Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Has anyone got length from a jelq only routine


I gained over an inch in length from just jelqing in 7 months. All I did was work my way up to jelqing 3xweek for 20 minutes. I jelqed at a lower erection level and didn’t gain much girth though (only 1/4 inch).

Mr B. Dog finds that if he whacks his dick with a hammer, it turns purple, and shrinks up for a week. He loses his erections completely.

I have been pumping followed by jelqing for some years now and have attained 9 inches in length and even more satisfyingly 8 inches in girth. I was originally 61/2 inches length and 6 inches girth. Needless to say both my wife and I are delighted.

Originally Posted by gunnerman

Have attained 9 inches in length and even more satisfyingly 8 inches in girth. I was originally 61/2 inches length and 6 inches girth.

Mr B. Dog finds that if he whacks his dick with a hammer, it turns purple, and shrinks up for a week. He loses his erections completely.

Originally Posted by gunnerman

I have been pumping followed by jelqing for some years now and have attained 9 inches in length and even more satisfyingly 8 inches in girth. I was originally 61/2 inches length and 6 inches girth. Needless to say both my wife and I are delighted.

Best. First. Post. Evar.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

I have been pumping followed by jelqing for some years now and have attained 9 inches in length and even more satisfyingly 8 inches in girth. I was originally 61/2 inches length and 6 inches girth. Needless to say both my wife and I are delighted.

Proof please.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

@gunnerman You can’t expect us to believe that on your first post can you?? hahaha.


Start: 28/04/12 EL: 6.0 (NPB) EG: 5.7/16ths (Midshaft). Next measuring: 28/07/12

Goal/Be Really Pleased With: EL: 7.8. EG: 7.0.

Picture Progress

Lower case please.

Before I ever heard of Thunder’s Place or other such web sites, jelqing was the only form of PE that I knew about so it is all I did. I got mostly girth and some length from it.

@Gunnerman You can’t expect us to believe that on your first post can you?? Hahaha.

What has my first post got to do with it. I’ve been using PE for about 18 years regularly before joining Thunders Place, hahaha. Just ask my wife and other women who have tested it.

A-unit I’ve been hanging for a while now and I would say that its has helped to kill my EQ. So I too am going to change things up abit. I had considered just stopping everything but if I’m honest I just don’t like the idea of that. I’ve never really been into jelqing but I’m going to give it a go. Plenty of heat and some good jelqs will hopefully see me right.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Originally Posted by gunnerman
@Gunnerman You can’t expect us to believe that on your first post can you?? Hahaha.

What has my first post got to do with it. I’ve been using PE for about 18 years regularly before joining Thunders Place, hahaha. Just ask my wife and other women who have tested it.

This was your first post
gunnerman - Has anyone got length from a jelq only routine

so yes it has to do with it.

8 inch girth.. You should tattoo “PUNISHER” on it.

On a more serious note, perhaps tell us a little about your pumping and/or jelqing routines. Though, 18 years is hella long time. I’d be 40 by the time I got there.

Length from jelqing only

My routine has been 30 minutes jelqing followed by 60 minutes pumping every day but as pumping increases girth I have recently stopped that because I consider my 8” girth enough. However I am still carrying on jelqing but increased it to 60 minutes every day. If my girth decreases in future because of no pumping I will let you know.


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