Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does Big Girth Kill Length Gains?


All I set out to show was that having a large girth doesn’t kill your chances for attaining length gains. I think I succeeded in showing that. Good length gains are still possible, even when starting from a large girth.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Good job, MM! :)

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Originally Posted by juke
It’s a good idea, and it does have merit, but I don’t think you can conclude anything from that data. The big assumption is that everybody in that set was doing equally as much work, with equal intensity and motivation, for both girth and length work.

True, it’s not exactly scientific, but you can determine the following:

1 - Starting size. I believe this would be a pretty accurate account of average penis size. Perhaps a little larger since some members were doing PE before they came here.

2 - Possible gains. We can see the results of PE over time and analyze this information in many ways.

With a little more work we could find out what routines the big gainers are doing and compare that to the routines used by the hard gainers. This could be quite interesting.

Suggestion to Everyone: Use the Size Database to record your stats once a month. This will provide the data we need for analysis and provide you a way to monitor your progress.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

All I set out to show was that having a large girth doesn’t kill your chances for attaining length gains. I think I succeeded in showing that. Good length gains are still possible, even when starting from a large girth.

Sure I know that’s what you were saying in this thread. Then some people were looking at a few special cases and determining that big girth is bad for length, while that data shows no correlation between starting girth and length gains. It’s pretty random except for those few cases.

I think you would need a sort of quotient of gains / work to determine gaining ability in terms of maximum potential gain, and rate of gain. Good luck lol.

I agree OneHungLo, those 2 points and only those 2 points can you determine from the data.


I love that quote by Dino9x7, even though it makes me feel like shit. So true.


Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

MM —

Do you own a stats package? Try doing some multiple regressions. I suspect that playing around with these data will yield some predictors with r-squareds greater than 0.04 ;) .

Great work again. Is the database available as an Excel spreadsheet for download?

In my case, yes. Flaccid length, no. But erect length gains, most definitely.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by ste4301


I love that quote by Dino9x7, even though it makes me feel like shit. So true.

Heh that’s the thing, it makes you feel shitty hearing stuff like that when you’re not huge, but knowing that I will eventually be that guy feels damn good!!

Fuck! I’ve done it all backwards if this is all true. When I first got into PE I concentrated more on girth exercises than length because it was so much easier for me to make gains in girth than length. In 13 months I went up almost an inch in girth but length was less than quarter of an inch. Now I don’t PE as much as I used to but length exercises are very unresponsive. I can’t be that disappointed though because the girth increase was needed just as bad as length..and at least I achieved that much.

Gains occur for 12 weeks

I was looking at ModestoMan’s Graphs and noticed one interesting thing:

Most of the gains, both length and girth, seem to happen over the first 500 hours.

The Best results in Body Building, or weight loss, occur over the first 12 weeks.

The booklet I received from Andromedical also says that after 3 months, your gains will progress more slowly.

500/12 weeks is roughly 6 hours a day. Interesting that this corresponds to what most people here try to do (jelqs, hanging, clamping, ads .. Etc.)

I’ve also noticed that students make the most gains in learning a musical instrument within the first 3 months, thereafter they hit a plateau for a long time.

Isn’t it also interesting that 3 months is the same length as a season, or semester?


Another interesting fact is that a person can only learn intensely for 20min. (Tip if you are in school and need to prepare for an exam: study for 20min, break for 10min, and start again)

Clamping and stretching is recommended to be done at 20min intervals.

I think the graphs prove some magic numbers that may be built into our code.

excellent work. It’s people like who turn PE into more of a science, rather than a bucnh of myths and theories. I currently have 4.8” girth. Gonna maybe try to get it up to 5” then stop until all my length is reached. Girls love the girth, so I need to give em an extra 0.25” in the mean time!

Does anyone else try to disregard stats in general?

I suppose it does add confidence when you see someone achieved something that you want to achieve. What one man can do, another can do.

But I have to say that no matter what someone’s past experience was (i.e. Statistics), it does not have any impact on what another person can do in the future.

I just wanted to add that for people that might get despondent by the stats.


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