Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

girth is where it's at


You’re at where I started last October. It seems the bigger guys gain more, from what I’ve read here. I started PE to gain harder erections and to maintain them. I found that the girth came with the length. Good luck.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I think the main point hit on here is “technique”

You aint got squat unless you got technique. Knowing how to fuck is far more important than carrying a WMD between your legs. Granted you gotta have some decent size to get it all together, but your ability as a lover is what is the most important.

After that, i agree with many that 7-8 inches in length is good but 6+ inches in girth is what really puts it over the top. Every woman i have ever been with has always loved my girth (6) It can be the better factor of your dick. Get your length goals done then get that monster growing sideways.

This post is a response to Dirk. His post was almost verbatim what I’m going through now. My girlfriend had a guy before me that was bigger in girth. She tries to play it down, saying I’m a fine lover, etc.etc. She knows it’s kind of a sensitive issue with me so she gives me the line that my size is okay. I’m 6:5 erect length and 5:5 erect girth. I am a newbie.just started the routines. I really like this girl a lot and want to be the best she’s had but I have a long way to go before I measure up to her last lover. She’s admitted to having 9 inch vibrators and using them without a problem. Most of the 9 inch vibrators in the porn shops are large in girth as well. She’s a little tighter than my Ex wife as she’s never had kids but unfortunately she’s has had some pretty big rods. I guess it’s no secret that this bugs me when I think about it. I’d like to get some girth gains soon. I just found this web site last week and am so glad there’s a place for us to go with this stuff. Any of you guys out there ever have a problem dealing with the psychological aspects of a situation like this. I totally agree with Dirk when he says they’re not being honest when they say “size doesn’t matter” Give them a choice between a 6 inch vibrator and a 9 inch one .guess which one they’ll go for. Just started jelqing this week.hope I get some results. Also taking a herbal supplement I got from vitamin world called Vigrex. Supposed to help with the performance end.Time will tell. One more thing. Any of you guys ever go soft while your girl is giving you oral sex? Just started happening to me about a year ago and it’s very distressing. Help!

You’ve bumped a 4 yr old thread.I don’t think half the people who replied are even on this board anymore .


It would be good to hear you actually respond to my post. Looks like you posted this a year and a half ago. Have you made any gains since? Yes, it can be a real test of your mental strength when your suddenly realize that your girl would truly like you to have a bigger cock. I hope you respond and give me a happy ending to this post.

Happy Gaining,


Well after reading this post, I talked to my girl about it, and believe me, she is far from shy when discussing this topic. In her experience, (and she’s 41 so she has had some) A 6 inch long 5 inch around unit is more than enough to please 75% of women out there.

She says that her and her friends used to talk about sex all the time when she was younger and every now and again now. Yes, most women will say that it is the girth that gives most of the pleasure, and the bigger the vagina, the more girth they require to really get a good sensation going.

She also went on to tell me that the vagina can mold to the size of just about any size penis. All that a woman has to do is kegal. She explained that 6 to 8 inches in length is long enough for most women, anything over that can be uncomfortable during rough sex. As far as the girth, even if a man is a little less than average, a woman who kegals will get the same satisfaction as if she was with a man who is above average in girth.

She has told me that ex boy friends when she was younger would ask her does size really matter. She would always tell them no, but it doesn’t hurt things either. It’s like having a career that pays 65k a year, then getting a raise and now you are making 75k a year. You were doing just fine with the 65k, but the extra 10 doesn’t hurt at all. She said the only time a man needs to be concerned with his size, is when he is promiscuous and deals with a lot of promiscuous women. Most promiscuous women are size queens, not because they have to have giant units stuffed in them, but just because they are greedy.

The look and thought of a giant unit really turn some women on, but even then, not all big units will please every woman you meet. I know this sounds lame, but the more emotional the woman is about you, the better the sex will be for her. Now as I type this, she wants me to be sure to tell all the fellows what the most popular turn offs are. She says dicks that will or can not get all the way hard, men that cum way to fast, and men that let their pubes grow to long *I am cracking up laughing over here because I know she’s referring to me.*

She said from all the talks that she has had with her friends, she has never had a friend (Girl) complain about the size of a man’s penis. They are always complaining about the man cumming way to fast, or not getting hard enough to really make her feel any pleasure, or lack of foreplay.

So there you have it, a little food for thought I guess you can say. So don’t do your P.E only for your girl’s satisfaction, but for your own personal goals and reasons. After all, what man doesn’t want an impressive unit? And if you have not done a good job at stimulating your girl’s mind, no matter how big your unit is, you still will never be her best. Peace and Love to you all

Hey, I’m in the same boat but like the fact that my unit is fat.

I will comment on this only because I was recently in a MMF threesome and I can tell you right off the bat for the most part the same philosophy with *deepthroating* is true with a woman’s vagina. As most people know that have been deepthroated GIRTH is what stops you from deepthroating or basically makes it difficult. The guy who I was with during the MMF threesome was about an inch longer than me (8.75-9” EBP), big head (5-5.25” girth), and the girl could take him all the way down her throat. Now I’m around 7.75” EBP and 5.75” EG on cialis I would guess. And she could only take me about 3/4 of the way down. I really think the same is true with the vagina, I think shorter and more girth will “fill up” the vagina more, so to speak.

I have come to the conclusion that the most important factors about your dick in regard to giving pleasure to a partner are (in order of importance):

- ability to delay ejaculation
- hardness/erection quality
- girth
- length

This is assuming that your dick is pretty proportional, i.e. not really thin or really long but in the normal range or girth vs length.

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Originally Posted by paulski82
I have come to the conclusion that the most important factors about your dick in regard to giving pleasure to a partner are (in order of importance):

- Ability to delay ejaculation
- Hardness/erection quality
- Girth
- Length

This is assuming that your dick is pretty proportional, I.e. Not really thin or really long but in the normal range or girth vs length.

Amen. This is so true, as long as you are in a normal range.

Originally Posted by paulski82
I have come to the conclusion that the most important factors about your dick in regard to giving pleasure to a partner are (in order of importance):

- ability to delay ejaculation

- hardness/erection quality

- girth

- length

This is assuming that your dick is pretty proportional, i.e. not really thin or really long but in the normal range or girth vs length.

I agree 100%.

Originally Posted by paulski82
I have come to the conclusion that the most important factors about your dick in regard to giving pleasure to a partner are (in order of importance):

- Ability to delay ejaculation
- Hardness/erection quality
- Girth
- Length

This is assuming that your dick is pretty proportional, I.e. Not really thin or really long but in the normal range or girth vs length.

Yes, this is wisdom. And remember these are the “physical” factors of the dick itself, and do not include the other very important factors of how you are using it, getting her properly warmed up and how deep/fast penetration she wants it (sorry for gender bias, only speak from straight experience.)
With all the zeal to increase size it is important to keep things in perspective (keeping the end in mind).

Hey man where did you get the power jelq device from?

That’s true! I have a lot of girl friends and they are very open with me.. One day they were talking about dick sizes and I heard them saying : I like big dicks , I like big dicks, I like big dicks! So I got curious and I asked: what do you call a “big dick”?? They all said “fat one”=girth. NONE, length!


Originally Posted by oaktree
Girth is where it is at, and I believe that women get more pleasure out of a hard and very thick rod. More meat stimulating all those nerves makes more sense than a 12” slim hot dog that cannot fully penetrate and simultaneously tantalize many nerves at once.

I have been jelqing with the Power-Jelq device into my fourth week now. I started with and erect length of 7” and and erect girth of 5”. Now my girth is maintaining 5.5” - a 1/2inch gain.
Absolutely thrilled about the girth gain! If I reach 8” length that’s fine, but my emphasis is on a girth goal of 6.5 to 6.75. The Power-Jelq device is the best device I have ever tried. It is a pleasure to use, and if something is a pleasure it makes it more easy to stay with it.

Does the device really work? It looks like it wouldn’t fit for your length.


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