Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gained more than 1" from Jelqing or Manual Stretching?


On this thread we have someone gaining 1.25 in four years. And someone gaining 1.3/8 of an inch in 5 months.

All we have to go on for the most part is just unsubstantiated claims.

Even some of the image proof threads are photo-shopped. Further highlighting the fact that there are many really motivated to lie.

There is a strong need in many people just to outright bullshit compulsively and not even realize there is anything abnormal about that. As I was reading this thread the other day I saw a YouTube video about all these guys who go around pretending to everyone they were in the military or the Seals or whatever.

Seemingly normal people with a massive need to live a lie and convince others of those lies. I suspect this place is no different.

What truly rational, scientifically plausible explanation could there be for some people’s physiological and genetic make-up gifting them super-fast gains that are greater than people who have put in 4-5 years, when all the did was the newbie routine and pulled their dick a few minutes a day and jelqed.

Does the fast gainer have the chemical make-up of someone injecting IGF, GH, and all the best peptides on the market compared to the other guys having the hormonal composition of a 90 year old on their death-bed in comparison?

Have some PE’s found super techniques that instantly allow for the growth of new skins cells, new smooth muscle, cell duplication and replication at warp speed, while the others use methods that retard growth?

In respect to that second factor, we already know that many share the same routines, but some make extra-ordinary claims of superfast growth while most of the people trying the same techniques with the same dedication do not.

We don’t know enough about the chemical side of PE, but I just cannot see genetic, chemical and hormonal differences being so favourable to some people that the grow like a weed, even though in most cases, the people reporting the gains are above average anyway.

It’s much more likely to be just people’s need to lie.

There is nothing wrong with scepticism without proof. At the same time the 1-3/8” wasn’t all due to new cell growth as I stated. It was due to improved erection quality and reestablish size that years of neglect erased. At 56 years old I had lost length and girth. I believe the cells in my penis have expended. I don’t believe I grew nowhere near that amount of new tissue. I have no idea how much of the growth was due to peptide use I had grown over 5/8” before begging using it. I simply was stating what I was doing. Believe or not makes no difference to me. I can’t even believe it sometimes, I certainly don’t feel that much bigger. I think that is because this is much closer to my youthful healthy size.

Originally Posted by Growing4it
There is nothing wrong with scepticism without proof. At the same time the 1-3/8” wasn’t all due to new cell growth as I stated. It was due to improved erection quality and reestablish size that years of neglect erased. At 56 years old I had lost length and girth. I believe the cells in my penis have expended. I don’t believe I grew nowhere near that amount of new tissue. I have no idea how much of the growth was due to peptide use I had grown over 5/8” before begging using it. I simply was stating what I was doing. Believe or not makes no difference to me. I can’t even believe it sometimes, I certainly don’t feel that much bigger. I think that is because this is much closer to my youthful healthy size.

I did realize after I’d posted that that I’d not taken into account a third factor, which was what you stated, as regrowth back to a size you were before atrophy took place, and that you’d pointed that out.

In that case I could well believe that growth.

I was just going on the disparity in size I’d seen in the last two examples on this thread as typical of the kind of discrepancies in reporting gains we see all the time, as such disparities in claiming gains are so common place in general, and many people are making out it’s all new growth in just a few short months. Which in reality is like someone claiming they put on 80lbs of pure muscle in 5 months, when even top professionals can only gain 20lbs a year.

In your case that’s only factor I would find credible as a cause for fast gains to be fair, not the other two I mentioned, unless someone was on the best peptide regime going.

Originally Posted by JPLondon

In respect to that second factor, we already know that many share the same routines, but some make extra-ordinary claims of superfast growth while most of the people trying the same techniques with the same dedication do not.

We don’t know enough about the chemical side of PE, but I just cannot see genetic, chemical and hormonal differences being so favourable to some people that the grow like a weed, even though in most cases, the people reporting the gains are above average anyway.

Well, never known any Penis Enlarger personally in my life so hard to say this or that on their gains. But as you brought bodybuilding analog in discussion ,I would like to add something.

There are real significant differences how human body responds to exercise. When building muscle these high gainers build majority of their muscle mass in their first years and then the gains start to diminish. There are thousand guys on identical looking programs and maybe one of them turn out to be high gainer.

If you take lets say twenty of the high gainers here and look their stats closer, you can see similar trends. Most of them make significant gains in their first or latest before the end of their second year. Then they turn back to being more mortal.

Those not gaining in their first years will never gain anything.

START 18/13.15 cm Jul 24th 18 (7.09/5.18") NOW 22.5/15.2 cm Fer 12th 20 (8.86/5.98") GOAL 8.5"/ 6"

When connective tissue is stretched within therapeutic temperatures ranging 102 to 110 F (38.9- 43.3 C), the amount of structural weakening produced by a given amount of tissue elongation varies inversely with the temperature. This is apparently related to the progressive increase in the viscous flow properties of the collagenous tissue when it is heated. (Warren et al (1971,1976)

I was very encouraged by the Newbie routine. I unfortunately fell victim to slow our no gains towards the end of the routine, and unwisely went into clamping and pumping without a good rest period. The gains were addictive and I was anxious to find away to continue to grow. Now after a month of recovery from a blocked lymph vessel, I am starting back slowly and much more cautiously.

I certainly gained more then expected my first time over a year ago….now I’m back about to start with advanced routine…. Check out my diary for last times progress and let me know what I should add to routine now.

Diary of a huge one.

START-Girth flaccid 5.3inch/Length flaccid 5.6inch/Girth erect 6.2inch/Length erect 7.4inch/BPEL 7.7inch

JULY2019Girth flaccid 5.4inch/Length flaccid 5.6inch/Girth erect 6.2inch/Length erect 7.5inch/BPEL 7.9inch


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