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Gain an Inch of girth, really


Gain an Inch of girth, really

I have seen that plenty of guys that have gained about .5” of girth to their dicks but is it unrealistic to actually gain an 1” inch of girth? Can this be done!

In 6 years PE I’ve actually gained more than 1 inch in girth. I can’t put it as a rule as I can only speak for my unit, but consistency should always pay in the long run.

Don’t be influenced by how much girth others have gained. You’re not doing the same routine as them and genetics plays a role in this also. I’ve read TONS of threads that guys have gained more than an inch in girth in less than a year.

I have gained more than 1 inch of girth. However, it has not been uniform—I have gained massive base girth, maybe an inch midshaft, and hardly any below the glans and the top of the shaft. I have been left with a cone dick.

But yes..It is very possible. It just takes a lot of time.

I gained 1.1” of girth after about 2 years. Most of it was in the first 6 months. I’ve since lost about 0.2 or 0.3 of that because I didn’t cement my gains. That was deliberate. I was getting a bit too thick.

So, it is possible to gain 1” but it varies from guy to guy. Personally, I have a hard time gaining length.

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Originally Posted by ModestoMan

I gained 1.1” of girth after about 2 years. Most of it was in the first 6 months. I’ve since lost about 0.2 or 0.3 of that because I didn’t cement my gains. That was deliberate. I was getting a bit too thick.

So, it is possible to gain 1” but it varies from guy to guy. Personally, I have a hard time gaining length.

May I ask what you did to gain that amount of girth so quickly? Were you clamping?

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

Originally Posted by biggerjohnson
May I ask what you did to gain that amount of girth so quickly? Were you clamping?

No, he was sleeping.

Originally Posted by biggerjohnson

May I ask what you did to gain that amount of girth so quickly? Were you clamping?

No. I never clamped. I did a lot of jelqing and squeezing, however. I would squeeze very hard, at the very base of my penis, and hold for 30 seconds while kegeling my ass off. I would repeat this several times, and also mix in some shorter reps (5-10 second). Sometimes I would slide the grip forward, very slowly, while continuing to squeeze and kegel. It was intense, but I never used anything other than my hands.

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ModestoMan, you seem to know how to cement your gains can you please explain this to me? I have read a lot of post were there is a lot of uncertainty to how to do it. Thanks

ModestoMan, since you say that you have a hard time gaining length and you said you did a lot of jelqing and squeezing, did you not do a lot of stretching in the beginning, and is that why it is hard for you to gain length?

One other thing, what is your current length?

Viva if you click on modestomans name, a little tool box will open and at the bottom of that box you can click view modestomans PE statics and it will show you all his progress and his current stats as well. Just to let you know.

Originally Posted by overthetop

ModestoMan, you seem to know how to cement your gains can you please explain this to me? I have read a lot of post were there is a lot of uncertainty to how to do it. Thanks

Cementing is easy, OTT. Just continue your workouts for a couple of months after you make your gains. Taper off the time and effort you put in. For example, if you worked out 5 days a week to get your gains, you can probably cement by dropping to 3 days right away, continuing that for a month, dropping to 2 days, continuing that for a month, and so forth.

There are lots of threads on cementing, and I’m hardly an expert. Search and you shall find.

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Originally Posted by viva51

ModestoMan, since you say that you have a hard time gaining length and you said you did a lot of jelqing and squeezing, did you not do a lot of stretching in the beginning, and is that why it is hard for you to gain length?

One other thing, what is your current length?

I’m 7.6 or so BPEL, having started at 6.5. I did prefer to do girth work than length work early on. Stretching was always a pain and left my glans bruised. Perhaps I would have gained better if I had laid off the girth work early on. But that’s pretty speculative.

Since then, I’ve done quite a lot of hanging, and I’ve never gained from it. So, for whatever the reason, I’m not a very quick length gainer, and not from lack of trying.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

ModestoMan what hanging method, equipment etc. Were you using?

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