Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Have you hit a PLATEAU?

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Have you PEed for at least six months and experienced a plateau?

YES, I have experienced a plateau according to the definition below.


NO, I have not experienced a plateau according to the definition below.


I am not eligible for this poll, but I just like to take place in polls anyway.

Total Votes: 126. You may not vote on this poll

Well, I have been PEing on and off for a while now (started in February 2002), I was doing manual jelqs and stretches, and went from 5.5” BPEL x 4.5” EG to about 6.5” BPEL x 5.0” EG. That’s when I hit a plateau about 1 year ago.

When I hit a plateau, I’ve noticed that if I stop for a while, then go back to it (maybe about 1-2 months or so), then gains start happening again. Also, I noticed that after a couple of years, only erect jelqs would work. I know there’s some controversy as to whether or not erect jelqs (about 90% erect) are safe, but I have managed to do it safely and not had any major injuries from it. I will say though that I would do them only for about 10-15 min on average, and only once in a while would I go for as long as half an hour (mixed in with some regular jelqs). Not putting too much pressure and knowing your limits seems to be the key (I won’t do erect jelqs past the point of just sleight ballooning). My PE experience has involved alot of trial and error. Actually, I just recently came across this site. Boy do I wish I had run into it sooner!

• Started Feb 2002: BPEL - 5.5" x EG-4.5"•

• Clamped 12/1/06 - 3/8/07 (put on hold while I try hanging) - NBPEL - 7.0"/BPEL - 7.25" x EG - 5.00" base x 4.50"mid • Just started hanging with Capt's Wench 3/8/07!

• Current: NBPEL - 7.0"/BPEL - 7.25" x EG - 5.25" base x 5.00"mid • Goal: BPEL 8" x EG 6.0" base •

It seems as if I’ve hit a plateau since September of 2006. Does anyone out there have any suggestion to break through this plateau. I am very grateful though for the great gains I’ve received since joining Thunder’s Place. There is an awful lot of good information out there.

Measurement Date BPEL EG BPFL FG EW EV
5/13/2007 7.25 5.500 5.500 4.000 1.751 17.452
7/4/2007 7.625 5.625 5.750 4.750 1.790 19.199
7/10/2007 7.750 5.625 6.000 5.000 1.790 19.514
7/14/2007 7.750 5.625 6.000 5.000 1.790 19.514
7/24/2007 7.875 5.813 6.250 5.125 1.850 21.176
8/2/2007 8.125 5.935 6.125 5.250 1.889 22.775
9/13/2007 8.250 6.000 7.375 5.375 1.910 23.635
10/2/2007 8.250 6.000 7.375 5.375 1.910 23.635
11/29/2007 8.250 6.250 7.500 5.500 1.989 25.645
1/15/2008 8.250 6.250 7.750 5.250 1.989 25.645
3/1/2008 8.250 6.250 7.875 5.500 1.989 25.645

Commitment, Dedication And A Positive Attitude (measure gains on rest days) My Motto: "fill her up!".

2007-05-13 BPEL=7.250 EG=5.500 FL=5.500 FG=4.000 EW=1.751 EV=17.452

2008-03-01 BPEL=8.250 EG=6.250 FL=7.875 FG=5.500 EW=1.989 EV=25.645

What are you talking about JEW777??? You’re showing gains in your BPEL after Sept 2006 until Oct 2007, so I’ll assume thats what you mean, and the answer is:

Take a decon!!! Take a decon!!! Take a decon!!!


How long of decon would you suggest? Thanks for the reply.


Commitment, Dedication And A Positive Attitude (measure gains on rest days) My Motto: "fill her up!".

2007-05-13 BPEL=7.250 EG=5.500 FL=5.500 FG=4.000 EW=1.751 EV=17.452

2008-03-01 BPEL=8.250 EG=6.250 FL=7.875 FG=5.500 EW=1.989 EV=25.645

I would take a full month off doing no pe at all, except I would measure your BPFSL after a warmup periodically to see when it starts to increase. Since you’ve hit a plateau or are overtraing, your BPFSL is a great indicator that you’ve recovered and are ready to start growing again. I measure my BPFSL evertime I stretch, and if its gone down I don’t stretch again until its atleast at the previous longest measurement.

“Definition of Plateau (for the purposes of this poll):
You gained no more than .1 inches (2.54 mm) in a one month period.”

Do people gain 1 inch in just 1 month ?

Look at it again, it says .1” not 1”.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

I gained an inch in length and near inch in girth. Then hit an overtraining plateau. Now I am gaining again with a less is more approach. Paying attention to positive PIs and nearly an all jelqing routine. Want that 2 inch length gain and solid inch in girth gain.

Okay, “Guess I need to get some thicker glasses”. What movie was that line spoken in? Any takers?

Commitment, Dedication And A Positive Attitude (measure gains on rest days) My Motto: "fill her up!".

2007-05-13 BPEL=7.250 EG=5.500 FL=5.500 FG=4.000 EW=1.751 EV=17.452

2008-03-01 BPEL=8.250 EG=6.250 FL=7.875 FG=5.500 EW=1.989 EV=25.645


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