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Expanding pee-hole?

Isn’t it the area running through the prostate area or in general closer to the bladder that determines the flow rate more than the opening? I have had this for years; since I was a teenager. So I know it’s not the BPH symptoms that correlate with old age (and I’ve had my prostate checked to be sure). I can just feel that the opening isn’t really holding it back, rather it’s just emptying slower further upstream.

I’d be interested in hearing from someone that has used a sounding or other regimen to try to improve this and made real progress. It impacts my quality of life, because of the reasons the others cited, and also because it makes it hard to start sometimes.

Originally Posted by joesnuffy
I’d be interested in hearing from someone that has used a sounding or other regimen to try to improve this and made real progress. It impacts my quality of life, because of the reasons the others cited, and also because it makes it hard to start sometimes.

Bumping this, because if anyone has any feedback from trying this, I’d be very interested.

I’m considering trying this as well, I have a 9.25mm tapered rod that I can insert into the meatus, but I got a small amount of blood due to stretching. I believe 8.5 to 9mm would work as a starting point. There was hardly any pain, kind of stimulating in fact :D With a vibratory end, it would be very pleasurable. I was “scoped for kidney stones” once, and the nurse who prepped me was almost flirtatious which was very flattering. Quite attractive also ;) I know they see all types and sizes of cocks, but I just got this “vibe”. They told me I might have some blood passed after the procedure, but there was none at all. The device looked to be 8 to 8.5mm in diameter, slightly larger than a 5/16” size. I am very good at estimating those sizes, I use such sizes of hardware in my work all the time. 3/8” is just under 10mm and I know it would not fit in my Dick! :rofl:

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

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Always wanted to try sounding but I’m too much of a wimp. Worried about possible infection. Would definitely like to have a bigger piss slit.

Originally Posted by Mordecai_

Always wanted to try sounding but I’m too much of a wimp. Worried about possible infection. Would definitely like to have a bigger piss slit.

Use triple antibiotic as your lubricant, I never had a problem. Just doing the “meatus” (piss slit) would be easy and safer than ramming a sounding ball up into your bladder, some 12+ inches deep! :shock:

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Originally Posted by .2BigAlready.
Use triple antibiotic as your lubricant, I never had a problem. Just doing the “meatus” (piss slit) would be easy and safer than ramming a sounding ball up into your bladder, some 12+ inches deep! :Shock:

Thanks for the tip, no pun intended. How much bigger have you been able to stretch your pee-hole?

Originally Posted by Mordecai_

Thanks for the tip, no pun intended. How much bigger have you been able to stretch your pee-hole?

I have a tapered metal slug, 9.25mm or just over .360” that fits in pretty easily. 10mm is the biggest they sell, that I have seen. I once stuck a parker brothers ink pen in there, too a pic and sent it to an awe-struck female :rofl: Writing instruments are EASY. Most are around 8mm or so! I’d love to fit a AAA Battery in there, close but not yet. That might be over .390 (10mm) anyhow. I’d need an 11mm to make that work. .039” is equal to 1mm, FYI

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Originally Posted by …2BigAlready.
I have a tapered metal slug, 9.25mm or just over .360” that fits in pretty easily. 10mm is the biggest they sell, that I have seen. I once stuck a parker brothers ink pen in there, too a pic and sent it to an awe-struck female :rofl: Writing instruments are EASY. Most are around 8mm or so! I’d love to fit a AAA Battery in there, close but not yet. That might be over .390 (10mm) anyhow. I’d need an 11mm to make that work. .039” is equal to 1mm, FYI

Wow, impressive! So how has all of this affected the force of your ejaculations?

Urethra sounds def work tried it noticed I peed a lot better haha but you have to do it I would say atleast once a week

Originally Posted by Mordecai_
Wow, impressive! So how has all of this affected the force of your ejaculations?

I have no real data on this, I have nothing that can reach the prostate, but it is on it’s way… Maybe it will reach.

Originally Posted by P1092
Urethra sounds def work tried it noticed I peed a lot better haha but you have to do it I would say at least once a week

Good, I have seen urologists a few times and all they want to do is prescribe pills. Got a couple of sexy stories about nurses and NPs, however :D

One NP (5’2”, 100# blonde bombshell) insisted she could check out my male member, as the male doctor was not in that day. Quite an experience, she had a very soft touch, but that made holding back an erection WORSE :rofl: I wished I’d done like Titleist told me, he said he always makes sure he had a complete erection every time his old lady Dr. asks him to drop trow! Kegels like crazy anticipating it I guess :D I think my NP was trying to “get me up” as she examined and studied my unit for several minutes.

Had another time, NP or physician’s assistant, also female, but completely professional, really tried to get me to squirt on the prostate check! Felt Great, but she really did not get the job done. I did however have a good squirt after she left the room and gave me time to clean up. Real cutey as well ;) I had nearly a cock full of pre-cum thta I drained out quickly into a tissue and tossed it in the trash. Bet she was disappointed :rofl: :D

Plus, I got scoped for kidney stones and the nurse who prepped me (cougar, quite attractive!) was hitting on me ;) Almost sent her flowers, but forgot her name :(

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Revisited my 9.25mm rod, it fits easier now and no blood ;)

When I get my sounding kit, I will see how the 9mm does, (I expect no issues) and maybe try the 10mm and see it the meatus can work with that. Really like a 9.5 but I might have only seen one of those available, cannot remember who offered it.

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

GREAT NEWS!!! Just got my sounding probes in, these are graduated in “French Units” (~.333mm/FR) and I cleaned them off and just HAD to try them!
Started with the 27, fit right in, with ease, felt a bit “loose”? That is your 9mm size, I knew I could easily take that, I had a 9.25mm in already, it “wallered out the pee-hole” already, so I figured… Go for 9.66mm? :D BINGO! Easy, Peasy! But no real resistance from the old “pee-hole” so I figured… WTF? I crammed the double sided probe in there until I hit the 1/2 way point, it steps up quickly 10.33mm, got some real resistance here, no taper, just go for it big fella… push, twist, POP! 10.33mm, minimal pain (more like a “release”;) ) Push it on in, hitting the urethral bends now, I’m in about 10”, but wearing pants, so I gotta stop as I cannot get the angle right! These probes are 11.5” long, tip to tip, maybe another 1/4”+ if you allow for the bends. Can’t wait to probe the deeper regions, this short session was exhilarating! Yes, the 10.33 did cause some minor bleeding, at the meatus only, I urinated shortly after and all the blood was gone already. At the TIP ONLY. I’m hoping my urethra will go 11mm with no resistance, or little, at least. The 10.33 (or 31 FR) was quite easy, I credit the girth work I have been doing for that! :D Great first time, can’t wait for the follow up!

PS: Going Up A Size would be easier to use the tapered end, rather than the “step up” in the middle of the probe. The tapers are very gentle and will “stretch” the skin instead of tearing, like it seems I did today. I had a “tear” when I went to 9.25mm last time, the taper was a bit aggressive on that device, but these are clearly made for this type of work. the 33/35 FR probe, in 11mm and 11.66mm is up soon, once I get used to the 31 FR (10.33mm) size.

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Originally Posted by P1092
Urethra sounds def work tried it noticed I peed a lot better haha but you have to do it I would say atleast once a week

Noted! I was thinking of a schedule like that, for “expansion”… I have waited over a week, since there was a drop of blood last time, and I plan on going for the next size up this time. I am at 31FR and the next one is 33FR. If you believe the amazon reviewer gurus, 31 is 10.33mm and 33 would be 11mm. I really thought I would be stuck under 10mm for a while, this is great but I don’t want to push it too hard and fugg up something :o I’m pretty fond of my “UNIT” ;)

Originally Posted by Mordecai_
Thanks for the tip, no pun intended. :D How much bigger have you been able to stretch your pee-hole?

It was a bit larger, when I was doing PE regularly several years ago. I know this cuz I had the 9.25mm rod and it fit in just a bit “snug”. 2010 time frame. Fast Forward to now, first post on this thread, I was thinking about trying this. Seems I did my 9.25mm rod earlier this month, or late Nov. It bled just a little bit. I got the sounding rods 12/17 and went for the 31FR (10.3mm) and BINGO, more blood, little pain to none. In fact, I did not notice blood until I withdrew the probe.

As for apparent size of the slit, it does look bigger! I wish I’d got a baseline pic, because it is noticeably longer and looks bigger if you gap it open. There was a minor swelling or puckering at the bottom of the slit, where the expansion took place, minimal, but it was there. It has evened out now, looks “normal” but longer, and I’m really thinking I need to go for the 33FR soon :D Sounds like a big jump, but I went from an equivalent of just under 28FR to 31FR all at once, no taper (why it bled) and no extra lube, so perhaps a 2FR increase will be fine?

Mordecai_, as for looks and appearances of the slit, I’m very happy, makes it look like a “serious tool”, not to be trifled with :rofl: I’d love to get up to where a pinky finger could be inserted. My probes get really close to that, and they make a set that goes up to 18mm or 54FR, and after that there is a set that goes over those. The possibilities are staggerig! :D

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Latest Progress, 33 FR tonight! 11mm

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Originally Posted by …2BigAlready.

Mordecai_, as for looks and appearances of the slit, I’m very happy, makes it look like a “serious tool”, not to be trifled with :rofl: I’d love to get up to where a pinky finger could be inserted. My probes get really close to that, and they make a set that goes up to 18mm or 54FR, and after that there is a set that goes over those. The possibilities are staggerig! :D

You’ll have to post some before and after pix, 2Big. The only time I’ve had anything inserted into my piss slit was when I got a PA about 10 years ago. Was a really weird feeling, pleasurable, but weird. I definitely need to stretch mine a bit.


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