Gaining again BUT Flaccid is a little firm
Hello everyone! After a 3-year long hiatus from PE, I decided to give it a go one more time. I started two weeks ago and has since made a decent .20” gain in NBPEL. I don’t know about girth because I never measured it. My routine consists mainly of Jelqing and warm-up of course. I started with a measly 40 counts until I reached 70 counts in a span of two weeks. I always make sure I never go beyond 70% erection and my grip is just right. However, I noticed two days ago that my flaccid isn’t as spongy and soft as it used to. If I am to rate it on a scale of 1-10 in EQ, I would say it’s on the 2-3 range. The center of my penis is sort of “rod-like” but I can still bend it. What puzzles me is that all of my PIs (well aside from that) are POSITIVE. My EQ when erect never goes below 10. Morning and night woods have become more frequent and my erections are too intense that it would sometimes wake me up in the middle of my sleep. Could it be because I edge right after my routine then do cool-downs instead of warm down? I’m in a huge dilemma right now because of the two contrasting situations that I’m in right now. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks. :)