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ED, PE And Venous Leakage

Experience with possible venous leakage, and some hope.

This is me sharing some of my experience. This has brought me hope. I hope it can do the same for anyone else.

I am no doctor, or expert in anatomy, but here is what I have experienced.

My erections are easy to come, but without direct stimulation they may disappear quite soon, perhaps only a few seconds before I feel the decrease in hardness coming in, this is also dependent on the position that I am lying.

With that knowledge, one time I was inside of a shower. I was squatting down in a frog like position, that is the natural squat position. I was getting an erection and for some reason I decided to explore my anus with my finger (Not my usual way of stimulation, since I am straight, but quite curious about anal pleasure) I put my index finger inside, while my penis was got erect. I I took my finger out because it felt rather tight, and I stood up immediately, surprisingly finding that my erection would not subside like usual. It stayed straight out and firm, I could walk around and turn in the shower and it would not fade. I was surprised that standing up, my erection was lasting. (Usually while standing, my erections may start to decrease in angle and hardness within seconds). However this time it stayed firm involuntarily. This led me to believe that my initial problems with lasting erections had to do with the pelvic floor and the PC muscle, whether or not too tight or too lose, which ever problem may be the case, this experience gave me much hope.

For now, that is all I have to report, but I will update when I find out more.

Hope this brought some light into the venous leakage dilemma.

Wish you all the best.

Thanks, Miracle999.

Just found this in an Italian website:

Interesting acts about ED diagnosis

  • 22% of patients lie to the doctor when they doesn’t feel welcomed by him;
  • 22% of patients heals from impotence after a properly conduced interview with the Doctor; 5-8% just heals when make up his mind to go speaking to a Doctor;
  • Venouse leakage is not but the symptom of other problems, either metabolic, hormonal, psychologic, arterial nature, or a consequence of Peyronie’ Disease. There is no venous leakage as cause of impotence per se; with the statement ‘venous leakage’ is meant an improper blood contining inside the spongy tissue of the penis, that can be shown with dynmica penile eco-doppler.
  • Cavernosometry and cavernosography serves to nothing;
  • When dealing with patients who are past 50 yo and 20 cigarettes per day, it is common practice to not perform vascular exams because it is given for certain that a vascular damage exists;
  • A correct and early ED diagnose can save your life: ictus and heartstrokes are 5 times more likely to happen to patients who have arterial ED. “

(Surgeon, research member of the Italian Andrology Association (SERIA))

Interesting read. I did some heavy stupid PE, and I have erections problems. Even though I left it alone for 3 weeks, then tried to edge often and released only once in two weeks, I have barely any morning wood, full erection is difficult to reach and maintain. I’ve stopped porn (was kind of addicted to it) and PE for two months (did some squeezes today to test my idea). I don’t know what the cause is (changes in tunica, artery/vein problems ) , but I bought a pump to see if it helps. I actually wonder if girth work (Ulis, clamping etc..) may, if anything, help with this condition?

I have no medical background, but here are my thoughts : exercises involving a squeeze should improve deep arterties size, corpus size, vascularity, therefore upon reaching full erection the veins should be even more occluded than before, and blood inflow should be maximized.

But squeezes could also aggravate a vein leakage , a tunica injury/change in shape or toughness.

Any ideas?

By the way I didn’t post this to discuss my very own “injuries” , but rather to read answers on the second part.

I can’t offer any theory regarding the damage to specific components and their manifest effects but, I think Walter5169 that if you only rested for three weeks it is not enough. You need to let it rest for 6 months. No porn, no masturbation, no PE.

Walter, just rest and think to something else than sex an PE. Yours are not symptoms of venous leakage, they could be symptoms of overwork and/or too much general stress; it is actually for people in your very same condition that I wrote this thread. If your mind get fixed that you have venous leakage, than you’ll be in the shit. Take a break, live your life, in a matter of weeks at most everything will be fine. Try to walk a lot, avoid smoking and alchol, do legs and ab work, and that will be enough, you can trust.

Ok I didn’t mean to talk about me but thank you. I have not diagnosed myself with venous leak, but it was one of the possibilities that came up . I believe self diagnosis is the worst thing to do (as you can guess I did it too much so decided to stop), symptoms don’t mean much since the root of the problem is not identified. I know I already had forty seven cancers googling various symptoms I experienced in the past.

Yet I have been off PE and porn (may play a part) for two months and there has been barely any improvement. I’ll see what happens (Larry) , I’m kind of tired to wait I want to live , have sex , fun, youth and life are too quick!

I did PE like an idiot, I guess I learned my lesson now.

Originally Posted by Walter5169
Ok I didn’t mean to talk about me but thank you. I have not diagnosed myself with venous leak, but it was one of the possibilities that came up . I believe self diagnosis is the worst thing to do (as you can guess I did it too much so decided to stop), symptoms don’t mean much since the root of the problem is not identified. I know I already had forty seven cancers googling various symptoms I experienced in the past.
Yet I have been off PE and porn (may play a part) for two months and there has been barely any improvement. I’ll see what happens (Larry) , I’m kind of tired to wait I want to live , have sex , fun, youth and life are too quick!
I did PE like an idiot, I guess I learned my lesson now.

Hang in there, Walter, we are with you. Realistically, I would like to see you make it 3 months straight with not doing anything with the unit. If you are not seeing improvement after that time, seek a urologist that you can have good communication with and will dedicate his efforts to solving your problem. Blood tests, physical exam, medical history and psychological profile are all necessary. Let us know as you progress.

I will, I have a thread in the injuries subforum I’ll update not to hijack this one.

I just wanted to say that I really appreciate this thread. The post is highly informative and has answered a lot of questions I had swimming around my mind. Great stuff, and thanks.

STARTING STATS - 02/02/2015: BPEL 7.6 --- MEG 5.25 --- 5.25" with semi erection; but 5.16 MEG with 100% boner; BEG 5.47

CURRENT - 13/03/2015: I had to check a few times, but I'm pretty sure I got a genuine BPEL 7.8!! Will check girth again in a couple of weeks

GOAL: BPEL 8.50 --- MEG 5.5 --- BRING IT ON! (I've revised my goals for the time being; maybe I was being too ambitious too early on)

Didn’t read it all (just the first page), but can you get venous leakage from PE?

Originally Posted by Curiousguy51

Didn’t read it all (just the first page), but can you get venous leakage from PE?

Not if you are healthy, use common sense and always are out for safety.

If you overdo it like a crazy men you can burst your dick. Most get healthier dicks through PE..

Thanks for taking your precious time to gather information. Realy very good threat. Got a lot of information.

I am so much looking farward to go to Dr but It’s hard for me for the moment. As soon as possible I’ll go to Dr to check up!

It’s been a years since I have lost my natural 100%sustainable erecting. Then 6months ago I started PE and the 1st month of PE my dick was getting healthier and better errections but then again as befor. I did PE for about 4,5months and have got much gains but in the last month of my PE I lost of lost my girth and then I left my PE because of not good errections and loose of girth and to rest. I’m still feeling better with the gains but worried for my errections more now since I knew about vinous leakage. I read the simpthems are matching mine.

I get errections but my glans does not get bigger and get soften a little. Also I loose my errections within a moment if I leave it without touch.
I have I will be healed. I’m so worried and sad and this stressing me!

Good luck all the guys out there who are suffring and thanks again for the important threat!

Soft glans syndrome and venous leakage are two different things. As far as we know, the soft glans issue is more likely caused by neurological injury or perineal trauma.

Another thing to have in mind: it is fairly normal to lose erection without direct stimulation; you can suspect that you have an injury when you lose erection despite manual and sensorial stimulation.


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