Thunder's Place

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Gained more than 1" from Jelqing or Manual Stretching?


Gained more than 1" from Jelqing or Manual Stretching?

If you have gained more than 1” (in erect length or erect circumference) from Jelqing and/or Manual Stretching (that is, using your hands alone) then I have a few simple questions I need to ask you!

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?

That’s it! Six simple questions for the big Jelq/Stretch gainers.

Answer in this thread, or if you prefer, PM me!


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Those are great questions, I’m interested to know too.

Can’t wait to see some replies. Nice thread idea.

8/14/05 ---> 11/18/05 -> Next goal

5.500" ------> 6.000" -----> 6.500" BPEL

3.938" ------> 4.125" -----> 4.500" EG

6.12 x 5.2 to start.
Best length: 7.8
Best girth: 6.3
Most consistent: 7.72 x 6.12 (or so).

All manual. Began every other day routine - basic, hot wraps, wet jelqs, stretching, etc. Gained 0.5” EG within about a month. Gained about 1” EL within about 6-7 months or so. Later switched to dry jelqs (to avoid the cleanup), got even more girth gains. Never did ulis, 440s, clamping, etc. Girth was easy for me, but length was tough. Got my best length gains from VERY extensive stretching regimen (as much as possible).

I do mostly all stretching now (close to 8” finally). Girth still holding at 6+ or so.

Wad, I *love* that PE Diploma avatar!

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)
5-5/8” x 5-5/8”

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?
Newbie gains of 1-3/8” x 1/4” from end of 4/05 to end of 8/05

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?
4 months, with one 2 week break

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (I.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)
Irregular schedule: mostly 5 to 7 days on, taking occasional days off to reduce fluid buildup

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?
10 to 15 minutes

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?
30 to 60 minutes

I got my best gains in two spurts when I added:

- “Bends” or “blasters” to my stretch routine
- A warm wrap (actually a mug of tea) to warm up before stretches

Last edited by nyquist : 09-08-2005 at . Reason: add detail

nyquist: Do you drink the tea or put your dick in it?

March 2003 5.7" EBPL 5.0" EG

Currently 7.7" EBPL 5.1" EG

Goal 8.0" EBPL 6.0" EG

I like answering posts like this. My answers refer to my newbie gains. Jelqing and stretching was done in a 104 degree hot tub.

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)
6.5” x 5.0”.

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?
1.0” x 0.375”.

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?
4 months.

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)
Almost everyday, about 1-2 days off per month.

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?
Started at about 10 minutes, ended at about 60 minutes (split between am and pm sessions).

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?
Added stretching during 4th month, about 15 minutes of high tension stretcher stretching.

Nyquist, yours is among the highest gain/time ratios that I’ve seen…good job.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Hey wadzilla, nyquist and xenolith — thanks for your responses!

I am sort of doing my own mini-study focusing specifically on Jelqing/Stretching, and it is important for me to hear from guys like you that HAD SIZEABLE GAINS! Congrats and thanks!


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

JK - I wrap it around or under the mug at first. I sip the tea until it’s cool enough, then I dunk it. I don’t know if the tea does anything special. It’s just very warm and available while I am reading here at thunders in the early morning.

Xenolith - thanks for the complement! I draw upon the successes of others here and especially the progress pictures — like commanderblop’s (that is one hell of a schlong you have there!). And I will return the favor. I did photograph my dimensions within a week of starting. Sometime soon, when I can easily measure above 7” in length, I will snap a few progress pictures and post the comparisons. Right now, I can just get to the 7” mark for just a short while, most of my length measurements are easily at 6.9”.

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)
This is approximate. I got this measurement after a month of PE.

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?
2” length and 1” girth - This is only with a raging erection.

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?
One year

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)
5 days on - weekend off

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?
No jelq - gained all the girth in the first 6 months using a bend that I invented. It never caught on here though.

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?
5 minutes - 5 times per day

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

Originally Posted by BigKnob
5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?
No jelq - gained all the girth in the first 6 months using a bend that I invented. It never caught on here though.

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?
5 minutes - 5 times per day

Good stuff, BigKnob. Of course it beckons for a description of this bend of yours (the “Big Knob Bender”?)…

And when you say, for 5b, stretching for “5 minutes - 5 times per day”, is that IN ADDITION to the self-invented Bend, or is this 5x5 the actual Bend? And how far apart are these 5 minute sessions, a couple hours? (And do you face Mecca when you do them? Kidding.)


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)

4.8” x 4.2” (not 100% sure on girth but it’s thereabouts).

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?

I gained pretty much 1 1/2” length, and this was in my first 10 months or so of consistent workouts. I’d been doing PE on and off before this, but never consistently. By consistently I mean 5 days on, 2 days off, every week for about 10 months. I might add that I also ate fairly healthily during this time, and worked out at the gym several times per week.

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?

6-10 months, not entirely sure but definitely not a year.

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)

5 on, 2. I’d usually aim to have my 2 days off consecutively, but it didn’t always work that way.

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?

20 minutes wet jelqing per session.

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?

For the first few months, 25 minutes. Towards the end of the 10 months (ie. when I stopped PE’ing consistently, and consequently stopped making gains — it’s been about 2 1/2 years since I was “into” PE now, although I still think about it all the time) I started having marathon sessions of 40-60 minutes depending on how motivated I was on any given day.

That’s it! Six simple questions for the big Jelq/Stretch gainers.

Answer in this thread, or if you prefer, PM me!


PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)

6.0” BPEL 4.5 EG

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?

1.0” BPEL 1.0” EG gains

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?

Hard to say really, off and on for 5ish months? Probably could of done the same in 2-3 months.

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)

Never had a set schedule like that.

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?

Different every time. Till i felt I’d had a good work out.

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?

Same as above.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

Hey, thanks for the response, everyone! Especially the latest contributors BigKnob, awwwshucks and theskyisthelimit.

I will be PMing a couple of you to clear up some answers, but this is great so far, and I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)

6” x 5.0”.

2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?

1.75” x .5”.

3. How long did it take you to make these gains?

3 months for length. Around 6 for girth.

4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)

5 on 2 off.

5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?

40 mins.

5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?

I normally stretch for 15 minutes but I stretch for a whole hour sometimes (rarely).

Current: 8+ x 5.5

soon to be nine.

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