Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do you think it's harder to maintain an erection sometimes with a penis that has grow

I have asked myself that same question on a few occasions. Eventually I just took some time off and focused on my physical fitness and before you know it I was diamond cutting hard again.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

Originally Posted by Rechner
It definately sounds like a problem on a different level. Wish you luck with everything!
Btw. What was the frequency of sex prePE?

Sex before PE was a couple of times a day.

I had just met my wife and we we tearing into each other on a regular basis.

We are back to that bow, but evening wood takes a while.

I’m 53. Maybe that’s a factor.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by WhiskeyFish
I have asked myself that same question on a few occasions. Eventually I just took some time off and focused on my physical fitness and before you know it I was diamond cutting hard again.

I took most of last summer off, but my relationship with my wife and I was terrible and so sex was not the best and while my EQ was better, porn was a surrogate mostly.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by simplegain
marinera, I’m really curious about your theory. Why do you think a proportional girth would repair some kind of ED caused by excess of length?
Not doubting, just trying to understand.

It is just common sense? I mean, take a 1 foot long, 2” diameter plastic tube, and you’ll see it flexes a lot; take 1 foot long, 4” diameter plastic tube, and it will flexes less. The ratio between the pressure directed girthwise and the pressure directed lengthwise has to be in a given range I guess.

Beside that, look at porn, about every monstercock that is long but thin will be floppy past his 30’s or before.

Originally Posted by marinera
It is just common sense? I mean, take a 1 foot long, 2” diameter plastic tube, and you’ll see it flexes a lot; take 1 foot long, 4” diameter plastic tube, and it will flexes less. The ratio between the pressure directed girthwise and the pressure directed lengthwise has to be in a given range I guess.

Beside that, look at porn, about every monstercock that is long but thin will be floppy past his 30’s or before.

Oh, I see… And do you know what would be the something like the ratio range to have no problem maintaining good erections?

By the way, seeing your stats.. you have a real monster right there, don’t you? Almost 10”.. you could tell by your experience, how are your erections? :D

Start January 2013: NBPEL 6.2" (15,7cm) / MSEG 5.2" (13,2cm) / BPEL 6.6"(16,8cm) / FL - 3.5" (9cm) / FG - 3.9" (10cm)

Mid-term Goal : NBPEL 6.7"(17cm) / MSEG 5.5"(14cm) / FL 4.5" (11,5cm) / FG 4.5"(11,5cm)

Not that good, even before PE.

A ratio? I think the average length is 6” rounded in excess; the average girth 5” rounded in excess. So L/G ratio is in most of people around 1.2. A 7.5x5 could alredy be at risk, so let’s put an arbitrary number at 1.5.

There has to be some medical studies about that I’ll google later for curiosity.

The absolute length will also play a role. The BC is squeezing your inner penis; the longer the NBPEL, the less proportional area is being squeezed so less pressure in the whole penis.

Hmmm. Maybe that’s my problem.

How would that explain the morning diamond cutters though?

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by marinera
Not that good, even before PE.

Sorry for that, hope it gets better.
Some questions I have:
1)By not so good do you mean problemns with maintaining the erections or already getting a full erection? Or both?
2)Are you trying to get even bigger nowadays?
3)Are you currently doing/taking something to improve erections?

Originally Posted by marinera
A ratio? I think the average length is 6” rounded in excess; the average girth 5” rounded in excess. So L/G ratio is in most of people around 1.2. A 7.5x5 could alredy be at risk, so let’s put an arbitrary number at 1.5.

Got your logic, thanks for answering.

Originally Posted by marinera
There has to be some medical studies about that I’ll google later for curiosity.

If you find something good, please share with us.:D
I’m very interested in this subject now.

Start January 2013: NBPEL 6.2" (15,7cm) / MSEG 5.2" (13,2cm) / BPEL 6.6"(16,8cm) / FL - 3.5" (9cm) / FG - 3.9" (10cm)

Mid-term Goal : NBPEL 6.7"(17cm) / MSEG 5.5"(14cm) / FL 4.5" (11,5cm) / FG 4.5"(11,5cm)

Originally Posted by marinera
The absolute length will also play a role. The BC is squeezing your inner penis; the longer the NBPEL, the less proportional area is being squeezed so less pressure in the whole penis.

Do you mean that the less difference between BPEL and NBPEL worse are the erections? I guess the difference of the two measurings isn’t the same thing as the “inner penis”. For me the difference between them was only the fat pad.

Start January 2013: NBPEL 6.2" (15,7cm) / MSEG 5.2" (13,2cm) / BPEL 6.6"(16,8cm) / FL - 3.5" (9cm) / FG - 3.9" (10cm)

Mid-term Goal : NBPEL 6.7"(17cm) / MSEG 5.5"(14cm) / FL 4.5" (11,5cm) / FG 4.5"(11,5cm)

Originally Posted by marinera
The absolute length will also play a role. The BC is squeezing your inner penis; the longer the NBPEL, the less proportional area is being squeezed so less pressure in the whole penis.

I think you can overcome this problem with having a stronger(bigger) BC or a stronger pelvic floor generaly.

Originally Posted by a-unit
Hmmm. Maybe that’s my problem.

How would that explain the morning diamond cutters though?

There are also different hormones going on at that time.
Also you might check a NO supplement as erctions use NO and it might be that the daily chores use up that NO2(or its production until you rest again). but not sure if Im 100 scientific her ;)

Originally Posted by simplegain

Do you mean that the less difference between BPEL and NBPEL worse are the erections? I guess the difference of the two measurings isn’t the same thing as the “inner penis”. For me the difference between them was only the fat pad.

No. I mean EL; NBPEL or BPEL doesn’t makes much of a difference; on average guys have about 50% of inner penis. So the ratio exposed penis/inner penis on average is 2 (6”/3” = 2). If you are 9” long, the ratio will be 3. This will create issues.

Originally Posted by simplegain

If you find something good, please share with us.:D

I’m very interested in this subject now.

Sure. You also have access to google I suppose? ;)

Originally Posted by marinera
No. I mean EL; NBPEL or BPEL doesn’t makes much of a difference; on average guys have about 50% of inner penis. So the ratio exposed penis/inner penis on average is 2 (6”/3” = 2). If you are 9” long, the ratio will be 3. This will create issues.

Got it.

Originally Posted by marinera
Sure. You also have access to google I suppose? ;)

Actually, google or any other research websites are blocked in brazil.

……….just kidding, I will search about it too! Hahaha

Start January 2013: NBPEL 6.2" (15,7cm) / MSEG 5.2" (13,2cm) / BPEL 6.6"(16,8cm) / FL - 3.5" (9cm) / FG - 3.9" (10cm)

Mid-term Goal : NBPEL 6.7"(17cm) / MSEG 5.5"(14cm) / FL 4.5" (11,5cm) / FG 4.5"(11,5cm)

I’m not sure if I am understanding the thread topic question correctly. ” Do you think it’s harder to maintain an erection sometimes with a penis that has grow ” Is that supposed to be in general or beyond some specific dimension/dimensions?

My current dimensions: flaccid: 8" x 6.5" erect: 9.5" x 7.125" glans: soft length:1.825" soft diameter 1.65" firm length:2.286" firm diameter:1.90"

Goal: flaccid: 9" x 7" (.1" length .5" girth) erect: 10" x 8" ( .5" length 1" girth) glans: soft length: 2.25" soft diameter: 2" firm length: 2.5" firm diameter: 2.25"

Ultimate goal: flaccid: 10" x 8" erect: 11.5" x 9.75" glans: soft length: 2.5" soft diameter: 2.25" firm length: 4" firm diameter: 3" In other words: A big, fat elephant cock!


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