Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

girth is where it's at

I would be happy with your stats Shonagon53. You can pulll your that beer can of a dick out and impress any one. A thicker dick to me looks more impresive than a longer dick. I’m currently 8 X 5.31 and I think my shit looks thin as hell . I will trade you 1/2 inch length for a 1/2 inch girth lol. Have you tried stretching? What is your LOT? If you do stretch, are you stretching right?

Starting stats: 7.5 BPEL X 5.2 Current stats: 8.0 BPEL X 5.31 Goal stats: 9 X 6

juke and b16guy, thx.

-well I do all varieties of manual stretching (i think I do it right, I carefully follow all the routines described in here)
-I also hang (over 8 kilos sessions (20 pounds))
-and at times I pump

I do all of this daily.

—> nothing works for lenght!

I’m disillusioned.

P.S.: how come I can’t start a new thread? Frustrating!

Yes yes it is

-girth monster

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

Oaktree you started about the same as me and I have been going for one month to now, and made .5 girth. Your thinking is similiar to mine, however I do want to get some more length at some point to. I also have been interested in the powerjelq, after I saw a video of it and what it was doing to the guys cock + yguy seemed to get such great results using it.

Dino I agree there is a point when even if you have like 7 length, if you get to like 7.5 girth, the best way to increase pleasure besides making yourself harder, is to go for more length. For most guys the best thing is more girth, but there is no doubt there is are points where more length is the best.

I’m not to sure this insertable length argument. I’ve seen clips where black guys with 9-10 inch cocks and thick have gone in to the balls. I definately say there is a point like at lex’s length where most girls can’t take the whole thing length wise, but I’m not sure if it is at 8 inches or so. More like 9 i’d say. I also agree that you wouldn’t want to go above that because not being able to grind with her would suck for you and for her.

Ezekiel 23

20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

randolf - there is no question that most chicks can take more than the average length of dick.

The more aroused she is, the more likely it becomes that she will take it all. Some girls just needs a bit more foreplay to get ready.

IMHO You cant have one dimension without the other, i.e., their effects are both the result of an integrated whole effect.

If you use the nerve endings to support an argument then it stands to reason that a longer unit will deliver more girth (pressure) to more nerve endings and nerve endings that are deeper in the vagina thereby creating more overall sensation and pleasure. (some may argue that most of the nerve endings are in the first few inches of the vagina) None the less the woman may feel a lot at her entrance but does not feel the deep sense of vaginal fullness.

On the other side of the coin, it stands to reason that if there is plenty of length (lets say 7+) but no girth then the length itself will no doubt have reaching power deep in the vagina and to all the nerve endings but since the pressure is minimum the nerve endings it reaches will have minimum overall sensation. Pressure is lacking and so the trade off may be that the short fat dick feels better for some women whose nerve endings are primarily at her entrance. Women with more evenly distributed nerve endings through out the whole length of her vagina may opt for the longer thin dick guy despite having less pressure.

With that being said, let us consider that Length and girth is really relative not only to the distributions of nerve endings but also as to the dimensions of the women and what she can accommodate but assuming we are shooting to accommodate the most amount of women (peak of the bell curve) then the options for optimal results are as follows:

For the short fat dick (Lets call him Stumpy):

… Either he becomes longer or he finds a home with a short tight vagina. (Lets call her Jan)

For the long thin dick (Lets call him Slim Jim):

…Either he becomes thicker or he finds a home with a long tight vagina (Lets call her Lisa).

In any case—Since no woman wants a loose vagina and vaginal tightness in a woman is a desired feature by both men and women, it stands to reason that Slim Jim gets to play with both Jan and Lisa, whereby Stumpy only gets to play with Jan.

Therefore I submit to you that length is more important than girth if you had to choose only one dimension.

That and the fact that it is easier to gain girth than it is to gain length. (at least for most pumpers it is)

For the ultimate results I believe that you need to deliver full pressure to the full length of the vagina.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy
If your skills as a lover are as good as advertisted and it was possible I would gladly trade you an inch of girth for some of your secret sauce!


And boy does this man have some girth to spare. Who else can wear their watch around thier cock.

one of the things that i think is being over looked it the cat( coital alignment technique).

For example my wife if fairly shallowin her “cookie” and if i go to the hilt i bottom out and i am only 7” bpel and 6.5 nbpel. If i get much longer i will no longer be able to perform the C.A.T with out causing discomfort.

My point is that it is not so much a matter of stimulating the nerve endings in her vaginal wall with girth (but it probly helps) or reaching her tonsils but being able to get to the important spots like the clitoris and the grafenburg spot and there is one other spot but i do not know what it is called.

In my opinion, if you have the length to tap and massage her cds, the girth to pressure her g-spot and the ability to use your pelvic bone to grind her clit, simultaneously, she’s your’s forever… :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I once read (some noted authority?) who said that girth was crucial to a woman’s pleasure because it stretched the clit. Then when the clit is contacted it brings far greater pleasure.

I’ve tried this with oral and seems to work wonders.

dive, dive, dive

length is more for guys, girth is more for girls.

I believe a longer piece is more visually stimulating (to women), but when push comes to shove, a thicker one will feel better to a woman.

I have been hearing lately that technique is golden though….and size is only 2nd to that. Either way….keep up the PE till you reach your goals.

god help our insanity : )

I was with a friend’s ex-wife a while back and I know he was a good 9” long, he used to brag about it and she agreed it was at least 9”…well, I wore her smooth out…afterwards, she told me I was quite a bit thicker than him…he must have had a long, thin dick, because she was really tight, girth-wise…I may not have bottomed out as much as I’d like, but she was sore the next day…girth is what makes the pussy sore; being stretched, not by hitting bottom, according to my wife, that feels like being hit in the nuts, painful in a bad way…being stretched by girth hurts in a good way…


7-8 inches length is where it’s at? hm…I guess my ultimate goal of 10” might be a little much, then…I’m just under 8” now, but I want a huge one. =P

I need some girth on my boy tho…he’s only 5 1/4” around…6-7” girth is my ultimate goal I think.

Originally Posted by randolf
Oaktree you started about the same as me and I have been going for one month to now, and made .5 girth. Your thinking is similiar to mine, however I do want to get some more length at some point to. I also have been interested in the powerjelq, after I saw a video of it and what it was doing to the guys cock + yguy seemed to get such great results using it.

Dino I agree there is a point when even if you have like 7 length, if you get to like 7.5 girth, the best way to increase pleasure besides making yourself harder, is to go for more length. For most guys the best thing is more girth, but there is no doubt there is are points where more length is the best.

I’m not to sure this insertable length argument. I’ve seen clips where black guys with 9-10 inch cocks and thick have gone in to the balls. I definately say there is a point like at lex’s length where most girls can’t take the whole thing length wise, but I’m not sure if it is at 8 inches or so. More like 9 i’d say. I also agree that you wouldn’t want to go above that because not being able to grind with her would suck for you and for her.

Well, if you can’t get in all the way the normal way, there’s always the backdoor. :D

A while back, one of the ladies here was so kind as to post this link to help answer a similar question I had:

Longer Penises Cause More Vaginal Satisfaction

IMHO, anything short of 9" needs work on length. Reach the epicenter first and worry about girth later. If you hang, girth will come anyway.


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