Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erection Frequency and Growth Correlation

Well, just to document and explain, for me, if I jelq with the traditional stroke, I eventually just start pulling foreskin over the glans instead of pumping blood, and that’s why it just doesn’t work, thus necessitating this alternate method I’ve described.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Originally Posted by justcheckin
With this, I have gone from 5.5-5.75” cemented girth to 6.0-6.125” cemented girth and 6.375” maximum girth in under two weeks, no length gains though. Good luck.

You can’t make recognizable “cemented” gains in two weeks.

Maybe I am misreading this statement.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Apologies, I’m not sure if I’m using those terms correctly. What I do mean by “cemented” is what kind of stat I am observing at well under 100% erection, such that I am absolutely sure that I will not lose the gain unless a long period of time on the order of days or weeks passes while I am flaccid. Is there a better way to express what I am trying to say? I don’t want to cause any confusion or to make misleading statements.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

No problem. :)

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

At age 65, my primary health provider discovered that I had a “dangerously low” testosterone level and suggested a daily usage of AndroGel 1.62% to bring the level back up and to maintain it.

As all my prescription meds are free (purple hearts received in Vietnam), I readily agreed. I did notice a quirky smirk on her face (a female Physician’s Assistant), but really never put 2 and 2 together until she later asked me where I had gotten access to Viagra. Apparently, she found out about the sildenfil in my system from a blood test. We never got into the fact that I was taking generic Viagra, obtained on the internet.

Anyways, she went on to tell me about certain side effects of AndroGel.. Certain effects that I may or may not like. She said that she would be calling me after I had been using it for 45 days to find out if I was experiencing any “unwanted side effects”.

I started right in using the AndroGel as soon as it arrived at my doorstep (the V.A. Pharmacy mails out all prescriptions) and allow me tell you what I’ve experienced..

1) A very pronounced increase in sexual desire (some, including my wife, called it “super horniness”).

2) Erections almost at will. I would label many as “spontaneous” hard-ons.. Not at all an unpleasant event given my age and the fact that I’m fully retired and have the time (and privacy) to enjoyably “relieve” myself, as I did when I was younger. Can you imagine the ecstasy of waking up in the morning with a very sensitive erection that demands attention?

3) And, those of you who are already using AndroGel on a daily basis, I would suggest that you find yourselves a copy of “Listen To Your Hormones: A Doctor’s Guide To Sex, Love And Hormones .” by Abraham Harvey Kryger, M.D. And read carefully the research and information contained in Chapter 6. I won’t go into details, but suffice to say.. It works.

Anyways, I would have to give a positive response to justcheckin’s initial thread entitled “Erection Frequency and Growth Correlation” .. Thank the Lord that I have a much younger and very understanding wife (as well as a rather firm grip on my right hand) and I can finally regain a portion of some of my more pleasant youthful experiences!

By the way, my Healthcare provider received a huge “Thank You” when she called two weeks ago.

Tricky, the following have been found to be related to testosterone production:
-hi-intensity burst training
-8 hrs sleep
-GABA, 1.5-3g immediately before sleep
-melatonin, .5-5mg before sleep
-before sleep meal to contain hi-protein, lo-carb
-Vit D serum level @ 70-100 ng/mL
-no sugar after exercise for 2hrs
-L-arginine, L-lysine, 3-5g
-Glutamine, 2-10g
-A-GPC, 600mg 2hrs before exercise (found in lecithin)

Enjoy in good health!

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Just thought I would say that I get boners all the time but my penis looks like an acorn glued to my lower torso. Jk but really I’ve hit a dead end with gains. - Hidden reality

Hidden, dead end? How so?

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

I’m older now, but in my teens and twenties, I used to be easily aroused and had 20+ erections a day. Now in my lower 40’s I feel my penis is paying the price for being hard for 20 years :) . I have some stretch line issues on my shaft and a bit of turtleing at the glans. When I’m sporting a chubby.. My cock looks great, but when its cold and timid- it looks like a frightened turtle with a lot of wrinkles.

I’m curious if anyone else is like me. I get zero erections during the day and weak morning wood. During my teens and early 20s it wasn’t much better. Maybe 1 or 2 a day and morning wood was never consistent. I’ve been PEing for close to 4 years now and it really hasn’t improved frequency (definite improvement in hardness and size though). I’ve always had a bit of a problem getting hard and I’ve been dosing with Ed meds for the last 2 years. I had my test checked out when I was maybe 21 related to the Ed stuff and it apparently came back normal. It’s only when I take a big dose of cialis that I get the random boners or morning wood. Any suggestions?


Have you tried supplements? How old are you? How about your health routine? Any exercise?

From my experience and from what I’ve been reading here, sometimes it’s better to focus on EQ than on PE — and a good global condition (body, mind) is decisive for both.

07/2013: BPEL 6.9" MSEG 6.2" / 03/2014: BPEL 7.3" MSEG 6.6" / Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 7"

I’m in great shape. 200 lbs, 10% BF. I’m 26. I haven’t tried a test booster in a while.

Originally Posted by lickitysplits
I’m older now, but in my teens and twenties, I used to be easily aroused and had 20+ erections a day. Now in my lower 40’s I feel my penis is paying the price for being hard for 20 years :) . I have some stretch line issues on my shaft and a bit of turtleing at the glans. When I’m sporting a chubby.. My cock looks great, but when its cold and timid- it looks like a frightened turtle with a lot of wrinkles.

When did your performance start to decrease? I feel like I’m probably parallel to your condition.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Originally Posted by justcheckin
When did your performance start to decrease? I feel like I’m probably parallel to your condition.

Started losing it in my mid thirties.. Or at least better control :)


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