Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does anyone have this?


Does anyone have this?

I have been reading these absurd exercises redzulu recommends while clamped over at MoS. Things like smashing your cock between tiles and using rolling pins. I should also say I have NO desire to actually do these things, ever. I just can’t stop reading about it - it’s like a bad car wreck or a donkey show: I’m repulsed but I can’t look away.

Anyway, apparently he wrote a clamping/constrictor guide that is like 40 pages. I can’t imagine what I will find within this treasure but I can’t find it anywhere. Supposedly it’s free and can be distributed. I just want to know if anyone here has a copy of the PDF. I can’t think of any better bathroom reading right at the moment. :)


Theres a thread at pegym called Redzulus guide to clamping, the pdf is in there somewhere.

You may have to sign in to get at it.

Last edited by capernicus1 : 09-03-2014 at . Reason: extra info

Redzulu was clamping for many years before he introduced intenser exercises. He is a great guy that isnt active in the forums anymore.

I think this/similar approach is needed for anyone that isnt going the decondition route. .Smashing the cock so it expands width wise is a good idea albeit only usable for a very conditioned member

I’m actually doing those. Yesterday I did the them from side to side; I’m going to take turns like 2 weeks top and bottom, 2 weeks from side to side. I hope to achieve gains.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Theres a thread at pegym called Redzulus guide to clamping, the pdf is in there somewhere.
You may have to sign in to get at it.

Ya, I saw it there. I couldn’t download it though. It said something about my account not having permission. I have never posted there, so maybe that’s the issue.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
Ya, I saw it there. I couldn’t download it though. It said something about my account not having permission. I have never posted there, so maybe that’s the issue.

I downloaded it before, will try and get it later tnite for you.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I downloaded it before, will try and get it later tnite for you.

No need, just figured it out. Putting it on my kindle as we speak. :) Thanks though!

Why do you believe the Frendo exercise is a “car wreck”?

Id like to get a
Copy of this document

Or any tutor
That wants
To share with me

Thank you


I do frendos regularly and I definitely feel the expansion after more than any other thing I have tried . I only do it across the top and bottom once a day or every other day if I feel sore. This will quickly turn your dick permanently purple if you overdo it and also is just borderline too much. Way too good of a pump not to keep them, even if only a few times per week. I do not remember if redzulu clamped while doing them or not, but it is the only time that I do clamp and never for more than 10min.

I stopped doing them from the sides, as I feel my penis just feels stronger along the top/bottom and less prone to injury(regardless of nerves that run along the top of the shaft, as the pressure is spread out and not just isolated on a certain spot).

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9


I downloaded the guide just now - it didn’t show any text, just gibberish.


I just started doing them from the sides, but normally I do the top and bottom. I’m going to measure the 10/11th. If I haven’t made any gains, then I’ll try hanging, if that doesn’t work I don’t know what will.


I have a few questions, but I think they’re more appropiate for your other thread regarding tunica albuginea layers.

Ron, just be sure that the pressure is spread evenly and you aren’t clamped closer toward one end than the other. Getting things in place from the sides was hard for me to do(shape of penis being wider/flatter)and at one point I got a pain on the side below my glans that lasted for a day. I also do these at the very end of my workout when everything has been stretched and warmed up first.

Start: 7/1/14 BPEL 7.25" MEG 4.75"

Current: 10/1/14 BPEL8.2" MEG 5.5" BEG 6" Corona 5.25" EQ=9

Originally Posted by Ron Magnus
Why do you believe the Frendo exercise is a “car wreck”?

Sorry, I think we mean this in different ways. I just meant the exercise seems brutal, but I think it is awesome that people actually do shit like this. Totally hardcore. And just because something is brutal doesn’t mean it can’t be brutal but effective.

The principles are sound, you would get some extreme expansion and pressure doing that exercise. And if you can do it safely I really can’t think of many things better for girth gains in people who have tried everything else and not seen results. It just scares me a little bit.

But who am I kidding, When I switch over to focusing on girth I’m sure I’ll get bored with regular clamping, then out will come the rolling pins. ;)


Originally Posted by peepeepeepee

Ron, just be sure that the pressure is spread evenly and you aren’t clamped closer toward one end than the other. Getting things in place from the sides was hard for me to do(shape of penis being wider/flatter)and at one point I got a pain on the side below my glans that lasted for a day. I also do these at the very end of my workout when everything has been stretched and warmed up first.

I always make sure it is as even as possible. You mentioned not clamping closer to one end than the other - I assume you’re referring to the tiles that squash the penis, in which case I do make sure there’s some space between the glans and tile and the base after the clamp.


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