Length, Girth And Reduction Factors
Most people start with a goal to get; length, girth, both etc. Gains will mostly come in your focus dimension, but you will also experience growth in the other dimension as well. So if you focus on length, the gains will predominantly be in length, but you will also see girth gains. These could be just in the flaccid or in the erect or in both.
I experienced a growth reduction going through the different phases of flaccid(s) to erect. So for example, when I saw a 0.5 inch increase in SFL, I saw a little bit of increase in flaccid length, approximately 0.25 inches, then it ultimately translated into a little less than 0.25 in erect length. That seemed to be the culmination of that growth cycle or event, because I did not see any additional growth in flaccid(s) or erect until the SFL jumped again. It should be noted that I kept the same routine.
There also appears to be a reduction factor in ultimate gains over time. When I plot my gains and look at a specific interval, the next interval goes longer than the previous one for the same gain amount, or stated differently, I didn’t gain as much in that cycle. So if I gained 0.5 inches (erect) in 6 months, the next 6 months only produced a gain of 0.3 inches. So the growth rate slows over time. Right now I use a 40% growth reduction factor (from my initial gain rate) when estimating gains vs time. Right now that seems to work, but I think that will need to increase over time.