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Does high flow priapism increase penile size?


Does high flow priapism increase penile size?


Does prolonged semi-erection in prepubertal high flow priapism result in increased penile size?

Ziad M. Awwad


High flow priapism is a rare pathology resulting mainly from trauma to the perineum leading to arterial-lacunar fistula. Management includes arterial embolization using absorbable material, as well as conservative approach. In this case, the effect of prolonged semi-erection in prepubertal high flow priapism on increased penile size is discussed.

http://www.ncbi … l=pubmed_docsum

Full publication.

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Last edited by penismith : 10-27-2006 at .

Their conclusion is, yes, it probably does result in penis enlargement.

“There are two categories of priapism: low-flow and high-flow.

* Low flow: This type of priapism is the result of blood being trapped in the erection chambers. It often occurs without a known cause in men who are otherwise healthy, but also affects men with sickle-cell disease, leukemia (cancer of the blood) or malaria.
* High flow: High flow priapism is more rare than low-flow and usually less painful. It is the result of a ruptured artery from an injury to the penis or the perineum (area between the scrotum and anus), which prevents blood in the penis from circulating normally.”

The article in the first post is important because, although we already knew that low flow priapism can result in permanent and substantial penis enlargement, we did not know that the same is true for low flow priapism. This casts doubts on the theory that priapism causes PE via the build up of hormonal metabolites in the penis (a low flow theory). This is also important because this adolescent appears to have gained as a result of prolonged partial rather than prolonged full erections. We already knew that prolonged full erections could result in a significant increase in penile length and girth over time.

Penismith!! Great find :up: I don’t know how we’ve missed this in previous priapism-PE threads.

So let me propose a question to those of you who wear a cock ring. Do you believe this has made your willy bigger?

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Originally Posted by OneHungLo
So let me propose a question to those of you who wear a cock ring. Do you believe this has made your willy bigger?

It does for a little while. I’m only about a month in so I can’t speak as to permanent results.

Keep in mind the age of the patient (13) and the five years of his priapism before his case was studied. Short term semi-erections in men past puberty is not in the same class as this.

I’m a party pooper. :(

Originally Posted by westla90069
Keep in mind the age of the patient (13) and the five years of his priapism before his case was studied. Short term semi-erections in men past puberty is not in the same class as this.

I’m a party pooper. :(

No, not a party pooper at all. I agree. A 20 min jelq session every three days probably wont do it. But 2 hrs of low intensity jelq / day just might. Or not.

On the other hand, it is not clear that the patient didn’t develop a large penis for an entirely different reason. It could be coincidence.

But we know that low-flow priapism can result in gains. That is well documented. That is what makes this paper interesting to me.

Theres also the edging and balooning argument, again hard to prove but nothing that should be discounted alltogether either

Originally Posted by penismith
No, not a party pooper at all. I agree. A 20 min jelq session every three days probably wont do it. But 2 hrs of low intensity jelq / day just might.

If this was the case I think pumpers would be reporting better and more frequent/constant gains.

Originally Posted by penismith
we already knew that low flow priapism can result in permanent and substantial penis enlargement, we did not know that the same is true for low flow priapism.

Is everything OK there? ;)

I guess the question is how do we safely experiment with chemically induced high flow priapism?

Surely that has to be the way forward.

Anyone here got any experience of priapism caused by:

Desyrel used to treat depression or

Thorazine, used to treat certain mental illnesses or

Injection therapy for treatment of erectile dysfunction


How safe would it be to buy these over the web and experiment with them..?

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

This is why I’m always afraid to see reports like this of single events studied and conclusions drawn. Now you guys are going to do something that might hurt yourself. I think the report was posted as something interesting, not as an example of what could or should be tried to enlarge the penis of an adult.

However, to get the injury sustained by the boy in the report, jump up and down on a bicycle seat until you get an erection that won’t go away. No need for chemicals. :)

Originally Posted by westla90069

However, to get the injury sustained by the boy in the report, jump up and down on a bicycle seat until you get an erection that won’t go away. No need for chemicals. :)

Gee that sounds like fun. Interestingly enough, I spend a lot of time on a racing bike about 6 months a year, getting my winter training for triathlon. Apparently, according to my doctor, in addition to the CNS damage that took away sensation, this “saddle time” has contributed to my diminished erections.

In the PDF they give his dimensions as 5.75x6.1 and compare that to the average of 5.7x4.69 for 18-19 year olds (cited studies). That’s conclusive? 5.75x6.1” must be unusually large. At least for 13 year olds.

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