jelquing, it can be simplified to jelquing with relatively strong grip, with rather long strokes - 5-7 seconds. Augment last (10-20%) jelqs with kegels to push additional blood.

Eh, not very guidelinish.. But at least something to look for. You have to think systematically when designing routine, and having some notes is good, so you don’t forget anything.

Great post Nevod!
The sixth point is very interesting, when I first started using my extender I just put it on and waited for growth to occur. After a month there wasn’t any noticable increase so I started doing manual stretches with 10-20 second holds before wearing the extender and finally I could see the growth at an average rate of 2.5mm per month.
From the threads mentioned earlier, I learned that many big gainers held their stretches for much longer, I tried this and it does work much better, I doubled my monthly gains although I think that heat is also responsible.

The fifth point makes me curious about what will occur when I restart my PE, I started 2 months ago but at the beginning of this week I caught a cold and needed to let my glans heal, the skin was dry, thickening and there were a few areas of broken skin.
6 days (mini decon) break and it has all healed so I will restart PEtonight. I noticed a slight loss of gains when I measured yesterday so I am impatient to restart.

I experimented with an ice pack to cool down once, but I found that keeping things hot suits me better because the far infra red heat boosts circulation so much that I get 100% erections when I take off my extender. I do erect kegels until I get tired which really seems to stretch my penis shaft from the extreme internal pressure.

I confirm your findings about girth gains, the first month I was jelquing lightly everyday but saw no gains, since taking every other day off, girth gains slowly became apparent.

p66ext, 1” in 6 months!!! Great work and that’s including 1-2 months decon.

Just one question, were there signs that you needed a deconditioning period? e.g. Slower gains or no gains

I find that pretty intresting. I always hear about decon breaks when one hits a plateau but never when one is still gaining. This might keep the penis ‘fresh’ and not conditioned at all.


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