Thunder's Place

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Extremely frequent goals make me always want to PE

Extremely frequent goals make me always want to PE

I’m not sure how extensively goals are discussed here, but IMO the mental game of PE is more than half the battle.

Many people get caught in the idea of what their penis may one day be like (typically the 8x6), but it tends to be this idea that frustrates people when they measure and realize how far they must go to get to their final goal and how much work/patience is required.

What I’ve formulated for myself is a nice little nifty goal card. I’m not talking about a goal card that says:

“Short-term goal: 7.5NBPEL EG: 5.5”
“Long-term goal: 8.0NBPEL EG: 6”

My starting stats were 6 7/8 BPEL and 4.5EG and I knew for a fact I couldn’t get to 7.5 NBPEL any time remotely soon (plus I’m inpatient as are many young males who spend time looking at this site). Staring at that goal card wondering how long it will be before I can cross of that short term goal would only discourage me and cause me to be lax in my exercises.

What I made is a goal card that has 12 total goals on it. I made it very neatly and it looks something like this.

“1st goal: 7BPEL 4 5/8 EG
“2nd goal: 7 1/8BPEL 4 3/4 EG
“3rd goal: 7 1/4 BPEL 4 7/8 EG

This continues all the way up until 8.5 BPEL and 6 EG (a total of 12 goals with the final 1 written all big and pretty :P) by incriments of an 1/8 inch for both length and girth for each goal.

I also put check boxes on the side near these goals.

What this series of numerous short term goals does is it allows me to easily reach the next goal (within a month or less) and being able to check off a box inspires me more than anything else could to keep going.

Knocking down goal after goal will cause the time to fly by and before I know it I’ll be at my goal.


Good Idea. Especially for those of us who are a bit overwhelmed.

I agree. “Little steps” goal card is truly nice idea. I made ma own. I also added some “time” goals - I know, I know, PEing is marathon. But think about benefits: it’s helpful to stay fully focused on actual work and keep you motivated each day. I rather say: “Don’t be lazy man, you have one month to complete this goal, do it as good as you can” than “I do my workout.. And maybe after a few months I see something”. I’m always thinking positive, so even if I fail with my next “time” goal (I started newbie routine 1,5 month ago, so I count for quick newbie gains:) it will be nothing more then new impulse to work.

I just checked off my first goal on my goal card yesterday. :)

Would it be even better to do two seperate columns, one for girth and one for length. I know that many people may gain..say a half inch in length, and only an 8th of an inch in girth. You would cross off 4 goals (in the length) but only one in girth…

Current: 2/21/07: EL: 4.875" Eg: 4.875" FL: 3.0" Fg: 4"

Short Term Goal: EL: 5.125" EG: 5.125" FL: 3.5 FG: 4.125 ( Baby Steps)

Long Term Goal: EL: 7.00" EG: 5.5" FL 5.5" FG: 4.75"

That’s how I do it staz

March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)

April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'

I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress

Gotchya. I think this is definitely the way to go, and plan on making my “card” in the morning

Current: 2/21/07: EL: 4.875" Eg: 4.875" FL: 3.0" Fg: 4"

Short Term Goal: EL: 5.125" EG: 5.125" FL: 3.5 FG: 4.125 ( Baby Steps)

Long Term Goal: EL: 7.00" EG: 5.5" FL 5.5" FG: 4.75"

OOoOo.. A card. I might make a card too. Keep me motivated. Then once I reach my goal, I might go on a sex spree :D or not ;)

What if your not gaining at all, like in a plateau? How would you motivate yourself then?

My Measurements | My Favorites

Originally Posted by Dicko6X5
What if your not gaining at all, like in a plateau? How would you motivate yourself then?

Read other stories on this forum of women who say “oh it’s cute!”
That would sure motivate me. :Eek:

My only reason to not make this small goal card is because I’d be tempted to measure even more frequently than I do now. It’s always disheartening to trick yourself into thinking you’ve gained a little and then have an overwhelming urge to throw the ruler across the room.

Lesson Learned: Your penis will not grow if you PE 2 times a month.

Start: 12-10-06 NBPEL: 4.75" BPEL: 5.00" EG: 5.15" :wave:

Current: BPEL: 5.25" EG 5.25" Goal: BPEL: 7.25" EG: 6

Great suggestion! I have always been in favor of frequent measuring. Who wants to measure every few months just to find out the routine you have been using isn’t working? I subscribe to the theory that you should change your routine frequently. If you measure frequently you know if what you are doing is working or not.


Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

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