I thought you were worried that it was irritating for your gf? I tried the tweezer route, and forget about it! It hurt like hell! Never again.
If you only want to get rid of the hairs on the lower shaft, and nothing else, then it is easy to shave that part. Just pull the shaft up and gently shave it off. I shave downwards, not up. It will not grow back that quickly and if you use a cream of some sort, I use a Vit. E lotion as I said, it will make things really soft and smooth and certainly will not be irritating for your gf, probably the opposite reaction. I would have thought that a condom would have covered most of the lower part.
I am very hairy and I shaved everything on APR 12, and only now am I seeing and feeling that the hairs are coming back. I will probably do it again in about a week.
If you haven’t done it in the past, try it. Not only will it be better for your gf, but you will have all of that hair out of the way for PE workouts.
Also, as irishjim said, even for shaving it is good to have a good soak in the shower or tub before hand. It’s just like preparing your face before you shave.
Started 4/9/07: Bpel 4.438 Eg 3.750 - Fl 3.750 Fg 3.500
Now 07/08/09: Bpel 5.625 Eg 5.875 Fl 4.625 Fg 5.813....Goal: Bpel 7.500 Eg 6.500 - Fl 5.500 Fg 6.000
"PE inorder to give more Happiness & Joy to yourself AND others!" Panos *** "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Roosevelt.