Found a great girth exercise for my pencil
Hello. I am somewhat of a newbie, but have become so enraged at my pencil dick that I have had to devise a good exercise to rapidly increase the girth of my penis. It goes like this, and I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS FOR BEGINNERS.
My penis lies at a 6.75 bpel and a meager 4.85 eg. Therein lies the problem and my desperate need for girth.
I use a tight industrial strength rubber band for my ULI clamp.
1. I lube up and shave well around the base.
2. I take the rubber band (my cockring) and triple it up (the tension of the tripled up fat rubber band makes for a great tourniquet.)
3. I slide this “rubber band tourniquet” into position, as low as possible at the base, shaft only, no balls included.
4. I gain a good erection and kegel in extra into the penis to achieve a 110% erection. My little cock looks almost porn quality at this point.
5. I either stand or kneel over the kitchen table or coffee table (respectively) and lay my penis flatly upon it.
6. I take a rolling pin and starting at the base, I GENTLY roll up to the glans, remove and start again. I gradually increase pressure with each 10 second stroke, and repeat about 30-40 strokes for the 10 minute set. What a stretch!!!!!!
I have already noticed a 1/8 inch midshaft girth gain in the last 9 days. I had some burst capillaries (any help on this???) but the girth growth so far has been phenomenal.
Also note, I eventually learned to place a short string or dental floss under the tourniquet so that I can use something to pull up on the rubber band to make for easier removal. I remove by using scissors to just snip the rubber band after lifting. Only hurts for just a second and the rubber band flys off.
Boy I’ll tell you what, the internal pressure created by this method is very high. Be careful, I only recommend this to pencil dick “must have girth” gainers like me.