I have been asking myself a different but similar question. Just what does it take to keep my gains? People say you need to cement your gains. The problem is, if you completely stop 100%, you’ll lose EQ— sooner or later. It’s just a natural byproduct of getting older (for us guys past the age of 18). Even if you permanently increase the size of your unit, it might seem like it’s shrinking if you stop PEing and lose EQ. At the same time, there are other causes for post-PE losses; the collagenous tissues in your unit will try to retain a certain type of equilibrium. When you stretch those tissues, the natural tendency is for them to pull back, & heal in their original shorter state. However, with consistent PE, many of us have learned that we can eventually get a certain level of permanence in our gains. As people on this thread are saying, you will lose a % of your gains if you stop PEing, but you can (relatively) quickly get back most of your gains later on. I almost completely stopped PEing for over a year, and I definitely had some losses. But now that I’ve started again, I’m actually shocked at how fast things are coming back.