Thunder's Place

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Head discoloration - Need Remedy

Head discoloration - Need Remedy

I have been jelging and hanging for a few months and have gotten very good gains but my girlfriend has been complaining about the discoloration in the head of my dick. I have noticed it but I didn’t pay much attention to it because I also get a little bruising in the shaft of my dick and it alway goes away. The head of my dick though has a dark discoloration. Like a lot of little black dots on it.

I have been doing a pre warm up and a post warm down but I think it is just the way I stretch that forces the blood into the head of my dick and it causes, sort of speak, little blood blisters. Will these eventually go away? And is there something I can do to help this?

I have recently been trying to message the discolored area after warm up and I am rubbing arnica gel onto it as well. I have seen other posting about discoloration but it has been about the shaft of the penis not the head. The ones I get on the shaft go away in a couple of days but the ones in the head seem more serious.

"We'll, if it looks that small then you won't mind it when I stick it in your ass!"

Originally Posted by PeeFright
I have been jelging and hanging for a few months and have gotten very good gains but my girlfriend has been complaining about the discoloration in the head of my dick. I have noticed it but I didn’t pay much attention to it because I also get a little bruising in the shaft of my dick and it alway goes away. The head of my dick though has a dark discoloration. Like a lot of little black dots on it.
I have been doing a pre warm up and a post warm down but I think it is just the way I stretch that forces the blood into the head of my dick and it causes, sort of speak, little blood blisters. Will these eventually go away? And is there something I can do to help this?
I have recently been trying to message the discolored area after warm up and I am rubbing arnica gel onto it as well. I have seen other posting about discoloration but it has been about the shaft of the penis not the head. The ones I get on the shaft go away in a couple of days but the ones in the head seem more serious.

I have the same black spots on the head of my penis.. How ever mine was pre-PE or any kind of PE related stuff so I’m guessing it’s a birth mark.. And I m just wondering if it’s even possible to get rid of that.

And btw you mind showing a pic of it I want to see if it looks like mine.

My discoloration is a purple area at the tip of the glans. I hanged for a month or so, then took a three month break & it stayed to a significant degree. Since then started hanging again & I don’t care about it now. Previous posters have suggested a vitamin E lotion with arnica (sp?). Do a search.

Originally Posted by patrick jr.
My discoloration is a purple area at the tip of the glans. I hanged for a month or so, then took a three month break & it stayed to a significant degree. Since then started hanging again & I don’t care about it now. Previous posters have suggested a vitamin E lotion with arnica (sp?). Do a search.

You think that lotion would also work on my darks spots on the head which I’m guessing are birth marks because I had them before PE.

I honestly don’t know.

Bleach, anyone? :)

Seriously, the discoloration is something that will go away, but only over time. I noticed that, too, and since I hadn’t had the chance to do much PE in the past, it went away. It took some months, though.

Try massaging the penis after each session to promote bloodflow and to spread it around.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Originally Posted by Uncut4Big
Bleach, anyone? :)

Seriously, the discoloration is something that will go away, but only over time. I noticed that, too, and since I hadn’t had the chance to do much PE in the past, it went away. It took some months, though.

Try massaging the penis after each session to promote bloodflow and to spread it around.

You have any ideas about “birth mark” dark spots because I’m just I’m assuming it’s that since I had them before Peing and as a kid, on the head.

Hey, I had surgery on my penis head. I had like a varicose vein ( a hemangeoma?) and they zapped it with a laser. Now I have a scar and am considering talking to a plastic surgeon. Any suggestions? You can see me on ratemyschlong and search BCH. You can barely see it in the picture (I took it from the other side) but it has screwed me up in that I am glad that I have some decent size but feel “cheated” when I compare the perfect specimens. :)

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