For those of you who started out with an “average” sized dick, how many of you have found that having a larger dick since PE not made any difference when it comes to pleasing a woman?Also, for those of you who think it has made a difference, do you think there’s any chance that the difference stems from more self confidence coming from having a bigger dick?
I don’t usually quote the OP, but I thought it might be appropriate here.
I was on the high side of average at 6.5 BPEL and am now at 7.75 BPEL. There are two major differences in my life. First, my sex life has changed - not necessarily for the better or worse 0 just changed. Second, my confidence level has gone way, way up - although it was good before, I may be difficult to live with now.
On the first count, my wife loved riding my 6.5, bouncing up and down on it and fucking it with reckless abandon. Now, she fucks it hard but has to be much more careful, lest I hurt her. Case in point, after giving her a toe curling orgasm the other morning, she said “Wow, that was fucking intense!” and then mentioned a few moments later “But I miss your old dick.” Different. Not necessarily better.
On the confidence part, having what might be the biggest dick in my neighborhood tipped the scales for me. Most of the wives we are around make it a habit of complaining about their husbands to my wife’s group of girls when they get together (not about sexual complaints). Most of those husbands probably deserve it because they don’t give their wives and family the attention they deserve. It’s the same with other family and friends, acquaintances and new people we meet.
So I realized - I could probably make any one of these women scream in ecstasy if given the chance. I’m pretty good looking for being 42, have a very good job, have the attractiveness of being an obviously loving husband and an attentive/fun father, have a good sense of humor, pay attention to the women at gatherings (the men usually go huddle together and talk sports - I go chat up the ladies and get to know them better) and show a little bit of my “bad side” to them by flirting and being a bit “dangerous” in this upper scale neighborhood.
Recently, I had the epiphany that this confidence should translate to any other woman I meet. So I proved it recently. I had the opportunity to go to a concert alone. While I was there, I chatted up the very hottest girl in the room (small concert - 300 people). We had a great time together and if I wasn’t married or if I was less faithful, I would have had this girl screaming in ecstasy by the end of the night. Truly - I know I could have bedded this 23 year old hottie who was, kid you not, the very hottest girl in the room. If that doesn’t say something for confidence, I don’t know what will.
Some of this confidence honestly comes just by reading all the great advice on this forum. There is so much truth here it’s amazing.