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Flaccid and Erect Debate


Your fantasy choices wouldn’t apply to most of us.

But, having got 8”+ from PE and no appreciable flaccid increase in spite of that, I changed tacs and finally did get flaccid gain. I can say that having both is the best of both worlds. Doesn’t matter if not many people see it. I see it when I shower and shave and am aware of it during the day; a divorced hottie hit on me today in a supermarket. That felt real good even though I’m not interested. Flaccid size can count in a lot of ways.



Originally Posted by avocet8
Your fantasy choices wouldn’t apply to most of us.

But, having got 8”+ from PE and no appreciable flaccid increase in spite of that, I changed tacs and finally did get flaccid gain. I can say that having both is the best of both worlds. Doesn’t matter if not many people see it. I see it when I shower and shave and am aware of it during the day; a divorced hottie hit on me today in a supermarket. That felt real good even though I’m not interested. Flaccid size can count in a lot of ways.

Yeah ,it’s a little strange how much better I feel about myself when I’m having a particularly good flaccid day. Even though I know my erect size is the same. So obviously having a decent flaccid is a great thing. But I would still choose the 1in. Flaccid and 8 in. Erect and just make darn sure that when it’s time to “perform” I’m(it’s) ready to grow QUICK! So she doesn’t even get the chance to see the small flaccid. Viagra here I come!

If a woman likes the way you fuck her, she isn’t going to give a shit about your flaccid.

Horny Bastard

Agreed. It would be pretty hard to guess which would be more of a turn on for HER. A small guy getting large or a large guy staying large. Give the fact that they both have the same erect length. Personally I would think that when she’s giving you a tonsil knocker the smaller, but EL the same, flaccid guy might have the advantage. I might be wrong though. Either way wrap it up and see who’s laughing now if you have the opportunity and it’s that much of concern to you.

Since I have lived my whole life with a small flaccid penis(approximately 2”) I would definitely go for the 1” 8”. I don’t do that much public showers any more and one woman is enough for the rumor of your 8” erect penis to get around. But at the age of 12-13 I wouldn’t have thought twice about getting the 4” flaccid dick. Your not having that much sex then(maybe you would with the 8” :p ) but you do take a lot of public showers, and being able to feel normal is important.

Start: 10/01/2006: NBPEL: 5.11" Goal: NBPEL:7" Now: Somewhere in-between

I would go for the 6” erect 4” flaccid, It would be pretty hard to stop yourself from peeing on your shoes if you only had 1” to handle.

Originally Posted by techie
I would go for the 6” erect 4” flaccid, It would be pretty hard to stop yourself from peeing on your shoes if you only had 1” to handle.

Well, you have 8” or more to handle if you are 8” erect. Is sufficient to stretch it a little.

Lol it would be quite a show watching it grow from 1” to 8”.

Whenever a guy in the showers fucks with you, wait until he drops his soap and stick you 8 inch in there and ask him if he still thinks it’s small.

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

Am I the only one to say it depends on the girth of the 6 incher? Or the 8 for that matter.

If the girth is good, I’d be happy with the 4” flaccid, 6” erect, if NBP. I rather like having some hang.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by MDC
I’d have to go with the 4-6 incher. I can’t imagine a 1” flaccid having enough skin to cover 8” erect. If there weren’t a skin issue, I’d have a difficult time deciding which I’d rather have, but I’m leaning towards 1-8.

I agree with MDC about the 1” having enough skin to even get out to 8”. I don’t see this hypothetical being even remotely possible.

One thing I don’t think was specified, if you have the 4x6 or 1x8 for that matter.. Can you benefit from PE? Or is it a permanent size?

JGman: Sure it’s possible.. Just that your penis looks like an accordion when flaccid :p

Start: 10/01/2006: NBPEL: 5.11" Goal: NBPEL:7" Now: Somewhere in-between


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