Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Full text penis length study, a bit more clinical than Lifestyles

I found this chart on a condom site.They were trying to sell custom fit condoms. I can tell you that the Wyoming cowboys I say do not deserve last place and the Denver bears aint so bad either.

20 Cities Order by Penis Size
1.New Orleans
2.Washington DC
3.San Diego
4.New York City
8.San Francisco
10.St. Louis
17.Los Angeles
20.Dallas/Ft. Worth

50 States Order by Penis Size
1.New Hampshire
3.New York
11.New Mexico
19.South Dakota
25.Rhode Island
32.New Jersey
33.North Dakota
42.North Carolina
44.South Carolina
46.West Virginia

The Older The Fiddle The Sweeter The Tune

Wait for when they list the 100 neighbourhood.

Originally Posted by marinera
Does penile size in younger men cause problems in condom use? a prospective measurement of penile dimensions in 111 young and 32 older men - PubMed Where is written that they took the BPEL? It seems they meausred NBPEL.

"Study 10 - 111 "younger" (18-19 years old) and 32 "older" (40-68 years old, for whom 100% erection was induced by drug injection) German men:
BPEL (young men) = 5.70". BPEL (older men) = 5.58". UPDATE (05/13/2007): The full text of the article specifies that these measurements were bone-pressed."

Penis Size: The True Average

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Wait, so we should trust P-G on that? Never!! ;)

So the average BPEL is less than 6”. :-k

C’mon, any chicks knows that the average dick is 8x6” and actually I do know a very pretty girl who’s biggest was 16x12 - and he didn’t bottom out her.

It’s confusing. So if one takes that study at face value, the average NBPEL is probably 5” at most (probably less). Just seems unbelievable, to me. If accurate, most guys must be real big-time bullshitters. And they end up screwing themselves with their own bullshit.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Wow, got busy for couple of days and the discussion just took off! The full text isn’t free, so I can’t link to it. I got it off Elsevier; they were promoting a new feature that allows patients (as opposed to professional researchers) get certain non-public-domain for only a $5 processing fee per article and they gave my account a $5 credit to check out the feature (maybe they think I’m a doctor who can spread word to patients? I do a fair bit of light medical journal research from time to time but I a layman). And it’s accompanied by all the usual language limiting distribution.

The numbers are what they are, the motivation for the study was to compare younger v. Older men because younger men had issues with condom breakage and slippage and generally complained about the things and older dudes were fine. Result that erect sizes are about the same (young guys a bit wider), though old guys had larger flaccid figures. However, the old guys all had ED, and the authors posited that larger flaccid may be due to loss of elasticity in tunica related to ED (noting that it could actually be caused by the cessation of erections).

That’s why I posted figures only for the 111 -member younger cohort with no ED and who achieved erections naturally.

I can quote from the article later re BP, but like I said, with regard to erect size, the author not only expressly mentions that the fat pad was maximally compressed , but also provides an illustration and criticizes other studies that measured fat pad thickness apart from the penis length. So that bit is petty certain.

So what of the results? The sample size is only 111, so the confidence interval would be on the wide side, but they nonetheless provide information. Why did they max out at 7.5? Well, in a random sample of 111 men, taken from an infinite population (for the purposes of the statistical calculation, same result if 80 million or 80 trillion), one only has a 63.38% chance of encountering at least one (that is, one or more) man that has a feature that exists in 1 of 111 men (0.9%) in the wider population. To get to 99%, you would need to sample more than 500. That being said, approximately 12.69% of people who have had 15 male partners would have run into a 1/111 (0.9%) penis, and that’s a lot of people. And a 0.9% penis, according to the study, is 7.5 or larger.

The closer you focus on the extreme ends of any normal distribution, the less accurate the extrapolations.

So, if your calculations are right, pepsi, a woman who had 15 partners has about 1 on 8 odds to have encountered a 7.5” BPEL penis?

Originally Posted by pepsican
Result that erect sizes are about the same (young guys a bit wider), though old guys had larger flaccid figures. However, the old guys all had ED, and the authors posited that larger flaccid may be due to loss of elasticity in tunica related to ED (noting that it could actually be caused by the cessation of erections).

A bit off topic but I found this interesting (penis extensibility as a function of age). Have a look at figure 1.

"Urethral extensibility was significantly greater than penile extensibility (p 0.001) and each value decreased with aging (fig. 1)."

http://www.urog enitalresearch. … 2042_5_2002.pdf

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

To compare what men claim, I searched adam4adam, a guy hookup site, for dick size. Nothing scientific about this, but I’m interested to see how its different from a real study.

My town has 1200+ members. By size, there are:

3”-4” - 5 members
4”-5” - 11 members
5”-6” - 60 members
6”-7” - 223 members
7”-8” - 439 members
8”-9” - 395 members
9”-10” - 192 members
10”-11” - 70 members
11”-12” - 23 members
12”-13” - 4 members
13”-14” - 1 member

There were 2 that say they have a 20 inch dick, I threw them out for being silly.

If we were going to take their word as gospel, we would have to admit that over half the guys out there are between 7 and 9 inches, with dicks bigger being more common than smaller. Its still a rough bell curve, with the hump shifted towards the big side. Pretty sure the numbers don’t add up, the site does not make you say anything about your size if you don’t want to, and a lot of guys who aren’t into the hysteria don’t.

Like I said, this is not scientific. But it does show the size misconception isn’t because this is a dick tugging forum. Its out there. Interesting.

There are all sorts of things screwing with the numbers. The most obvious is that they are all lying. Then there is the fact there is no measuring standard being used, and that smaler guys have more of a tendency to leave that answer blank than big guys. (If someone says its 9 when really its 7.5, its still damn big and won’t get many complaints. If 4 claims to be 6.5, he will probably get told off.) The pressure to lie comes from the common idea that men have that average is bigger than studies say, and the desire to feel normal. When most guys are saying they have 8, and you see you are the same size, you want to say 8. Also they know that a lot of guys are more likely to respond to a profile with a bigger size on it.

“I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade? What about slut pride?”

― Margaret Cho

Originally Posted by marinera
So, if your calculations are right, pepsi, a woman who had 15 partners has about 1 on 8 odds to have encountered a 7.5” BPEL penis?

Yes, within the error bars of the study, of course, that is approximately correct. The woman also has a probability of about 99.21% of encountering AT MOST 1 such penis in her life, meaning the odds of more than one are about 0.79%.

Incidentally, for those who care about that sort of thing, this is the only way to maintain a reasonable grip on things. No matter one’s size, there are always going to be larger guys out there. And some percentage of women will have been with one of them. Nothing we can do about it. But as you get a decent distance away from the mean, the chance of 2 or 3 or more such encounters trends to zero. So if Mr. X has a 7.25” BPEL, he’s on the podium of the vast vast majority of women; usually on the top spot of the podium, but for the occasional women at #2 or, even more rarely, #3.

And here I was thinking that heterosexual men and women were the prime big-time bullshiters. These guys are even worse. Is there anybody on this friggin planet that is telling the truth.

Self-reports: easily over 6” NBPEL
Scientific studies: At most ~5” NBPEL

That’s a big friggin difference.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by pepsican
So if Mr. X has a 7.25” BPEL, he’s on the podium of the vast vast majority of women; usually on the top spot of the podium, but for the occasional women at #2 or, even more rarely, #3.

That comes out to ~6.25-6.5” NBPEL. I still find that hard to believe. I’d love to think it’s true and I’m huge but I still find that a bit hard to swallow. Only 1 out of 100 guys (and probably less) has a dick greater than 6.25-6.5” NBPEL? Sorry, I just don’t buy it.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Look at my second pic. I don’t like doing this but for the sake of science. I’m semi-erect (75%) and it is exactly 6.5" NBPEL. You can confirm it by using your own webcam. Two things: It probably looks longer because it’s hanging down versus erect. It probably looks shorter because I have a 2" width. I’m exactly 5’10" (without shoes).

You honestly believe that if you put that penis up and outwards, only 1 out 100 guys (at most) have a penis that long? Either I need to up my jelly bean (SSRI) dose or these researchers are living in fairyland. I think the latter. Just my opinion.

The minimalist routine

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Here’s my take on the study. Every study seems to have the same results. None of us here believe the studies because there’s a reason we are all here. We had the misfortune of hooking up with a size queen, an evil woman (or guy) that wanted to destroy our self esteem or we happened to find a group of friends that included Mandingo,Lex Steele and Shane Diesel. Or we watched too much porn. Some members had huge dicks to start and still encountered these crazy situations.

My belief is that most guys lie about their dick size because no one wants to be average in anything and the chance someone whips out a ruler is low.
The real thing going on is that I believe that the human eye and brain is trained to recognize averages. The brain constantly does this. So we don’t see flickering TV images the brain sees it as a smooth averaged picture. Women and men probably see average dicks that are 5-7 inches. They may seem a bit large or a bit small toward either side of that. Once you get beyond that interval or whatever standard deviation, it becomes abnormally large. It may only be a half inch bigger but to the eye and brain it is huge because it falls out of the interval in which 90 percent of dicks fall. So 7.25 inches must be 8 and 8 must be 10.

Look at this study. A doctor measured over 100 guys and couldn’t find an 8 incher.

I also think women confuse length with girth so a 6 x 6 seems much larger and will probably be reported as an 8 incher just due to the illusion.

Originally Posted by e211
Here’s my take on the study. Every study seems to have the same results. None of us here believe the studies because there’s a reason we are all here. We had the misfortune of hooking up with a size queen, an evil woman (or guy) that wanted to destroy our self esteem or we happened to find a group of friends that included Mandingo,Lex Steele and Shane Diesel. Or we watched too much porn. Some members had huge dicks to start and still encountered these crazy situations.

My belief is that most guys lie about their dick size because no one wants to be average in anything and the chance someone whips out a ruler is low.
The real thing going on is that I believe that the human eye and brain is trained to recognize averages. The brain constantly does this. So we don’t see flickering TV images the brain sees it as a smooth averaged picture. Women and men probably see average dicks that are 5-7 inches. They may seem a bit large or a bit small toward either side of that. Once you get beyond that interval or whatever standard deviation, it becomes abnormally large. It may only be a half inch bigger but to the eye and brain it is huge because it falls out of the interval in which 90 percent of dicks fall. So 7.25 inches must be 8 and 8 must be 10.

Look at this study. A doctor measured over 100 guys and couldn’t find an 8 incher.

I also think women confuse length with girth so a 6 x 6 seems much larger and will probably be reported as an 8 incher just due to the illusion.

That makes a lot of sense e211; I’m buying it.

I have sexdaily! I mean dyslexia! Fcuk!


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