Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Full text penis length study, a bit more clinical than Lifestyles

It seems that these studies show that the average is about 6.18 inch BP. And 4.85 inch girth. I do not know for me it was too little. I have a BP 6.7 inch when we push the maximum, ruler of pubic bone. And some day I just tried to measure as precisely as possible under the head girth is 5:17, 5:27 in the middle, and down at the end of 5.19.

It is a stronger averaging at that but I doubt it. I’m not gay) but I’ve seen about 10 erect penis, and only one was very small, about 5 and girth around the fourth One was really great about 8.5, while the others were like me. A little bit longer and two slightly thicker. So to disbelieve that 50% of penile length less than 6.5 and less than 5 girth.

This German study says that the averaging 14.48 cm (5.7inch) BP. While studies Lifestyles Condoms says it is averaging 5.9 NPBL: D. Who to believe? These differences are too big of 14.48 cm (5.7inch) BP (German study) and Lifestyles Condoms NPBL 14.9 cm (5.9 inch).

Originally Posted by qayqwe
This German study says that the averaging 14.48 cm (5.7inch) BP. While studies Lifestyles Condoms says it is averaging 5.9 NPBL: D. Who to believe? These differences are too big of 14.48 cm (5.7inch) BP (German study) and Lifestyles Condoms NPBL 14.9 cm (5.9 inch).

That’s exactly how I see it. It’s like having 2 studies looking at average height. One study says the average height is ~5’ 9” (with shoes). The other study says the average is 6’4” (without shoes).

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Its not that extreme. One says 5.7, one says 5.9. You’ve measured your dick, you know that’s the difference between a good day and a bad one. That much difference could easily be the difference in measuring style. It all gives you the same idea - average length seems to be around 6.

You think 5.7 BPEL versus 5.9 NBPEL isn’t much of a difference?

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

No. I think I shouldn’t try to read before I have coffee. It always ends in failure.

BPEL 5.7 versus 5.9 NBPEL is a big difference

Yes, and this part makes me question the 5.7” study results:

“All measurements were performed in the same room at the same temperature. As shown in Figure 1, we measured the penile length in the flaccid state from the pubic-penile skin junction to the meatus with a ruler. The prepubic fat pad was pushed to the bone at the maximum.”

And they got an average BPFL (bone-pressed flaccid length) of less than ~3.4”. That would mean the average NBPFL was less than 3” easily. I find that kinda hard to accept, unless there was some serious white coat syndrome (turtling) happening.


Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

What am I missing. There are over 100,000 members here. Get Thunder or one of the mods who can make a poll with more than 10 options to do a poll of our starting size.

Do one for width and girth.

Actually you can even do 2 that non-members can vote on also. I would not trust that one as much but after 1,000,000 votes that I think it would get within a year we could at least see the curve.

Come on Thunder, let’s do this! Pretty please.

Originally Posted by master33598
What am I missing. There are over 100,000 members here. Get Thunder or one of the mods who can make a poll with more than 10 options to do a poll of our starting size.

Do one for width and girth.

Actually you can even do 2 that non-members can vote on also. I would not trust that one as much but after 1,000,000 votes that I think it would get within a year we could at least see the curve.

Come on Thunder, let’s do this! Pretty please.

It’s already been done
Pre PE length

Pre PE Girth

Start 5.25 BPEL x 4.36 EG

Current 6.2 BPEL x 4.60 EG

Originally Posted by bohm

Yes, and this part makes me question the 5.7” study results:

“All measurements were performed in the same room at the same temperature. As shown in Figure 1, we measured the penile length in the flaccid state from the pubic-penile skin junction to the meatus with a ruler. The prepubic fat pad was pushed to the bone at the maximum.”

And they got an average BPFL (bone-pressed flaccid length) of less than ~3.4”. That would mean the average NBPFL was less than 3” easily. I find that kinda hard to accept, unless there was some serious white coat syndrome (turtling) happening.


Most of what I see in locker rooms are 2.5-3.5” flaccid dicks, with a few big guys in the 4-5” range and a few small guys in the 1-2” range.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Most of what I see in locker rooms are 2.5-3.5” flaccid dicks, with a few big guys in the 4-5” range and a few small guys in the 1-2” range.

So that fits in with the 3” average flaccid in the study. I think I must hung around the wrong locker rooms. I would have guessed a 4” average flaccid (about the length of a toilet paper roll). But then again, I didn’t look too closely as I didn’t want to get my face smashed in or make people think I was gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that).

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by qayqwe
It seems that these studies show that the average is about 6.18 inch BP. And 4.85 inch girth. I do not know for me it was too little. I have a BP 6.7 inch when we push the maximum, ruler of pubic bone. And some day I just tried to measure as precisely as possible under the head girth is 5:17, 5:27 in the middle, and down at the end of 5.19.

It is a stronger averaging at that but I doubt it. I’m not gay) but I’ve seen about 10 erect penis, and only one was very small, about 5 and girth around the fourth One was really great about 8.5, while the others were like me. A little bit longer and two slightly thicker. So to disbelieve that 50% of penile length less than 6.5 and less than 5 girth.

This German study says that the averaging 14.48 cm (5.7inch) BP. While studies Lifestyles Condoms says it is averaging 5.9 NPBL: D. Who to believe? These differences are too big of 14.48 cm (5.7inch) BP (German study) and Lifestyles Condoms NPBL 14.9 cm (5.9 inch).

Under what circumstances did you see 10 erect penises? I ask because as a guy who always considered himself to be small, I never, ever let anyone see my erect penis. Like you i’m not gay, but have seen other guys erect cocks and when doing so always wished mine was big enough to show off in front of other people. I didn’t particuarly want others to see it erect, but just wanted a size big enough so that i’d have the confidence to do so if I chose. I’m sure a good number, in fact most guys, who consider themselves small, are like me in that repsect and therefore wouldn’t show themselves in front of other guys. Therefore is your sample of 10 guys a particuarly good one? I think it depends on the cirucmstances. If they were voluntarily showing you and others their erect penis, then I suspect most of the smaller guys weren’t so keen to get theirs out. If in a room of 10 guys everyone had to show their erect cock, then the sample is perhaps better. If there was much in the way of choice, then I’d be amazed if smaller guys weren’t less prepared to show others.

For comparisonn purposes, have a look at tom’s site. The first pic is of a guy ~2.5-3.5” (smaller than the toilet paper roll). He calls that size small “normal”, I think. The second pic, the guy is somewhat bigger than a toilet paper roll (~4.5”). He calls that big “normal”. You can drag cursor to see the difference: - bad link

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by joey999

Under what circumstances did you see 10 erect penises? I ask because as a guy who always considered himself to be small, I never, ever let anyone see my erect penis. Like you I’m not gay, but have seen other guys erect cocks and when doing so always wished mine was big enough to show off in front of other people. I didn’t particuarly want others to see it erect, but just wanted a size big enough so that I’d have the confidence to do so if I chose. I’m sure a good number, in fact most guys, who consider themselves small, are like me in that repsect and therefore wouldn’t show themselves in front of other guys. Therefore is your sample of 10 guys a particuarly good one? I think it depends on the cirucmstances. If they were voluntarily showing you and others their erect penis, then I suspect most of the smaller guys weren’t so keen to get theirs out. If in a room of 10 guys everyone had to show their erect cock, then the sample is perhaps better. If there was much in the way of choice, then I’d be amazed if smaller guys weren’t less prepared to show others.

It is possible that the way that they are so courageous and showed. That was long ago, some know when to pull out and drink to be so kidding. Or at that time not everyone had a video recorder and make us 10 watched porn movies together. So in those situations I’ve seen these 10 dick.

I suppose one can argue that even if the average locker room penis is ~4” in length (or so), the “real” average may be something smaller because bigger guys are more prone to show it off. So we’re kinda back to square one. At least, I hope we can agree that the median/mean erect girth is at most 5” (maybe slightly less).

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)


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