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does manual stretching have any side effects?

does manual stretching have any side effects?

I am currently looking for lenght and wanted to get back into PE just doing manual stretches, i an wondering if there are any dangers to doing this excercise only (5 min a day).

Other than a bigger penis? No.

Just becareful you don’t hurt yourself.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Hanging from what I`ve been told, Bib`s the man to ask about this subject…..

Gettin Bigger

Just start out easy. Most guys don’t have any problems from manual stretching, but for a few it causes weaker erections (temporarily).

Take it slow and easy in the beginning, gradually increase the duration and intensity, and you are unlikely to have any problems.

5 minutes per day won’t do much of anything.. positive or negative.

how about 10 mins?

You might get some gain if it’s 1 minute, 10 times daily, evenly distributed. 10 minutes just seems like too little to me.

To some degree, it depends on your choice of manual stretches as well! Why would you waste your valuable time doing a one particular manual stretch, when a different manual stretch can be more beneficial, in the same amount of time?

Now it becomes an experimental process of finding which one suits your particular goals!

Also, the intensity plays an important role as well. Just lackadaisacally stretching, when compared to an intense stretching session, does not compare when it comes to feelings of sore ligaments. So, intensity is to be thought of.

Then, you have to decide on your grip based on your preferences.

Lots of variables to take into consideration, but, most importantly, be smart about it!

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

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