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ED, PE And Venous Leakage

I don’t know how deflated is your glans, the other symptoms are not symptoms of an injury, just anxiety and too much general stress.

Originally Posted by marinera
I don’t know how deflated is your glans, the other symptoms are not symptoms of an injury, just anxiety and too much general stress.

I agree.

Thankful for this information. I have deflated glans and am not entirely full I usually stay at my length potential but never my girth.


So guys,is it absolutely out of the question for venous leak to be caused by excessive masturbation?

Does anyone have a good link to getting rid of performance anxiety? I know that relaxation, meditation, exercise, eating healthy and being with a partner you can trust and be comfortable with helps but looking for other ways I can improve. Mine is weird where sometimes I have it and other times its no problem and I know it is all in my head but it is very embarrassing when it happens. Cheers and thanks for all the great info on here

Originally Posted by Contender40
Does anyone have a good link to getting rid of performance anxiety? I know that relaxation, meditation, exercise, eating healthy and being with a partner you can trust and be comfortable with helps but looking for other ways I can improve. Mine is weird where sometimes I have it and other times its no problem and I know it is all in my head but it is very embarrassing when it happens. Cheers and thanks for all the great info on here

Read my thread on using subliminals:

Subliminal PE. Try it!

Choose your messages to suit your needs. It will help!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Slight Uncomfort.

Hello guys,

Recently I have been facing a problem down there which is a bit tough to explain but I shall try to. I feel slight uncomfort on the base of my penis on the left side and it has been bothering me for about 2 weeks now. I am doing PE regularly and now that I have got a hang of this, this issue has come up. Can anyone please tell me what this might be and whether it is serious or not? Is it a possible nerve damage? This is really messing up my confidence now.

Why not give yourself a week off to rest?

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Why not give yourself a week off to rest?

Yes, I am also thinking of giving an off week. However, is there any explaination for this? If there is please do tell because its very uncomfortable.

Level Of Discomfort

Hey Spyke. Don’t muck about. Certainly have a rest but see someone if that is possible. Maybe you just went a bit harder than newbie rates? Review the discomfort with each day. Just edge if that doesn’t negatively impact!

Start 9th May 2018. 6.00” BPEL. 5.75 “ MEG. end-newbies: 19th Aug 2018. 6.75” BPEL 6.00” MEG. 20th Sept 6.9” BPEL 6.00” MEG. June 2019 7.25 BEL x 6.1 MEG with cockring on.

Target: An extra inch in length. No fancy car, just an extra inch in length.

Originally Posted by Impressed
Hey Spyke. Don’t muck about. Certainly have a rest but see someone if that is possible. Maybe you just went a bit harder than newbie rates? Review the discomfort with each day. Just edge if that doesn’t negatively impact!

Thanks a lot. I am now gonna take a week off and see if it gets any better and shall proceed accordingly.

I’m almost 66 and have had erection issues since 19 although nothing debilitating. The issues have come and gone until the advent of Viagra and Cialis became available when I was around 54. Those drugs took care of the problem and I began PE about that time but rather inconsistently. Everything was been fine until I turned 60 and began to notice slightly weaker yet still fairly good erections.

The last few years have not been so good. I attributed it to getting older but the last year things have gone down hill quite lot. Virtually no morning wood, very difficult to get an erection even taking 10mg of Cialis everyday.

It led me to see a urologist recently who performed a sonogram (I believe) before and after a fairly strong injection of Trimix. The procedure was done in the afternoon at a clinic and was left alone in a room with some Penthouse magazines and was told to get a good erection. The erection was about 20% of capacity and afterwards the doctor and I talked. He told me I had a venous leak and gave me the options including an implant. The sonogram showed good blood flow into the penis but obviously it didn’t hang around. He is highly recommended and does many of the procedures.

After reading through this Marinera’s comments and the rest of the thread it has given me pause to reflect and learn more about this condition before jumping on the implant train.

I’d much rather do this “naturally” with PE, vacuum device and jelqing but given my age not sure it’s worth it.

I can get around 50% wood in the morning through self stimulation or more and have been doing 5 minutes of jelqing but not sure I am getting anywhere but it’s better than nothing at this point.

Appreciate having this point of view - thank you for the thread!


High quality thread. This should be required reading for every newbie starting out.

Originally Posted by MHedberg
High quality thread. This should be required reading for every newbie starting out.


This thread has been somewhat of a game changer..
Dealing with ED and all the opinions and diagnoses boils down to dealing with what you know and what you have.

When I posted the above last year I didn’t think i would see any improvement but recently I have.

All the obvious things are important, eating well, exercise and reduce or eliminate cigarettes.

Last week was somewhat of a breakthrough. After my 10 minute morning vacuum pump session I did the usual jelqing and tried to get an erection through self stimulation and it happened. I got a solid fully engorged penis like I haven’t had in several years.

The doctor who said I have venous leakage would have been amazed. Now I will try to improve upon this as I would rather not have an implant device.

Regarding “venous leak is 99% not the answer, it is performance anxiety”: I saw two urologists. The first echoed this to me. The second seemed more sympathetic, claiming that occasionally some young men seem to legitimately have ‘venous leak’ aka non-anxiety based erectile deficiency.

This is the situation I am in - 34, extremely good health, but I have had poor EQ for as long as I can remember. I can get erections sufficient for sex but they are position dependent (can’t be on bottom), my glans is rarely hard and never fully hard, and I lose my erection within seconds if I stop receiving stimulation. And the reason I am convinced it is not performance anxiety is that I did not even really know it was a problem until my most recent girlfriend gave me honest feedback. I’ve had good, (sometimes even great) sex before but looking back I realize that this was with despite poor EQ - I just didn’t know what I was missing.

I used viagra on and off which did almost nothing, but recently discovered cock rings that basically 100% solved my problem: I don’t need to use a pump just put one on, and it allows me to get an inch longer and significantly harder than I’ve ever experienced without a cockring. Is that normal? I really have no idea.

My urologist said that this is in line with the ‘venous leak explanation’, but offered no particular solution other than ‘keep doing what works’.


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