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Gaining more BP than NBP...??

Gaining more BP than NBP...??


My stats are available in my sig.
I’m a little confused, because although I have seemed to have gained I seem to have gained more BP than NBP.
I have gotten a little fatter, but not a noticable amount by looking at my body.

Has this happened to anyone else??

Also I’d like some advice from anyone who is willing to give it -
I’m trying to get my length up but I seem to be a girth gainer when comparing my gains. Hanging is an uncomfortable experiance for me and stretching doesnt seem to be yeilding any results ATM.
I just ordered a Redi-Stretcher to see if its any more comfortable, failing that I might try a Vac hanger….conviced that hanging IS the best way to gain length.

I have found that I gained more BPEL then NBPEL too.

I’m guessing you don’t want any more girth, I’m in the same boat. If you haven’t tried it already, I’d suggest doing jelqs with a low erection level, around 10% to 20% max. I’m not sure howit might affect girth gains in the long run though.


I believe it is common to gain more BPEL first, which then in turn becomes realized Non-BPEL over time.

I’m actually planning on getting to 6.75”-7” EG at base now. Girth seems to work better for me with my g/f. But I’m afraid if I get any more girth that length will be harder to gain…

I’ve noticed the same thing as you, Sacred. In fact, my BP hasn’t changed much at all - mostly just the exposed length. A stretcher is a great idea for length gains, I used the fast-size extender for a couple of months and got pretty solid results. It does take a lot of getting used to though and it can be uncomfortable at first. I am jealous of your girth though, I’m wondering how you managed that exactly - especially since you made the girlfriend comment, which is making me wish I heard more noises from my own.

She’s quite small anyway, at 5’3. And quite tight
At first she was like “Why have I gone tighter?”. I just had a smile on my face to begin with, then it got annoying because it was so clear that my penis had increased in girth and she just couldn’t say the words “You’ve got a big dick”, all down to the fact that she’s ‘seen monsters’, and hey, a little compliment here and there never hurt.

Girth came mostly from jelqing, Uli’s and clamping.
Can I ask how you gained the length? I pray you don’t say hanging because I just dont find it an easy exercise to work into my routine. :(

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