Subliminal PE. Try it!
I was working with an athlete recently, and his performance was less than expected from his level of fitness. His mind was getting in the way of what he could achieve. Conscious positive affirmations work well for guys who are positive, but as his problem was negativity, so he struggled with conscious affirmations.
Self-hypnosis takes time to learn (he needed quick results), so I decided to go with subliminals for him. It worked so well, I thought “why not apply them to PE”?
Here’s how you can try them too!
Firstly, a quick and free download is needed for your computer. There are various ones, but simple is good. Google ‘Subliminal Blaster’ for the one I used. It’s quite an old one - if you find a better one, post it here.
Secondly you need to write some messages. They need to be properly constructed, so here are a few factors which affect whether your subliminal messages will be effective:
1. The message should be in the first person (using I or me).
2. The message should be in the present tense.
3. The message should be positive and must not be the reverse of a negative.
4. The message should be fairly short.
Write the message as if you are talking to yourself. Your subconscious mind works in the present so the messages should be written in the present tense. You should program your mind with things you do want to think about and should be careful not to remind it of things you don’t want to think about. For example, if you read ‘do not think of a bright pink elephant’, what did you just think of? So avoid using negatives in your messages.
Example of good subliminal messages:
My flaccid is 6 x 5
I have an 8 x 6 erect cock
I get hard easily
My orgasms are powerful!
My cock grows easily
I love my cock
My flaccid is heavy
My flaccid is soft and relaxed
I stay hard for as long as I want
I stay hard after I cum
I can have multiple orgasms
My cock gets ROCK hard!
My cock is bigger every day
You don’t have to stick to those. Make up your own. If you prefer to use the word ‘dick’ instead of ‘cock’ use that etc. Add anything else that applies to you; for example ‘I am confident around girls’, ‘I am confident in gym showers’. There will probably be loads of pre-programmed messages in whatever program you download which cover non-PE subjects, so you can enhance other areas of your performance too.
I used ones specific to me. Being past my mid 40’s, I don’t shoot as far as I used to. One of my affirmations was ‘I cum hard and far’ – 3 days later I got a face full of cum when I jacked off. At this rate, I’ll have to shave my beard off! :D
It’ll only take a few minutes for you to set up, it’ll take no effort to do after that, and should at the very least work synergistically with your PE routines.
You have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and I want to hear your results. So go for it!
firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.
All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".
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