Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Expanding pee-hole?

I’m getting well past “before pix” LOL Seeing some real increase of the size, I better get the pix now before it changes much more. How was the PA experience? I’ve thought of that, but the “6 week healing time” has kept me from doing it up until now. These days, I might just miss one “session” ;)

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Originally Posted by …2BigAlready.
I’m getting well past “before pix” LOL Seeing some real increase of the size, I better get the pix now before it changes much more. How was the PA experience? I’ve thought of that, but the “6 week healing time” has kept me from doing it up until now. These days, I might just miss one “session” ;)

The PA was pretty cool. One downside was having to take it out when showering at the gym, etc. I got tired of fiddling with that. (While it’s true that I have a little exhibitionist streak in me, I didn’t want everyone to know ALL my business, lol!) The other is when you take a leak, it sprays all over the place. That’s cool for urinals but didn’t work at home — had to pee like a lady, lol. I kept it for a few years before I finally just allowed the hole to heal up. I wish now that I had taken some pix with it in but I didn’t for whatever reason.

Pic in my picture thread…

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Got all my sounding equipment delivered now, tried the short “plug”, only about 3” total length, but it has 3 of the 10mm cylinders/balls/nubs on it, (seems larger) great for maintaining new expansion. I have another “spike”, 5” long, but just has slightly smaller balls/nubs on it, (they claim 9.8mm) getting bigger towards the front. One or the other is wrong, I believe the short one with 10mm is actually has bigger balls/nubs on it, had a slight, tiny drop of blood from that one. I have sounded up to 11mm so I found this to be odd, that a 10mm would cause that. Pretty sure it’s larger diameter.



************************************************** ************************************************** **********************
The3rd and final item in that shipment is the 14” flex sound, with 6mm beads. This one should go all the way! :D


RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

This is intriguing. I’ve always enjoyed the look of a big peephole.

Anybody actively practicing this? How painful is it? How long before you typically notice gains?

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

Originally Posted by Deepwrath31
This is intriguing. I’ve always enjoyed the look of a big peephole.

Anybody actively practicing this? How painful is it? How long before you typically notice gains?

I’m doing it right now, if you missed it. I’ve had an 11mm sound in there, each time I go up a size, ~.67mm, it bleeds a tiny bit but does not hurt. I’m getting to where it will really start stretching the urethra prolly on the next size, 11.67mm sound. I think that one will be a challenge! :D No pain with a good lube, and I also have a pic in my picture thread, of the enlarged pee-hole. The anatomical term is “meatus”, I believe.

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

I want a bigger pee hole but it sounds scary

Originally Posted by wtkafe

I want a bigger pee hole but it sounds scary

Mine looks a lot larger, but only about 2mm increase in actual size sounds-wise. Pix in my pic thread in my signature… ;)

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

Time has begun to help answer my original question for me and I’m able to testify that while my pee-hole has grown right along with the rest of my glans, there’s been no increase in peeing volume - arghhh! Perhaps time will eventually grant this as well if my urethra is growing along with all the other plumbing.

What fascinates me now in regard to my orifice, are the cool little “lips” at the tip of my dick. Paid absolutely no attention to them before PE but following a jelqing session where I warmed up extremely well first, I got swelling in the little peckers to the degree that they protruded and gave me cause for worry (as in, would they ever be the same again) - there’s at least a couple TP threads out there making reference to this phenom but it initially caught me completely off guard.

Luckily (because it was a strange-ass look (which I could not Google anywhere - could find pics with the lips themselves on guy’s dicks but not swollen like I experienced)), this has subsided and QL is settling down a bit which will hopefully also alleviate the red dots I’m inflicting on junior daily…

Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Originally Posted by Quantum Leap
Time has begun to help answer my original question for me and I’m able to testify that while my pee-hole has grown right along with the rest of my glans, there’s been no increase in peeing volume - arghhh! Perhaps time will eventually grant this as well if my urethra is growing along with all the other plumbing.

What fascinates me now in regard to my orifice, are the cool little “lips” at the tip of my dick. Paid absolutely no attention to them before PE but following a jelqing session where I warmed up extremely well first, I got swelling in the little peckers to the degree that they protruded and gave me cause for worry (as in, would they ever be the same again) - there’s at least a couple TP threads out there making reference to this phenom but it initially caught me completely off guard.

Luckily (because it was a strange-ass look (which I could not Google anywhere - could find pics with the lips themselves on guy’s dicks but not swollen like I experienced)), this has subsided and QL is settling down a bit which will hopefully also alleviate the red dots I’m inflicting on junior daily…

I noticed that too, looks cool to me. Kind of like a little pu$$y LOL
Seems somewhat permanent, I have not been doing sounding since my prior posts, decided to stop. But I did get better overall flow thru the prostate. It’s way back there, kind of a challenge to get around the kinks and bends in the “plumbing”! :D

RESETTING for a REALISTIC GOAL: New Routine:2Big is turning over a new Leaf!

OFFICIAL re-STARTING STATS: app. 8.5"+ BPEL, 6.00" MEG My pix thread: ..2bigalready's pics

My Screen Name has CHANGED! (formerly ...2BigAlready.) Enter the NEW ME! :D

ROB the KNOB - dude! That’s how it struck me too - almost like, wow the body is using parts of the genetic code that both sexes share in some really interesting/odd ways (similar to how a big clit often resembles a small penis)!

I’m currently on a decon break and prior to that, had to avoid jelqing for a couple weeks due to time constraints, but supremely anxious to get back at it and see if this puffing of my meatus lips is associated with jelqing intensity levels as I suspect it is.

Just re-read your posts in regard to sounding. Would love to go there but can’t due to various things I saw when I worked with urologists. Several incidents directly related to using sounds when unfortunately (and granted these were atypical circumstances due to trauma), much pain was endured by the patient. The worst wasn’t related to sounds but since the nightmare took place “down there”, let’s just say no one including myself will ever insert anything into that orifice except a nice, flexible cath and then, very gently & carefully.

Anyway, they had me cath an elderly, catatonic guy who was terminal with multiple kinds of cancer at the insistence of family who were refusing to believe he had days or even just hours to live. His systems were shutting down one by one so they decided to address the fact that his urine output had dropped to zero since they could address little else. So I start the procedure and am threading the foley in, hit an obstruction (when you’d normally stop, do an ultrasound/MRI, hand it off to the expert, etc.), but I’m directed to keep going (at which point blood begins to present from his orifice) and suddenly I see the foley distending into his ballsack because the cancers had destroyed the integrity of his genito-urinary tract - unnecessary, horrifying and obviously wouldn’t happen in a healthy man - but scarred for life!!!

Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Stretching the external urethra and the urethra!

Stretching the external urethra and the urethra are 2 construction sites.

The Meatus urethrae externus is best stretched with a penis plug with longitudinal bore. So that the plug can remain permanently inserted. Method. Insert a plug that just enters the meatus into the fossa navicularis urethrae. After about 2 weeks the plug will go out easily. Because the meatus has stretched due to the permanent stretch. Then you can import a 0.5mm larger plug. After 2 weeks the next and so on. With this method I can now introduce a 18mm penis plug.

To stretch the urethra from the fossa navicularis urethrae. It is best to take Hegar dilators for approx. 19cm long which can be easily inserted through the prostate. Residuals during insertion can cause some urethral strictures (strictures) and the prostate entrance These disabilities must be passed carefully to avoid injury. Cleanliness is absolutely important to avoid infections. Disinfect the dilator and a sterile lubricant is necessary. I use Xylocain Gel 2%. This is called then Sounden. After frequent use, the urethra will become accustomed to it and the initial impairments will no longer occur, so that the pleasant feelings will prevail. After some time you can use the next 0.5mm Thicker Dilator to stretch the urethra. How fast you can use the next size depends on the frequency of use and on the duration of stretching (1-2 hours), but it is still very tedious. It is relatively safe as long as you do not penetrate into the bladder. Because you can easily damage the bladder sphincter and thus trigger incontinence. In addition, you have no germ-free urine for rinsing the urethra more. That’s why I usually only sound through the prostate and do not invade the bladder. With this method I have been able to insert a 12.5mm. The urethra makes a 90 ° angle to the top of the prostate, which can be easily passed through a Van Buren dilator, a flexible dilator, or a catheter to reach the bladder. It is also possible with a Hegar dilator but because you have to push the penis down.

Masturbation is better than sex!

I’ve been sounding for a while. One problem. The pee hole can be stretched easily

The meatus is a little harder to stretch. It takes more time. O by the way, when u get a bigger pee hole you don’t shoot cum as far anymore.

Stretching the external urethra and the urethra

Stretching the external urethra and the urethra are 2 construction sites.

The Meatus urethrae externus is best stretched with a penis plug with longitudinal bore. So that the plug can remain permanently inserted. Method. Insert a plug that just enters the meatus into the fossa navicularis urethrae. After about 2 weeks the plug will go out easily. Because the meatus has stretched due to the permanent stretch. Then you can import a 0.5mm larger plug. After 2 weeks the next and so on. With this method I can now introduce a 18mm penis plug.

To stretch the urethra from the fossa navicularis urethrae. It is best to take Hegar dilators for approx. 19cm long which can be easily inserted through the prostate. Residuals during insertion can cause some urethral strictures (strictures) and the prostate entrance These disabilities must be passed carefully to avoid injury. Cleanliness is absolutely important to avoid infections. Disinfect the dilator and a sterile lubricant is necessary. I use Xylocain Gel 2%. This is called then Sounden. After frequent use, the urethra will become accustomed to it and the initial impairments will no longer occur, so that the pleasant feelings will prevail. After some time you can use the next 0.5mm Thicker Dilator to stretch the urethra. How fast you can use the next size depends on the frequency of use and on the duration of stretching (1-2 hours), but it is still very tedious. It is relatively safe as long as you do not penetrate into the bladder. Because you can easily damage the bladder sphincter and thus trigger incontinence. In addition, you have no germ-free urine for rinsing the urethra more. That’s why I usually only sound through the prostate and do not invade the bladder. With this method I have been able to insert a 12.5mm. The urethra makes a 90 ° angle to the top of the prostate, which can be easily passed through a Van Buren dilator, a flexible dilator, or a catheter to reach the bladder. It is also possible with a Hegar dilator but because you have to push the penis down.

Masturbation is better than sex!

Originally Posted by piercedkeith
I’ve been sounding for a while. One problem. The pee hole can be stretched easily. The meatus is a little harder to stretch. It takes more time.

Yeah, when I was in medicine, it was just astounding the diameter of things I’ve seen docs slide down a guy’s pecker.

Originally Posted by piercedkeith
O by the way, when u get a bigger pee hole you don’t shoot cum as far anymore.

Thanks for that insight and for me, game over!

As much as I want a louder stream when I piss, I wouldn’t want to sacrifice shooting distance for anything as it’s one of the few things Mrs. QL is verbal about in the bedroom…

Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci


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