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Female opinions on dick discoloration??


Female opinions on dick discoloration??

To all the female and/or gay members what are your opinions on a discolored dick???

For example a white guy PEing him self to a dick that is MUCH darker than his bodies natural skin color.

Good?Bad? Discuss.

Maybe I should try to figure this out, I have alot of girls on my msn, would any of you guys be
willing to donate your picture for the sake of science? ;)

I’ve already done this once without allowance of the member, and I am truly sorry for that
He has an amazing cock but with some discolouration.

And the response?

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

What’s the point of this information? Useless I think

Originally Posted by kaan
And the response?

The response was that it didn’t look good at all, actually the exact words was more
like that it looked disgusting although I had no real problem with it looks.

I think you can draw a similarity to discolouration and the nipple of a female breast.
We like it pink and the darker field around the nipple should be normal sized not a large
(in Swedish we call this the “nippleyard”). If the best is half “nippleyard” and has stretchmarks
on it. Then it won’t matter how firm and right size they are.

Originally Posted by SNM
What’s the point of this information? Useless I think

The point of this information is simple and not useless at all.
The point is weather discolouration is a bagatelle or a big deal. ;)

My girlfriend thinks it’s funny.


Which member was it? Does he know?

It’s slightly worrying that you’d think it acceptable and all those people would think it disgusting. Would be an interesting benchmark.

From my experience, it’s not been a problem yet.

Edit: Just remembered that I have some pictures on here somewhere with some really evil looking discolouration. Thankfully I cleared all that up over a long period of time, as that would be an example of going too far.

I’ll bet she wouldn’t think about it at all while doing it.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

It wouldn’t bother me any if I knew why it was discoloured.

I have slight discoloration and have never had anyone comment.

Depnds on how bad. I think breaks and creams are the answer.

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- Leighann Lord

Interesting. I know A LOT of guys, especially ones like me with Italian background that NATURALLY have dicks a shade or 2 darker then the rest of their skin. It is not extremely dark just a healthy brown…I think it looks good…and in porno’s the guys dick is usually a ‘tanned’ brown. So I really don’t think it is a problem, I don’t know though I habve never experienced or seen discolouration from I guess if its really splotchy or really really dark it might be a turn off

I asked my girl what she would think if she saw someone who’s dick was darker than their skin, and she just said “That’s weird why would anyone tan their penis?” :-s

Originally Posted by kazama
I asked my girl what she would think if she saw someone who’s dick was darker than their skin, and she just said “That’s weird why would anyone tan their penis?” :-s

Now that’s funny as hell!

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