Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erection Frequency and Growth Correlation

Originally Posted by justcheckin
Hidden, dead end? How so?

I tried clamping and jelqing and gains are always lost within a few minutes of pe. Ive tried everything but hanging, but i have a thought. Maybe i need to do more jelq strokes in a sitting, like 100 ?

I personally do 150-300 when I jelq in the shower. Good luck!

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

Nice Checkin :) . Thats a great routine. I know its bad but i use soap in the shower. Luckily, i haven’t dropped it *yet*. Whats your ideal lube? Im just checkin.

- hidden ordeal

Sorry for the late reply, but since I am not circumcised, sometimes I just roll some of the foreskin back and use that for the 2-3 inches from the base. I find that jelqing all the way to the glans is damaging to my glans, so I don’t need to do that. I’ve gone from about 6.25x5.5 to 7.125x6.25 in the last 10 months primarily from just being hard all the time though. Having my first two relationships ever helped with that, my first ever girlfriend last November being a 5’8” Swedish blonde 32-25-38 angel with a C cup, and my other more recent interest being a 5’6” strawberry blonde 42-28-42… easy to see that mind-blown reactions (aka EXTREME EQ) would be easy to have with girls like those, to whom I attribute most of my gains since I am fairly certain that I have ended puberty (21 now) and I have only done formal PE for the last month and a few days.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

So its kind of a base girth jelq lol. Nice, are you serious? You think you gained girth just from being hard a lot? If i thought that would work i would stop cumming so much and stay hard all day. It would be so easy since my girlfriend is also very hot. I have doubts, should I try it? Thanks man.

I have no doubt. It took me probably 3-5 years in the middle of puberty to grow from 5 to 6, and then in the last 10 months I’ve gained from about 6 or 6.25 to freaking 7+ and girth from 5.25 to 6.0 or 6.25… and PE only happened for me starting 2 months ago. I am very serious and I encourage you to just get the mindset going. I have actually consciously stopped PE and I am monitoring to watch out for losses because any larger than 7x6 is liable to hurt girls if I’m going all out. Keep us posted!

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25


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