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Hairline Recession / PE

This is a serious question and should be treated as one. Id laugh more at comments like ” If this was the case then thunders wouldnt exist” I have the personal belief that PE exercises which involve an erection MAY contribute to hairlose in those people who are already predisposed to it and maybe even in some that dont.Think about it, DHT is caused by excess testosterone. Frequent masturbation and masturbating for long periods of time, or edging/bolooning will cause or definitely contribute and speed up the process of hairlose.

I also heard on this site or maybe on MOS a long time ago that even Kegals can cause production of DHT because it is signaling the brain that you are having sex and produces testosterone once again.

DHT is caused by excess testosterone

No it isn’t. (I may have gotten my facts wrong, but I do know that DHT is not “caused” by excess T.)

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Originally Posted by smkan2
Has anyone noticed their hairline starting to recede a little faster while PEing? I’ve been slowly (key word, slowly) watching my hairline recede for five years but it seems it sped up a little while doing exercises. Anyone experience something smilar?

You’re probably just experiencing natural hair thinning. When hairlines start to recede, it’s slow at first and less perceptible, but as time goes on the process seems faster because there’s less hair to lose and more visible scalp being presented. If you’re concerned about the hairloss issue, you may wish to try propecia (finasteride) as was suggested by westla.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by huff
There is simply no way this could have happened.

This is what people used to say to me about PE as well, and still do.
I mentioned at another forum that PE works, and boy did people laugh at me!

I think we should be a bit more careful about the value of common knowledge here.
Perhaps the original poster should start a poll about accelerating hair loss after starting PE?
Although not every man experience it, there is a chance that there may be a statistical correlation between PE and hair-loss for whatever reason.

Oden — still having more hair than I need

I know when I do start working out heavy and I’m taking testosterone increasing supplements I do start to notice a speed up of hair thinning. I just started hitting the gym again and taking supplements again so to counter act them I’m already on Propecia and I just started using Rogaine 5% only at bed time. And I do think it’s possible that PE ‘ing like jelqing and squeezing and staying close to the edge for a long period of time does increase testosterone about the same as a good gym workout, but that is only my feelings based on 5 years experience not scientific fact.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve noticed as of late I’ve been bumping into things more often then is normal. My vision seems somewhat blurred. Also, I took a look down at my palms this morning and could make out what I think was hair growing there. Could PE have caused this also? Or do you think it might be a combination of PE and excessive masturbation?:)

It has been said taht finasteride doesn’t work well on hairlines because loss in the area may be more due to 5 alpha-reductase type 1 which finasteride doesn’t decrease much. Testosterone increases exaccerbate type 1 dht, which is why some people freak out about dutasteride and frontal loss, due to its even higher potential for increasing natural testosterone.

Though I don’t think PE and Hairloss are necessasrily correlated, I just think there might be a potential if you already have higher than normal testosterone.

Personally, my test levels are off the chart at 125. This is probably due to the combination of my endless libido and the use of finasteride and maybe a little to PE.

Sounds like we need further study

Remember, there are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.

Tube, did your PE monkeys go bald?

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No one ever accused me of being consistent. But Para are you sure about this testosterone boost not causing some thinning. I’ve seen many experiences with steroids that would tend to gainsay this assertion. Perhaps having more testosterone increases the likelihood of its being turned into DHT and thus impairing the growth of follicles?

I’m prepared to believe that an increase in testosterone can cause hair to thin. Where I’m really skeptical is about jelqing being capable of increasing testosterone levels. I do know that weightlifting can have this affect. But can the strain of Jelqing be compared to that from weightlifting?

If this is the case, I can only say either you’ve got to start hauling ass in the gym or easing up on your poor battered penis.


My post in response to jelqking was me being a pedantic ass about the way he described it (DHT being “caused” by “excessive” testosterone). It was a stupid post (mine, that is, not his).

My substantive point is just that the vast majority of variance in balding is accounted for by genetic variation. Short of taking hormones, I don’t think one’s lifestyle plays much of a role in promoting hair loss. But the number of guys above who seem to have experienced more balding when working out suggests I may be wrong — that relatively minor fluctuations in testosterone levels may accelerate balding among those who are predisposed toward it (and for whom it’s already begun). I should be open-minded about it, like Oden said.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.


Don’t you mean pedantic “Jackass.”:)


Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by smkan2
Has anyone noticed their hairline starting to recede a little faster while PEing? I’ve been slowly (key word, slowly) watching my hairline recede for five years but it seems it sped up a little while doing exercises. Anyone experience something smilar?

I don’t know, I may be crazy too but I have noticed the same. There may be something to this but it would be hard to prove, possibly a buildup of certain hormones, especially if you don’t jack-off.

Personally, my test levels are off the chart at 125.

Is that your testosterone level?


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