Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bleeding dick

Bleeding dick

Hwy guys! I’m not new to PE. I’ve been at it for a long time. Today I jelqed for about 30 mins in a semi hard state (60%), had a hot wrap, shower and left for the gym. After I returned from the shower I had a hot shower and decided to hang. I stretched out my dick to wrap and as I was wrapping I noticed a very small drop of Blood coming out of the urethra. I Freaked out cause this hasn’t happened to me in a long long time. It was a miniscule drop of blood. I ran to the toilet and tried a controlled pee. I wanted to pee as slowly as I could to see if I had more blood coming out. I was releived to know it was just the initial drop.
I’m uncut and when I stretch my dick I have to pull my foreskin back . Since the foreskin keeps popping front I guess I have to squeeze my dick head harder to grip in order to get a good stretch. Do you guys think it could be this what caused the bleeding? Also the previous time I bled was about year ago while stretching. I was stretching the dick up to my belly button, a 10 sec stretch, when I felt a needle prick sensation. When I let loose my dick I saw a drop of blood ooze out. I’m not sure if it’s cause of stretching or anythings else. Well last time I went off PE for a forth night. Do you guys suggest the same now? Also In future what can I do to avoid Bleeding?

BTW I never Jelq with a hard on which is more that 70%

PS: Sorry I ran a search to see if I could find any info on Bleeding but I couldn’t come up with anything since the last posts in that section was way back in 2003 and hence I decided to write here. Hope the Mods understand.

No really sure, but you sure made me squirm. Im no doctor but possibly a slight tear in your urethra?

Thanks Thunder !Dicks haven’t changed since 2003, neither has blood as far as I know too:-)

My question was more specific towards stretching which I think caused the bleeding. Was just looking for an opinion :-)

Drew! It’s been an hour since I bled. It was just a tiny drop. I have a sharp pain on the right side of my glans just next to where my pee hole is located. I can feel the pain just about a centimeter deep. It just feels like a needle prick but it feels enough to scare me.

Are you stretching your dick by pulling from your glans?

Doesn’t it burn when you pee?



Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Piet no I don’t pull my dick from the Glan. Being uncut gives me 2 options , One is I keep the foreskin intact on the glan and pull my dick out and the second one being I retract my foreskin and hold the dick below the glan and then pull it out. Either ways there is some pressure on the glan as I have to hold tight to get better grip.

Japp ! No it doesn’t burn when I pee. In fact It been about 14 hours now since I bled and I have no pain after a good night’s sleep.

Thunder!! Thanks. Well when Blood comes out of the pee hole doesn’t it mean that it’s coming out of the urethra?? I understand that it need not be an urethral damage since I could have blasted a capillary elsewhere and the my body just tried to dump a little blood in the urethra. Like I said in my previous post that I experienced pain on the right side of the glan just next to the pee hole , about a centimeter deep. So I’m not really sure if it’s a urethral damage. Since the blood was very very little I assume that it’s one of the smaller capillaries in the glan


I see you’re not just pulling by your glans which is good :) Pulling back the foreskin prior to stretching makes sure you’re not stretching the skin. To minimize the tension on your glans try to to put most pressure on the sides of your dick. Also make sure your glans isn’t engorged when stretching, too much pressure inside your glans could cause a little bleeding too.

I think every guy freaks when he sees blood from the tip of his cock. I know I did. I had no pain, no bloody urine and no reoccurance after that one time.

Its nothing and thats my professional PEers opinion.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Agreed 789. It’s the second time I bled. I’m just taking a couple of days off. Will be back at it.
Thanks Piet


Menstruation is natural; don’t worry about it.

Lol para. Well I guess I figured the problem already. I’ll post about it later

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