Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Focus Your PE and Gain! TGC Theory

Just some thanks

Hey everybody, I hope you are all doing fine. I’m new here (1st post) and to PE at all.

I just wanted to thank everyone who works and donates contributing to this great site and I wanted to thank Iguana and remek for this thread because as I started I had no gains for a month then I read your theory and applied it (tunica was my limiting factor) and my efforts started showing effect within 2 weeks.

Again thanks a lot for all the efforts you put in here.

Sorry for any mistakes/errors I made while writing.


I am fairly new to PE and have been involved for almost three months now. In this time I have seen little gains and no improvement in EQ. Having read this thread it’s obvious that smooth muscle is my limiting factor as my current BPEL is 7.756 and my BPFSL is 8.27 and my EQ is about a 6.5/7. I currently use an extender everyday and do PE on a 1 on 1 off basis, my routine including jelqs, v jelqs, bundled stretches for base girth and squeezes. I am now going to increase girth work to a 2 on 1 off routine and see if I can maximize gains and get improved EQ. Thank you for this thread.

It has been about a month since my last post, following that post I took a weeks break from all PE. The next week I started my routine of 2 on 1 off which I later modified to 2 on 1 off followed by 2 on 2 off. My first routine started with a ten minute warmup followed by 10 minutes of bundled stretches with my penis twisted from the base for base girth. After that I do 30 minutes of ok grip or v grip Jelqs with supersets of 10 second squeezes followed by a warm down. I have continuously modified my routine to suit my needs and the one I’m doing currently has 5 minute stretches before and after the bundled stretches. It also has 15 minutes of edging before the warm down. I ejaculate after edging on the second day. During this time I have stopped all extender use. I have seen greatly improved EQ and I’m currently at 8.5/9. I now almost always wake up with morning wood and experience random unstimulated erections throughout the day. My dick has increased girth, fullness and veinage although I haven’t measured yet I am sure of it as I now also have a better flaccid hang. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost some length both BPEL and BPFSL which is why I have added manual stretches to my routine.


Currently at 8.125 BPEL and 6.25 Girth

Very interesting, I will try it. I struggled to gain girth, and after 1 month of re starting PE again I was hanging and extending and my BPFSL is longer than my BPE, now I will add some clamping everoy other other and keep on with my hanging daily. I will keep on updating.


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