Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world. disses PE! WTF? disses PE! WTF?

A reply to a previous post of mine directed me to a site called I checked it out and mainly lost interest after about 5 seconds, but I did check out the Q&A section.

Now, although I’m not really certain of the real reason for this site’s existence, it does seem to be damned nicely put together by some folks who really care what they’re doing.

My point. If this were some chicken-shack operation, I might expect a little ignorance on the part of the operatives. But considering that it appears to be run by folks who have a clue, I was really shocked at questions #8 and #9.

“There is no hard (pun) evidence that any of the non-surgical methods work — even though you can find all sorts of testimonials that they do. People will swear to almost anything! If these methods really did work, they would be written up in all the most important magazines and scientific journals. This news would be shouted from the housetops. Instead these “offers” are from people who are ready to make money on the fact that quite a few men wish they had more of a good thing. There is some temporary stretching of the flaccid penis that can occur, but you probably add a little length at the loss of thickness — which is a bad trade in my book. The stretching, IF it occurs, will affect your flaccid penis and not your erection, so it’s no big gain.”

And this from the mouths of folks who have a dick site! Do they ever come over here to Thunder’s? We have enough “hard” evidence to lock up all those lying fools!

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

Why would you want them to know?

I’d rather have tons of misconception instead of the truth about pe.

I don’t care if they know or not. It’s just weird that a site full of dicks and not one dick in the bunch knows - or admits - that it does.

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

Originally posted by bigplug

I don't care if they know or not. It's just weird that a site full of dicks and not one dick in the bunch knows - or admits - that it does.

That might be the key - “admits” that it works. Many who’ve successfully PE’d probably want to keep it a secret. Notice he touched all the bases, (1) mass hysteria (about some people admitting to almost anything), (2) Monetary incentive, and (3) Conceding that IF length occurs, it’s only while flaccid.

Damn, he wanted to make extra sure that nobody would believe that PE works, LOL.

And he exaggerated that it would be “shouted from the roof tops.” I doubt it. There IS work involved here, and gains aren’t overnight. Just the fact that it could take 1-3 years to get a few inches would be enough to discourage many guys. Still, I really don’t want the info circulated either. We searched for it, we experimented, we help one another, etc., etc. Why should some idiot be handed all this treasure?

I don’t PE so that I could, once again, wind up “average.”

Originally posted by wadzilla

I don't PE so that I could, once again, wind up “average.”

So true. :thumbs:

“NOOOO! Keep it a secret! AAAAH!” LOL some of you guys really do and always have humored me the way you want to keep this stuff “under wraps” so to speak. It all stems from self esteem issues really though.

I don’t give a shit really if people know I do it or not… But I’m not gonna tell anyone though. Why should I =). They’ll have to find out for themselves.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally posted by Stillwantmore

“NOOOO! Keep it a secret! AAAAH!” LOL some of you guys really do and always have humored me the way you want to keep this stuff “under wraps” so to speak. It all stems from self esteem issues really though.

I don’t know, Still, it was like that with most guys & weightlifting too. If you benched 300, you didn’t like a guy walking into the gym who did 400. If you did 400, you didn’t like to see a guy doing 3 reps with your max.

I’m not saying that a huge % of guys would become PE gurus, but I bet more than you think would stick with it. Furthermore, some might be really quick gainers, so they wouldn’t need to stick with it for very long.

You’ve been having “positive reviews” from women, according to your posts. Maybe your feelings would change if women were to start telling you that they’ve been with bigger, or that you were the actually the smallest guy they’ve ever had.

No, that hasn’t happened to me, LOL. But I’m just saying - I don’t want it to either!

You’re around 8, right? I’m almost 7 1/4. I’ve know a few guys considerably bigger than either of us, who’ve never PE’d. I can’t imagine what they’d get out of this (2 were around 9, one said he was 10 - and at the parties I attended where he got drunk & whipped it out, I’d say he was telling the truth). I just don’t want to spend all this time hitting my goal of 8.5-9”, only to have a bunch of guys swinging 10-11” all over the place. Then I’d feel like I was average all over again. :(

PE and secrecy - I follow the belief of Meher Baba (sp?) that more or less says that if a person really wants to learn something thoroughly they have to find it on thier own. So I don’t know if you would really call it secrecy but whatever it is I think it is a good thing. One of my friends knows that I do this. He keeps asking me to send him a link and I tell him that he could very easily find it through a search engine. He hasn’t bothered yet, which tells me something about how much effort he will put into learning the process and being careful not to hurt himself.

That and I don’t like competition.

"It's not the destination that matters. It's the change of scene. " - Brian Eno

The hyped spam emails and wonder pills that promise 3” in a week have done a better job of covering up the truth than anything else possibly could. People want the silver bullet and magic pills and will blindly buy them and hope. When the fact sinks in that they’ve been screwed, they’re likely to say that the whole thing’s a scam and forget the concept altogether. I say, keep the hype going.

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

It’s one thing knowing the path, but it’s another thing walking the path.

89% of accidents involving bears and bicycles, involve bears falling off said bicycles. "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs" "My plug in baby, crucifies my enemies when I'm tired of living"

Zlatan……..I can’t help hearing chefs’ voice whenever I read your posts :D

Originally posted by bigplug

The hyped spam emails and wonder pills that promise 3” in a week have done a better job of covering up the truth than anything else possibly could. People want the silver bullet and magic pills and will blindly buy them and hope. When the fact sinks in that they've been screwed, they're likely to say that the whole thing's a scam and forget the concept altogether. I say, keep the hype going.

Very true. Those wild ads will eventually leave people believing that the only way to increase their size is through surgery.

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