Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gainers (one inch or more)please respond


Gainers (one inch or more)please respond

I thought it might be useful if anyone out there who has gained more then an inch in length to respond back in order to get an overall consensus of what has really worked best for them.I would like your opinions on what “one” exercise you would attribute the majority of your length gains to. I know that most people use many excercises in there routine but for those of you who have made decent gains (one inch or more) and had to pick one excercise that you felt had the most effect , what would it be?

I will even start first.
Started PE pre 1999 - bought every gimic you could imagine ,tried every known routine at the time. I gained about an inch in legnth in six months. I attribute “hanging” with the Grip as the major contributer. Got injured because I neglected to wrap my member and quit all PE. I am back now .
Your turn.


What happen to you, sounds like you were on course to make some great gains, are you better now?


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I know you said 1” or more but I should be there soon and thought I’d respond. I warm up, manual stretch, jelq, and mix in squeezes every now and then. I can’t believe what it’s done for me so far. I gained 1/2” in one month or so. I started over a year ago but was far from consistent and quit. Now I’m on a regular routine I stick to and should reach my goals. Hopefully some of the big boys chime in.

Good luck!

I’ve gained 2 and 1/8” to date over the last few years of off and on PE. My best gains to date have come from hanging. The last month and a halfish have yielded 5/8” gain for me. Those arent newbie gains either that’s the exciting part to me. So, if I had to say what has worked best for me so far…hanging hands down.

Dino 9x7,
I started noticing severe numbness and discoloration in the glands. So bad that went to see a Dr. It scared the living bejeezuz out of me so I quit PE. The feeling came back to normal over time and the discoloration faded(I had a big red blotch on the head) It took about six months for all to be well. I lost 1 quarter or an inch in gains but kept three quarters. I have been back PEing for about a month now and have not seen any gains as of yet but I am using a new routine and have seen some promise. I will keep everyone posted if I get decent gains.I really need to gain a quarter of an inch soon to regain the faith. My new routine does not include hanging but I may resort back to hanging if I do not see gains soon.

Dino, for the record what do you attribute the majority of your gains from?

Pullinit ,thanks for your input.

I thought I was going to make 2” my first year, but I’ve failed to meet my goal. Failure failure failure. I’m a loser. Time to go flog myself now for falling “short” of my goal. See, the guys at were right. PE is a lie.

*b’uuuurrrrppp*… where’s my beer… *hic*

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

2 and 3/8 inches gained. All pretty much from hanging.

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

Gained about an inch in under 2 months from a combination of manual stretching and jelqing.

Gained 1.5” x 1” or so over a period of several years. Growth more or less comes in “spurts” with intense and multiple daily sessions.

Never hang but would say manual stretching gave best length gains with erect bending as no2. Pumping gave some length as well.

For girth intense squeezes rules IMO.

I see jelqing as a warm up and priming exercise.

To sum it up;

Hanging, stretching and erect bending for length.

Squeezes/ulis for girth.

Sensational news huh? (noooot :-)


Originally posted by bigplug
I thought I was going to make 2” my first year, but I've failed to meet my goal. Failure failure failure. I'm a loser. Time to go flog myself now for falling “short” of my goal. See, the guys at were right. PE is a lie.

*b'uuuurrrrppp*… where's my beer… *hic*

Well, you must have been lit already as you neglected to mention how you made most of your gains. :p

Anyways, since you have told me before I’ll throw in an edit to let everyone know you made most of your gains through erect bending (stretching the septum).


New to the place? Start here.

This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

I have gained 2 inches in over a course of 13 to 14 months

"Widsom without Kindness and Knowledge without sobriety are useless."

I gained over 2” in 21/2 years of on and off PE’ing. Most of my length came from jelking and the rest came from a combo of hanging and jelking. My 1.25” girth gain came from squeezes and pumping combo.

Seeing that Ive reached my first goal of 8x6” and is headed towards my cut off goal of 8.5 x 6.5”, I am selling my pump set and bib hanger and will do a semi maintenance routine of pulling and squeezes.

I am currently at 8.25 x 6.25”. I find the pump squeeze combo is really effective for girth. Awsome man.


Hey Kabar, I’m sure you’ve mentioned it on another thread, but could you elaborate on your pump/squeeze routine?


Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

Jelqs gave me girth (about 0.94” EG), and vigorous stretching gave me length - 1.08” and counting. Most recently, I’ve been seeing gains from tunica stretching - can’t wait to measure on August 1st



What were you hanging with? You should get a bib if you don’t have one.

My first inch came from mostly jelqing at 70%, the last inch as been mostly hanging and some manual stretching.

Most girth gains came from 100% erect jelqing and squeezes. I love the horse squeeze.

Glad your good to go and back in the penis growing game!


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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