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Healing, hanging and cock rings


Healing, hanging and cock rings

Hi guys,

Only my second post so maybe this should be in the newbiw section. Apologies if this is the case. I have been going for a fair few months now doing jelqs , DLD blasters, horses and hanging.

I started at 7.5 ” by 5.5 ” approximately. My atcually mileage varies with arousal. My angle of attack is still nine oclock despite 200 Kegels a day. I take one day a week off. My goal is 9 by 6.

Sometimes I get a lot of red spots from a single stretch.I started off using 2KG on my home made hanger. I soon moved up to 8 because it seemed to make no difference. I can’t exhaust my ligs. I only have 8kg of weights at home because I have only jsut started working out. However, hanging makes up a very small part of my work out.

The worst offenders for bloodspots seem to be blasters and DLD bends (the guy is a genius in my opinion).

In an attempt to aid healing I take MSM (2g a day), and yesterday added a cock ring. I have a poor angle of attack and not very strong erections, which I really miss (I’m 25 btw). After getting a load of bloodspots I put on the ring for the first time.

I ballooned in girth up to 6.5 and was rock hard. My heart was beating like crazy and I felt an adrenaline rush. It was great !! I have tried this several times and can sustain it for about half an hour. The viens were huge. I never thought it could get so big. Now if I could only do it normally.

Thanks to the ring, I think, my rather severe bruising and bloodspots were gone after six hours. Should I still wait 24 hours before continuing ?

Secondly, is it realistic to gain the 6.5 as a normal feature. I would love to have permenant rock hard erections. How should I achieve this. I’ve searched the forum but wonder if my 1 inch cock ring gain makes me different (like LOT angle etc).

Thanks guys,


How long are your kegels? The length of time that you hold each could be key to erection health.

Do you hot wrap?

What is your LOT and what angle are you hanging at?


I think my LOT is seven. I found all the lot suff quite confusing but it is seven. I try to vary my angle during hanging. Ive never done over the shoulder (12) but I try nine and six as well as to the left and the right at six and nine. Sometimes hurts my balls though…

I kegel for five seconds and have been for about half a year. I hate my erection angle. Nine seems weak to me. I do hot wrap and sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn’t . I find it wierd. Sometimes I can go for hours and nothing.

Last week I got loads from the first rep of my DLD blaster session. It didnt feel any different.

This could be the reason why you do not feel lig pulls. If your LOT is at 7:00, hanging BTC (at 6:00 or a little further) will possibly do very little for your ligs. You may need to concentrate on higher angles, and yet another possibility could be higher weights (although 8kg is quite a bit to start with) to get a good hang.

p.s. just out of curiousity, what is your cock ring like? (material etc)


I will try to hang higher. Idon’t have any other dumb bell weights in the house. 8KG is about all each arm can lift. And my dick has no problem, shameful.. I’m too scared to hang more at the moment.I have taken a LONG time to get into PE for fear of blowing my unit to smithereens or something :)

My er, “cock ring” is actually not , er technically - a cock ring.Its a piece of suede (I think) about an inch wide and 10 inches long which I had lying around . I put some holes in it and threaded a trainer lace through it. I try not to use it too long. I know I should buy a proper one but I never have the time. My damm housemates open my mail so I can’t order one.

Alright, so I’ve lurked enough. This “LOT” thing can’t be that fucking hard to figure out, but I’ll be damned if I can get it. I’ve read all the posts and did a search and still don’t get it.

I pull on my dick, while kegeling. At the point at which I cannot feel a pull back on the kegel-that is my LOT? So, if this is the correct manner in determining one’s LOT-do I then pull/hang in the opposite direction? In my case, I stop feeling a pullback at about 7: 00 or 8:00. Thanks in advance for any help, I really want to do my stretching and hanging in the right direction. Please excuse my ignorance.


"If you build it, they will come".

Hey tryn,

First, determine your LOT by sight, not by feel. When you can no longer SEE the tugback, that is your LOT.

High LOT, stretch down.

Low LOT, stretch up.

If I am wrong, SS4 will be along shortly to kick my ass.

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Ok, so I’m pullin on the champ, and when I can no longer see pullback on a kegel-that is the point of LOT?

If this is correct and I can no longer see a pullback at say 7:00 or lower, I should always stretch or hang at 8:00 or higher?

If this is true, no wonder I’ve not seen alot of growth. I’ve been hanging BTC for almost a year now. I have to admit, the few time’s I’ve hung SO-I have felt more fatigued at the end of the workout. You see, I’ve been doing the BTC gig all along since the general concensus was BTC was the way to go.

:buttrock: Man, if this is the key to gains. I’m gonna start kickin some ass in the gainers club.

"If you build it, they will come".

SS4 is busy looking at his watch and mumbling to himself, but you have my blessing. Work the upper angles.

I thought the ligs only attach at the top of the penis, so hanging up would only work the tunica. If that’s the case you would want to stretch the ligs down no matter what your LOT is.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
I thought the ligs only attach at the top of the penis, so hanging up would only work the tunica. If that’s the case you would want to stretch the ligs down no matter what your LOT is.

Not quite Redwood.
What your LOT indicates is how much stress your ligs are supporting.
A high LOT indicates your ligs are short/tight and have the potential of being stretched, allowing the internal penis to be expressed for significant gains.
A low LOT indicates your ligs are long/loose and so there is probably not much extra to be gained by targeting them.

The tunica will be stretched at any angle, it is simply for efficient to do so by stretching above you LOT (preferably OTS, as high as you can go), such that the ligs to not take any of the stress, it is concentrated on the tunica.

So does 8 or higher indicates a high LOT? And if so, you’ll want to pul up to stretch the only ligs that can be stretched? If you want to hang and have a LOT at about 8, how to you hang upward?

Ok so I was right about the ligs then, but you would stretch up so that you are putting more stretch on the tunica because there isn’t much to gain from the ligs at that point.

So this is what people talk about when their LOT raises, I’ve done a fair amount of trying to stretch ligs but my lot has actually risen. So maybe my length gains aren’t purely ligs as I thought. And if you stretch out from the bottom up and make tunica gains, you would then put more tension on the ligs again and raise your LOT, which would allow you to then gain more from stretching out the ligs again. (Am I right?)

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

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