Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gains are not permanent?


Gains are not permanent?

I’ve been reading several posts about people losing gains from taking an extended break. Sorry to hear about your loss of gains. SS4Jelq, for example, lost .25 inch :( . That is A LOT! It took him 3 years to get his first gain for goodness sake! Doesn’t all the hours of hanging cause the ligaments or tunica to expand and remain permanent?? Is this stuff permenent, or not? I hate to see someone lose length just for taking a well deserved break. This is quite sad if you ask me. If a guy gains more than an inch or two from pe’ing what happens if he takes 6 months or a year off? Suppose it took a guy 3 months to gain .25 inch. Then he takes 1 month of a break and now he loses it. It’s going to take another 3+ months to gain .25, that’s messed up. I don’t know about you, but when I reach my goal of 8 inches I’m going to take a well deserved break; meaning no stretching or jelqing whatsoever. Does that mean my penis is going to go back from where I started and it’s going to be many years to reach the goal again?


I hadn’t PE’d for roughly 5 months until last month, when I did a month of ads. My gains have stayed, with no cool down program. To me the secret seems to be to jelq in the gains made from stretching, I always did that (of course this could be circumstantial).

Whether they would stay beyond 5 months is of course a good question but I think they were relatively stable.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I’m a bit bigger after I take a rest for a week or two. Seems that when I work out really hard on a regular basis, things sort of retract a bit. I’ve never let it go for a month or so, tho. I figure that even if a little maintenance were necessary to keep my gains, I’d just freakin’ do it. Kinda like bodybuilders can tell you - the maintenance workout is but a fraction of the building workout in its intensity. But it’s a tiny price to pay to keep what you’ve busted your ass to get….

Not too long ago, guys would’ve given their balls and paychecks for a bigger unit. Now they’re worried about what happens after they get it. ;)

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....


Let’s see, can I spare about 5 minutes a day on maintenance jelqing to preserve my gains? Even for the rest of my life? Yes, I can. Case closed for me.



Trust me, dude. The gains are permanent. I have an injury that I had to tend to. I need to take a break for two weeks. My gains remained the same.

So I guess in your case as said earlier just do a maintenance everyday.

I hope this helps

My gains have been permanent as well. I’ve taken a couple months off at a time and not lost any size at all.

Mike2002, if this is any help, I knew a guy from school who told me years later that he pe’d his cock from “about 5” to “a little over 7” (he’s the only guy I know in person who has admitted PE to me). He said his wife made him quit, but that he is “still about 7.” And he’s quit completely. So, I’d assume he was maybe 7.12-7.2 or so, and is probably at least 6.75 or so (guessing)….he might’ve lost 1/3” but according to his story, his gains have been permanent.

Unfortunately PE has to be continued to cement gains. Its like if you stretch a spring coil out and hold it out. Eventually it will stay like that. But if you just stretch it out and let go it will go back to it’s original shape.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

When you get a gain you have to cement it with about another two weeks of work. If you stop pe all together you will keep most gains but your dick will start to get less healthy and you will lose a little size. Prior to pe when I was 21 I had a 7 inch Dick when I started pe in my 30’s I had a 6.25 inch dick. Your dick is not a muscle but it’s like one in the sense use it or lose it!


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I think my gains were lost because I had not cemented them fully. I got two 1/4 gains from BTC, and switched to SO. I think a change in angle will maintain gains, but not cement them.

When I reach my goals, I hope to only do manual techniques, maybe 20mins of stretching and jelqing, 3-4 times a week. I think doing this for the rest of my life is a small price to pay for the gains.

When you lose a gain, you can get it back very quickly by doing what you were doing to get the gain. I have proven this many times with FSL gains that I lost, and then got back.

To be honest, I am not as sad about losing gains as I thought I might be, because I know I can gain, and I know I can get them back.

Mike, stay positive!

Good Luck

Thanks guys I guess pe’ing for a couple hours a week for the rest of my life isn’t going to be bad. I just hope I don’t have to hang anymore after I reach my goal. I hate hanging. I’m single now, but I don’t want my future wife to know or see that I’m hanging weights off my dick or doing any pe exercises for that matter. I like to keep things to myself. I’m sure quick jelqs and stretches in the shower will be enough.

By the way, nice avator Dino.

Originally Posted by mike2002
I’ve been reading several posts about people losing gains from taking an extended break. Sorry to hear about your loss of gains. SS4Jelq, for example, lost .25 inch :( . That is A LOT! It took him 3 years to get his first gain for goodness sake! Doesn’t all the hours of hanging cause the ligaments or tunica to expand and remain permanent?? Is this stuff permenent, or not? I hate to see someone lose length just for taking a well deserved break. This is quite sad if you ask me. If a guy gains more than an inch or two from pe’ing what happens if he takes 6 months or a year off? Suppose it took a guy 3 months to gain .25 inch. Then he takes 1 month of a break and now he loses it. It’s going to take another 3+ months to gain .25, that’s messed up. I don’t know about you, but when I reach my goal of 8 inches I’m going to take a well deserved break; meaning no stretching or jelqing whatsoever. Does that mean my penis is going to go back from where I started and it’s going to be many years to reach the goal again?

Maybe its like braces where you have to wear a retainer for two years for you teeth to keep their position. Otherwise your teeth go back. I would suggest using one of those traction devices for two years after achieving your gains, maybe that will keep you from losing it. Not sure if this same thinking applies, but man if you work that hard to get there, you definitely can work a little bit to keep it.

================================================== =======

Goal by 2012 to be 8.5" EL non bone pressed x 6.5" Girth

Started at 5.5" x 4.0 " Now 6.5" x 5.25" Whats working for you?

Originally Posted by Tweaking

Can I get a penis retainer from my dentist?

You could ask. Just explain what you want to do with it. I’m pretty sure my dentist would laugh his ass off!

:_pump: :donatecar

maybe you lose .25” over time but it comes right back with short routines. whatever your permanent goal, stretch until you are somewhat above that and expect a slight reduction. i was just over 7 and after maybe three years without PE i lost a bit. a few months of PE has brought me back to where i was… and now i am stretching/jelqing for more.

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

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