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Heat or Cold After Workout?

Heat or Cold After Workout?

Hi Guys,

I have been reading different posts lately, and in some they reccomend heat to the penis after the workout, while others sudgest cold after workout. Which is more beneficial to healing and gains? Also, do you think that heavy bodybuilding could use resources your body would otherwise use in healing the penis after a workout? Can bodybuilding be detrimental to healing and gains?

thanks for the help,

For me cold after workout means dick shrinkage (for the moment) :)

so i guess head would be better as it keeps the blood running throght your dick. Also bodybuilding can’t be detrimental because after a hard workout the body releases significant quantities of testosterone which is needed for penis repairments after pe sessions

Started: 6 dec 2003 15 may 2004 : 7.6 x 5.9 inches Want : 8 (nbp) x 6 (head) My photo

Should you do bodybuilding before or after the PE session?

I don’t know but I think the result is the same as the testosterone level doesn’t drop within a few hours

Started: 6 dec 2003 15 may 2004 : 7.6 x 5.9 inches Want : 8 (nbp) x 6 (head) My photo


I think cold after workout is more appropriate.
After the workout you will probably get some inflammation due to the stress applied.
This initial inflammation hinder a good recover. Cold can help avoiding the initial inflammation, thats why recover will be accelerated…

Heat is better before workout, because it increases the blood flow and the penis becomes in general more flexible (see collagen elastic alterations with heat…)


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