Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erection Frequency and Growth Correlation

It has been part of my EQ theory that I believe prolonged and intense nite wood will help cement your gains. After all, priapism which is a condition where the erection won’t go down for many hours, damaging the penis and creating a much larger phallus (megaphallus) so why can’t frequent and hard erections cause some gains?

I believe it can, and certainly I believe if you get great nite wood, it can cement your gains from the daytime.

Well on track to at least 12-16 today at bare minimum.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Why no cold water?

Just a Chinese habit, but after you get used to warm/hotter water, cold water begins to hurt. From a biochemical standpoint, it makes sense that a hotter solvent (water) would speed metabolism and just add to the overall chemical activity within your body, which I believe (and I am fairly certain from experience) is better for health than ice cold or even room temperature water.

Hope that answers the question, although I could always elaborate on specifics if asked.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Neither are all these vitamins and supplements and the modern diet. For thousands of years you only ate what was local to you because that’s just how it worked. Maybe 1 type of grain, 1 or 2 fruit, 2-3 leafy greens, and 1 or 2 protein sources. Before agriculture was a thing, it was even sparser than that: hunt meat, and eat nuts and berries. Ice cold water is the only thing that I’m the most against.. That indeed is the most unnatural kind of water for anyone living in a moderate climate. Chilling your organs just isn’t the best thing from a stress standpoint.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

I think our diet was more varied than that, we probably ate everything that moved that we could kill and I am sure that there were more than 2 or 3 leafy greens available. Places that didn’t have enough food were not places we chose to hang around.

I hear you on the stress standpoint, but living in a desert sure makes a cold glass of water feel good. Overheating is probably a bigger stress than drinking cold water.

Anyway, enjoy those erections while you have them and do what you can to keep them.

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I am Asian, but sadly I fit the stereotype. Your starting measurements are larger than my realistic goal. I am 5.5x4.5 now and wish to be somewhere between 7x5 and 7.25x5.25.

Would you consider yourself the tall and thin type (basically an ectomorph > 6’1”)? Whenever I see tall, thin guys (not just a normal definition of “skinny”, but body/extremities that could be described as long rather than big — their height is due to length not mass), I tend to think they are hung. No idea why I think this way.

How do you fair with the ladies (comments, etc)? Are you mostly with Asian girls?

Apologies for all the questions haha

Last edited by jellogecko : 07-24-2013 at .

I’m about 6’3” and a little over average, but not hung.. Yet!

Originally Posted by jellogecko
I am Asian, but sadly I fit the stereotype. Your starting measurements are larger than my realistic goal. I am 5.5x4.5 now and wish to be somewhere between 7x5 and 7.25x5.25.

Would you consider yourself the tall and thin type (basically an ectomorph > 6’1”)? Whenever I see tall, thin guys (not just a normal definition of “skinny”, but body/extremities that could be described as long rather than big — their height is due to length not mass), I tend to think they are hung. No idea why I think this way.

How do you fair with the ladies (comments, etc)? Are you mostly with Asian girls?

Apologies for all the questions haha

Jello, I am 5’9”, 5’10-11” in shoes; at 145 lbs. I am actually fairly muscular build, almost benched my own weight when I visited the gym once with a friend. (I never lift weights.) Didn’t think that girls liked me at all until recently that I found that I had some sort of game and that some girls were actually silently very infatuated with me (moral: be confident and project polite interest and positivity towards whoever you want to go after, and if they being to reciprocate subtly they’re probably in favor of going for you). I have actually never dated an asian girl yet. I’ve had a big busted shorter blonde, a 5’8” slim swedish girl with a track and field lower end, and the girl I’ve mentioned lately is a 5’6” redhead at 40-28-41 and 112 lbs — hardly the “limited” or “compromised” history of interested girls. They tend to comment on how muscular I am (this confuses me as I have average arms and 2-pack abs LOL) and how I am “really thick” and “well above average” and “big but not painful big.” I had a moment with one girl who told me that I was pretty thick and that “if you were any bigger, you would probably really hurt” (this was when I was about 6.25x5.2).

No worries about the questions. They’re intrinsically awkward and unfortunately our culture doesn’t let us ask in person so we come here on the internet to find information. Since PE is pretty closely related to relationship matters, I don’t mind those questions either.

How old are you? Not long ago, at the end of high school, I was concerned about my size at only about 5.5-5.6” long. I was only about 6.25x5.0 a year ago, so if you are still relatively young, your body could do a lot of the work for you.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Back to topic: 7/23, a much more normal 10-11 erections, but caveat is that I had a 2-hour business meeting that I was preparing for and attended, which takes away from physiological “free time” to get a ton of erections.

I guess this will be a sort of erection log.

Others welcome to join in with their daily erection counts!

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

I can see myself maybe getting around 10 on a good day, hopefully PE can improve this as well.

Got about 11 already, still will be awake for another 10 hours or so.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Just got to 22, probably have another 8-15 coming before I sleep.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Originally Posted by justcheckin
I usually have 10-12 full erections per day, not counting stretching and jelqing, with each lasting anywhere from 5-15 minutes to 45-60 minutes (with most probably lasting around 15 minutes, and at least 2 lasting >45 minutes).

I thought I had boners often but damn, you run around with a boner 35% of the day?

Edit: Totally forgot to ask, are these random or started with some stimuli (any sort)?

Last edited by Dude151 : 07-24-2013 at . Reason: Forgot

Originally Posted by justcheckin
I’ve recently begun PE and I have been wondering if I have been growing naturally in addition to my stretching and jelqing. However, the thought struck me that perhaps I naturally have more 100% erections a day than others who perhaps do not have the oddly dramatic gains that I have seen over the last year or two (I.e. At least .5-.75 inches in length and about .5 inches in girth over the last year, without intentional PE efforts).

Perhaps my own erections are stretching my tissues for me to some extent?

I usually have 10-12 full erections per day, not counting stretching and jelqing, with each lasting anywhere from 5-15 minutes to 45-60 minutes (with most probably lasting around 15 minutes, and at least 2 lasting >45 minutes).

How about others of you?

super hard morning wood I had a lot of growth after having a super hard one

0.5”girth and 0.5” length over one night. It fucked with my EQ for a awhile though.


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