Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gained more than 1" from Jelqing or Manual Stretching?

ATTN: bigknob

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?
No jelq - gained all the girth in the first 6 months using a bend that I invented. It never caught on here though.

Can you describe your self-invented stretch for those interesting in implementing it?

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)
Answer = 5.5” length x 5.25” girth

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?
Answer = 1/4” in length in 30 days

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?
Answer = 7 months

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)
Answer = 3 on 1 off

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?
Answer = 10 -12 minutes

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?
Answer = 30 - 35 minutes

I’m still gaining pretty good, at a rate of about .25” every 45 days or so in length. I’m not cocentrating on girth much yet. Lately, I’ve been using a captains wench for my ADS and I just started hanging 10lbs. I’ve only hung for a 1 hour and 15 minute session and another shorter 25 minute session later that night. It’s hard to find the privacy and time to hang though. I find the stretch INCREDIBLE though.

Before PE BPEL - 5.5" EG - 5.25" ---------- 8/20/05 BPEL - 6.75" EG - 5.5" Goal - 8x6

Hey Unleashed, thanks for the response, and congrats on the gains.

Just to make it perfectly clear, are you saying that you used a 3 day on 1 day off (on avergae) routine that had you doing 10-12 minutes or Jelq and 30-35 minutes of stretching — for a comibned total of 40 or so minutes — on your “on” days? (Or maybe you alternated, one day stretch only, one day Jelq only?)

Also, did you switch over to hanging before you’d even hit a plateau? I am curious about this, because the conventional wisdom is “don’t meddle with a routine that is still working”…

Again, thanks!, and congrats on the gains!


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

My 3 on 1 off routine is the manual stretch + jelq each time. I know they say don’t mess with it unless you plateau, but I like to keep my dick guessing. So every week, I change it up a bit, either by using my home-made autoextender, or weights now. I gained all that previous length without any of that up to this point. In the last 45 days or so, I’ve been using my home-made ADS for a minimum of 4 hours a day, but on average, 9 hours a day. I tighten that baby down and get a good stretch. I use it almost like a weight set because I’ve got some serious tension there. Using my ADS, I’ve quickened up my gains. I gained .25” in about 3 weeks with that and it’s holding. My new routine is as follows.

30 minutes manual stretching + advanced stretching techniques
10 minutes jelq, alternate between dry and wet jelq days
10 minute clamp session every 4th day. I’m not real into girth right now
When I feel good about it, I throw in some horse440’s, Ulis etc.

Once a week, now I hang about an hour with 10lbs SD and the next day use my extender as long as it’s comfortable.
Total I’ve gained about 1” from manual methods and another .25” from manual + devices.
I’m almost to 7” BPEL, on my way to 8”!!!

Before PE BPEL - 5.5" EG - 5.25" ---------- 8/20/05 BPEL - 6.75" EG - 5.5" Goal - 8x6


…A big bump at that.
Ok, I know its an oldie but I’m interested in the questions here.

Has anyone else gained significantly from doing manual exercises only, and if so, how much?

Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

Originally Posted by nyquist
JK - I wrap it around or under the mug at first. I sip the tea until it’s cool enough, then I dunk it. I don’t know if the tea does anything special. It’s just very warm and available while I am reading here at thunders in the early morning.

Do you un-wrap your dick before you take a drink?

Edit…. Didn’t realize that this thread was bumped. thought it was new. Great info though. thanks for the bump…

PE rules!!!

Sept ‘17: 5-3/4” BPEL X 4-1/8” MSEG

Now: 6-1/2” BPEL X 4-5/8” MSEG

I swear the older members used to gain so much more then the average more recent member of today. I’ve felt this way for awhile. I think they were more experimental and slightly more aggressive with their routines. Don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Last edited by Makehergocrazy : 03-12-2019 at .

“I swear the older members used to gain so much more then the average more recent member of today.”

Maybe, I think maybe there was a little exaggeration going on.

Grow yourself a whopper, then tell her to fuck off.

Originally Posted by BiggusMickus
“I swear the older members used to gain so much more then the average more recent member of today.”

Maybe, I think maybe there was a little exaggeration going on.

I do think that that may be a part of it as well. These days we seem to have stressed the importance of honesty for not just others but yourself, a whole lot more.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by Makehergocrazy

I do think that that may be a part of it as well. These days we seem to have stressed the importance of honesty for not just others but yourself, a whole lot more.

That’s what I was thinking.

PE rules!!!

Sept ‘17: 5-3/4” BPEL X 4-1/8” MSEG

Now: 6-1/2” BPEL X 4-5/8” MSEG

These posts have my attention

Originally Posted by BiggusMickus
“I swear the older members used to gain so much more then the average more recent member of today.”

Maybe, I think maybe there was a little exaggeration going on.

I think a ‘little exaggeration’ is putting it mildly. There’s a term in marketing called ‘market sophistication’, where you need to find out where the ‘prospect’ is in relation to your kind of product.

Have they never heard of your product or industry and so are naive and more susceptible to bold claims as a result, or have they been inundated with marketing claim after claim and been let down time and again and are now skeptical and weary about that product, and therefore further along on the marketing sophistication scale.

Back then, the PE community was naive and lacking in real experience. People could just come along and claim they grew 1.5 inches in a few months with a few manual stretches and a few jelqs and be taken completely seriously. And many people did make such claims and were lauded as legends as a result, without any proof.

Today, they are likely to be called out immediately, so now people are more realistic when they state their gains.

There were some shucksters in the day but I also know that there were a lot of honest guys too. Many have proved they’re gains, ya’ll forget smart phones weren’t around back then and it was alott of trouble to upload a pic with a camera, now it’s much easier. I’ve gone from 5.0 to right at 7.75, I think it was documented after I reached 6.0. Manual exercise has always had a place however the the last like 1.75 to 2.0 inches devices were used. I’m now a firm believer in decon breaks as well.

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

I’ve gone from 6.75” BPEL to 8” in a little over 4 years doing strictly manuals. Also went from 5.25” to 5.75” MSEG.

I started the newbie routine Feb 10th 2019, and I really was shocked at the results. I have grown 1-3/8” BPEL and 3/8” MSEG. I know a lot of it was getting back what the years have taken away and just better erection quality.


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