Gained more than 1" from Jelqing or Manual Stretching?
If you have gained more than 1” (in erect length or erect circumference) from Jelqing and/or Manual Stretching (that is, using your hands alone) then I have a few simple questions I need to ask you!
1. What was your before PE size? (Bone-pressed erect length and circumference)
2. When you experienced your greatest gains (whether “Newbie Gains” or another time), how much did you gain in length and circumference?
3. How long did it take you to make these gains?
4. When you experienced your greatest gains, how many days were you doing it? How many days off? (i.e. “3 days on, one day off on average”)
5a. When you experienced greatest gains, how many minutes per session did you Jelq for?
5b. How many minutes per session did you manually stretch for?
That’s it! Six simple questions for the big Jelq/Stretch gainers.
Answer in this thread, or if you prefer, PM me!
My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...