Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Full text penis length study, a bit more clinical than Lifestyles

I actually believe the German study although I think measuring the way we do with our best erection in privacy maybe it would have shown 6” BPEL. As for flaccid bone pressed, I don’t think this was stretched in any way so I think if anyone was in a doctor’s office and nervous that’s what it would be. I’m a little over 7” BPEL now and with about .5” fat pad. Looking back over my life I’ve had positive comments on my length. Not really on girth though. I was probably 4.6 mid before PE and now 5 mid and 5.6 base. My girlfriends positive comments on my dick are about 90 percent length based and 10 or less on it being thick too. The Cancun study shows average girth to be 5 but like 6 or 7 percent of guys are 5.75 or over. To me that’s my real worry. I would honestly be happy at my length. We always talk about average length when I think honestly you just need length to deliver the girth. I still feel and hope that the Cancun study guys were larger guys just waiting to be measured and not representative of all guys.

Does anyone have proof that the Cancun study was non bone pressed? I thought I read somewhere the ruler was lightly pushed into the fat pad so sort of in between.

@ Bohm

You NBPL 7 and 6 girth. It is more than average, above and many more in your place I would not have worked PE. What will you more?



I’ve always felt that 8” NBPEL x 6” girth is an elite and rare penis. That is my goal. So part of it is ego, I think but I also think part of it is due to my anxiety/insecurity.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by e211
I actually believe the German study although I think measuring the way we do with our best erection in privacy maybe it would have shown 6” BPEL. As for flaccid bone pressed, I don’t think this was stretched in any way so I think if anyone was in a doctor’s office and nervous that’s what it would be. I’m a little over 7” BPEL now and with about .5” fat pad. Looking back over my life I’ve had positive comments on my length. Not really on girth though. I was probably 4.6 mid before PE and now 5 mid and 5.6 base. My girlfriends positive comments on my dick are about 90 percent length based and 10 or less on it being thick too. The Cancun study shows average girth to be 5 but like 6 or 7 percent of guys are 5.75 or over. To me that’s my real worry. I would honestly be happy at my length. We always talk about average length when I think honestly you just need length to deliver the girth. I still feel and hope that the Cancun study guys were larger guys just waiting to be measured and not representative of all guys.

Does anyone have proof that the Cancun study was non bone pressed? I thought I read somewhere the ruler was lightly pushed into the fat pad so sort of in between.

You are before PE was 4.6 inch girt and now you’re 5, in the middle of the penis? Now 10% of women say it is too much 5 to 5.6 girth?

I was strange to me that the studies in the Cancun talks is NBPL 14.9 cm (5.9 inch) and other studies with the other studies from Germany (doctors) are saying that the average BP of some 14.48 cm (5.7 inch) to 15.7 cm (6.18 inch). Most studies show that the average BP from 5.7 to 6.18 inch, only those studies in Cancun in all of this does not fit.

I believe the Germans would be less because all they are doing, working professional, precise, well .. Yet these 14.48 cm (5.7 inch) BP we act but somehow a bit.

Originally Posted by bohm

I’ve always felt that 8” NBPEL x 6” girth is an elite and rare penis. That is my goal. So part of it is ego, I think but I also think part of it is due to my anxiety/insecurity.

But with it’s current length and girth are averaging more than enough so you have no reason for any insecurity.

And with 8 x 6.5’ll certainly have a problem, I think many women it too long and too thick. It is my opinion: D

Anxiety isn’t rational, unfortunately. Also, a 7 x 6 one looks shorter than it is (thicker ones look shorter). An 8 x 6 looks more proportional, I think. Some women will think an 8 x 6 is too big. Some won’t, though. I’ve never met a women who thought mine was way too big, yet. They said it was big, though. Maybe for a good blow-job, it was sometimes too big but not for vaginal penetration.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by bohm

I suppose one can argue that even if the average locker room penis is ~4” in length (or so), the “real” average may be something smaller because bigger guys are more prone to show it off.

Yup. I noticed that in middle school/high school/college locker rooms, guys tended to be self-conscious; the smaller guys would hide their wangs, and more than a few of the guys seemed to be swinging semi-fluffed dicks. The ~3” average I’ve seen is in more “adult” locker rooms, where you have lots of shameless older guys walking around proudly no matter their dick size. :)

It’s also possible that flaccids tend to shrink even more in a doctor’s office than in a locker room. My flaccid is always at its very smallest when I have a testicular exam. Maybe 3” is the average semi-turtled size, whereas 4” is average for a more relaxed flaccid.

Originally Posted by bohm

Anxiety isn’t rational, unfortunately. Also, a 7 x 6 one looks shorter than it is (thicker ones look shorter). An 8 x 6 looks more proportional, I think. Some women will think an 8 x 6 is too big. Some won’t, though. I’ve never met a women who thought mine was way too big, yet. They said it was big, though. Maybe for a good blow-job, it was sometimes too big but not for vaginal penetration.

I got into PE for exactly the reason you cite. Once you reach 8x6, I think you’re right that you’ll like your proportions more. As for women, I suspect you’ll eventually run across an extra-tight pussy that makes you wish you had a bit less girth. The endless foreplay and especially the long post-sex recovery times can get annoying with a small-vag woman.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
As for women, I suspect you’ll eventually run across an extra-tight pussy that makes you wish you had a bit less girth. The endless foreplay and especially the long post-sex recovery times can get annoying with a small-vag woman.

I haven’t slept with too many women but I assumed prolonged foreplay and long recovery times (for my wife and especially myself) was the norm. The first few minutes of penetration/thrusting is usually always bothersome without sufficient foreplay. I think I like bigger pussies more because I kinda like that “she needs more dick” feeling, if you know what I mean. I don’t like it when they’re tight. I like it more when they’re dripping wet and wide open for some serious dicking. I guess we all do.

Interesting point about the “adult” locker room. I never thought about that. I think my flaccid has gotten longer with age. I don’t think it turtles to less than 5”, very often; especially now that I’m on SSRIs and my anxiety is under better control, I think. One thing I have noticed which I recall you mentioning in a previous post is that penises do appear smaller than when I remember them when I was younger. Perhaps, this is due to desensitization due to this site or I may have actually suffered from penis dysmorphic syndrome. It’s really hard to tell.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Average length is about 6.25 inches.

Anything 7 or over is rather long.

8 is long.

8.5 to 9 is even longer!

9.5 to 10 is LOOOONG.

I max out at 8 BPEL and am quite satisfied with that, personally speaking:)

Starting length-About 6.15 inches,Current length at least 7.5 inches NBEL

"I am NOT a TOY"-Teddy

What do you think is the average girth?

“What do you think is the average girth?”

Probably 4.5 to 4.75.

Maybe five…

And five around is nice and thick if the girl is two fingers tight.

Assuming she has normal girl sized fingers;) ,Lol

I’d be happy with 5.25 and have been stuck at five for the longest damn time!

Surveys are full of crap.

145 dudes or whatever is just not a large enough sample size.

You’d have to measure at least a thousand.

Starting length-About 6.15 inches,Current length at least 7.5 inches NBEL

"I am NOT a TOY"-Teddy

Last edited by SirFoggy : 09-07-2010 at .

Originally Posted by SirFoggy

"What do you think is the average girth?"

Probably 4.5 to 4.75.

Maybe five…

And five around is nice and thick if the girl is two fingers tight.

Assuming she has normal girl sized fingers;) ,Lol

I’d be happy with 5.25 and have been stuck at five for the longest damn time!

Surveys are full of crap.

145 dudes or whatever is just not a large enough sample size.

You’d have to measure at least a thousand. - How to determine an effective sample size

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

There’s lies damned lies and STATISTICS.

That part about assuming shit is true of others if it’s true within the group sampled is a good example of what I’m talking about,lol

If you really wanna know the average size of the dick you need to actually see and measure ALOT of ACTUAL dick.

None of that “you can assume that 40%-50% of the entire population will choose the same answer.”bullshit.

That’s called pulling numbers out of your ass:p

The mainstream media does it all the time.

Starting length-About 6.15 inches,Current length at least 7.5 inches NBEL

"I am NOT a TOY"-Teddy

One more recent interesting study that looked at length indirectly. Just adding it for completeness. The figure of 25th and 75th percentile is kinda interesting:

Measuring method:

"All measurements were performed in an air-conditioned medical consulting room, at temperatures varying from 23°Cto 25°C. The measurements of penile length in fully stretched states were recorded by the same physician (M.S.). Penile length was defined as the linear distance along the dorsal side of the penis extending from the pubopenile skin junction to the tip of the glans in the fully stretched but still flaccid state. To reduce errors in measurements, 2 measurements were performed, and their mean value was recorded. We did not measure the penis length in erection during CDU because not every patient could achieve erection during pharmacologically induced and sexually stimulated erection and, as demonstrated by Chen et al (2000), the length of the stretched penis provides a reliable estimation of its potential maximal elongation during erection."

What was considered small, normal and large for these researchers?

"Patients were divided into 3 groups according to penile stretched length as follows: group I, small penile length, stretched penile length below the 25th percentile; group II, normal penile length, stretched penile length between the 25th and 75th percentiles; and group III, large penile length, stretched penile length above the 75th percentile."

"Demographic characteristics and risk factors for ED are shown in Table 1 and are presented separately for groups I, II, and III. Overall, the mean stretched penile length was 13.44 ± 2.40 cm (range, 9.50–18.00 cm). For group I patients (n = 7 [17%]), stretched penile length was 10.07 ± 0.34 cm (range, 9.50–10.50 cm); for group II patients (n = 24 [57%]), stretched penile length was 13.01 ± 1.34 cm (range, 11.00–15.00 cm); for group III patients (n = 11 [26%]), stretched penile length was 16.50 ± 0.84 cm (range, 15.50–18.00 cm)."

http://www.andr ologyjournal.or … l/30/5/515#REF6

So the 25th percentile was 11 cm (4.3”) and the 75th percentile was 15.5 cm (6.1 “). It looks like the mean was about 13.75 cm (5.4 “). It should be noted that these are non bone-pressed stretched flaccid length measurements.

Sounds pretty consistent with many other studies. If you added half an inch to try to compare with studies that used bone-pressed measurements the 25-75% confidence interval would become 4.8” to 6.6” and the mean 5.9”.

I’ve looked at quite a few surveys and concluded that the mean non bone-pressed erect penis length of adults is probably around 5.5” (or just under) and the mean bone-pressed length probably 6” (or just under). IMO guys who have somehow concluded that the average visible erect penis length is something like 7” are out of touch with reality, or live in a much different reality than I do.

Last edited by redbear52 : 09-09-2010 at .

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