Originally Posted by coal49
Whenever I read the hangers threads, something id love to try, they depress the hell out of me. People claim big gains of 1/16 of an inch in newbie gains.how the fuck is that even a solid gain, it probably is no gain and they just pushed harder or had a sick boner. Shit like I know gains come little by little, but a 1/16 of an inch in the first 4 months man either your doing something wrong or it doesn’t work. Yea Bib claims 4.5 EL gains but has anyone else here had BIG gains from hanging. Manual stretchers n jelqers are always gettin over an inch including myself, again if you have had any big gains from hanging big gains meaning like upwards of one inch EL please respond.
So you want to try hanging, but you don’t like the fact that when hangers gain, regardless of how significant, they state it. So what about those who jelq and make similar claims? Does that depress you also? I’m sure you’ve read numerous posts and threads on this site which state that finally after doing some work, whether it be jelq, manual stretching, hanging or pumping, they finally produced gains. There are some people on here that do gain 1/16th of an inch at a time, either way it’s a gain.
Try doing some research before you ask this question.
One of the great things about this site is when you post a new thread similar threads are located at the bottom of the page. I haven’t checked for the threads, but they’re usually there.